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Anyone else have a fear of the dentist?

Queen Prawn

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I am finally getting around to making a dentist appointment and it is rather frustrating. First, I have to figure out which plan my coverage falls under (no one, insurance or HR) wants to tell me straight out. Next I have selected 7 local dentists and now have begun to call and see who is accepting new patients with my insurance. I have left several messages and hope to hear back the same day (if not, start again tomorrow with list B ).


If that wasn't enough to make me afraid of the dentist, my last interaction (1.5 yrs ago - I know, I know - changing jobs and insurance provides can cause a person to delay going to the dentist) was a painful one. I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time and there were complications - so bad, that my oral surgeon said I should have been in the hospital for the procedure. My face was swollen and bruised for 2+ weeks because of the complications. I know I have a bit of work that needs to be done and my fear of more complications is high. It's sort of funny because I was terrified of the dentist until I was about 14, then I didn't mind the dentist a bit until the oral surgery. Now, I am petrified with fear about getting back to the dentist. I am hoping one or two visits will calm my fears... Anyone have any ideas on how to quell the fears before hopping into the chair? :huh:

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I have an all-consuming, completely irrrational, get-sick-to-my-stomach-thinking-about-it fear of dentists. I would rather have practically any medical procedure done to me instead of going to teh dentist. I need to get hypnosis or domething, because now that I have kids I need to set a good example and go.

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I hate the dentest alwaystalking to you while you drool on youself and he continues to poke yourself with sharp metal objects.



Dentist- "If you flossed better you gums wouldn't be bleeding"


Mathew- "If you f***ing quit stabbing me my gums would be bleeding either"

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I hate the dentest alwaystalking to you while you drool on youself and he continues to poke yourself with sharp metal objects.



Dentist- "If you flossed better you gums wouldn't be bleeding"


Mathew- "If you f***ing quit stabbing me my gums would be bleeding either"

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks/says this! :lol:

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I absolutely love my dentist. Fan it definitely depends on the dentist. Talk to them, tell them your fears. Sounds stupid.. but it will help a lot in the long run.

I wish the dentist from my teen years was listed - he was a great dentist. He helped me a great deal with my fears. I think I like the fact he was honest with me, never did the 'This won't hurt a bit!' routine. If it was gonna hurt, he said so. He would also relate ways to relax while in 'the chair.'


If I end up at the dentist I think I will, I will probably have a heart attack in the chair. Brian's family all goes to him, but he is apparently old school when it comes to dental equipment... :o

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I wish the dentist from my teen years was listed - he was a great dentist.  He helped me a great deal with my fears.  I think I like the fact he was honest with me, never did the 'This won't hurt a bit!' routine.  If it was gonna hurt, he said so.  He would also relate ways to relax while in 'the chair.'


If I end up at the dentist I think I will, I will probably have a heart attack in the chair.  Brian's family all goes to him, but he is apparently old school when it comes to dental equipment...  :o

Mine is in Naperville.. it's a bit of a hike for you, but well worth it if you want to give him a try. Email me if you want his name & number. I also have a good one in Hickory Hills I can refer you to. She was my dentist until I graduated HS.

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I don't hate dentists, I just hate their asses when they tell me I have cavities, and then they tell me that there is nothing I could do to prevent them, not even brushing my teeth(which is actually what one of my dentists told me one time). Then they did this stupid ass laser s*** which supposedly tells you if you have a cavity before it is visible. My ass. If you can't see it, it isn't there.


And then the drilling....that's what scares the hell out of me. My mouth is numb as hell and I can still feel that drill grinding against my teeth, and every now and then tooth parts fly out and hit you in the face. Goddamn I hate that s***.


I don't mind checkups where they just clean my teeth....no harm in that.

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The mindless chit-chat when my dentist comes in following the teeth cleaning is so terrible. Usually because me and the hygenist spend like 15 minutes waiting for the stupid doctor to come in and give me the final check. Then he starts asking me all this s*** about my school and life after I had just gone over all this with the hygenist. My dentist doesnt really DO anything.

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The mindless chit-chat when my dentist comes in following the teeth cleaning is so terrible.  Usually because me and the hygenist spend like 15 minutes waiting for the stupid doctor to come in and give me the final check.  Then he starts asking me all this s*** about my school and life after I had just gone over all this with the hygenist.  My dentist doesnt really DO anything.

Ha I second that....and the worst is when they're trying to have a convo w/ you while they have a mirror and a pick in your mouth? "So how's school going for you this year?" "Uhhh, es oin ood." How are we supposed to be talking then?

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Only when I hav a filling  :lol: , but I only go once a year and I haven't had braces so I'm glad for that.

I haven't had braces yet, but that is next on the agenda. Get the work done that I need done and then gear up for braces. Being 27 and having braces probably won't be fun, but gotta get it done.

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