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Here in Chicagoland, we're experiencing a heat wave. It went from about 2 to 14 in the last 2 hours. Where's that damn tanning lotion?


My cat finally caught the mouse that's been terrorizing my kitchen for a month, but he didn't kill it. He just bit it in the neck and hurt it. I threw it on the back porch, and a half-hour later, he was a mousecicle. That's how nasty it is here. The wind blowing doesn't help matters, either.


I hate winter. :angry:

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This sucks.

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Here in Chicagoland, we're experiencing a heat wave.  It went from about 2 to 14 in the last 2 hours.  Where's that damn tanning lotion? 


My cat finally caught the mouse that's been terrorizing my kitchen for a month, but he didn't kill it.  He just bit it in the neck and hurt it.  I threw it on the back porch, and a half-hour later, he was a mousecicle.  That's how nasty it is here.  The wind blowing doesn't help matters, either. 


I hate winter. :angry:

The afternoon was much better.. but back to -25 windchill again this morning. Everything in the garage was frozen.


As for our mouse update... Thanks to Sidney, we found the source. There was a spot in the garage where the wall was not so even at the bottom and there was about a 1/4 inch gap between the foundation and the bottom of the drywall.. and that's where they were. At night they would come out and run under the stairs. So we got some poison and Jim cut up a 2X4.. shoved the poison in the hole by the foundation and cauked (sp?) up the hole. Shoved some more poison under the stairs and nailed the pieces of 2X4 to seal the holes and that's that. The cat is pissed though.. :lol:

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Cats are special, aren't they? Laura and I are so grateful that Rafiki lets us live in his house. :lol: I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.


Cats don't know why they do the things they do, but they can't help it. Instinct is just too strong - not only in cats, but in humans as well.

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Cats are special, aren't they?  Laura and I are so grateful that Rafiki lets us live in his house. :lol: I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. 


Cats don't know why they do the things they do, but they can't help it.  Instinct is just too strong - not only in cats, but in humans as well.

Oh.. Jim and I are completely appreciative that Sidney and Sam allow us to reside in THEIR house.. :lol:


They rule things.. they really do. But they are such great cats. They are almost like dogs. Come when you call them, hop into bed when we get in. Sam lays right next to me with his head on the pillow. And they talk up a storm to Jim when he's in the bathroom shaving... they meow, he says what and they meow back. The mouse thing was a true adventure. I don't know if you read about what happened before, but the first one Sidney brought upstairs was when I was sleeping and Jim was in the shower.. Sidney took it to the bathroom and meow'd until Jim got out of the shower to give it to him... and I do mean give it to him. Jim held out his hand and Sid placed the mouse in it.

Not all people can be cat owners.. they are a lot different than dogs (as we've learned that, too). But what a rewarding relationship when it works out...

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Brian's sister's cat likes to talk as well.


Hamsters don't talk much unless you sit on them or they are little and scared of the dark/being by themselves in a big ole cage. It's really cool when they learn their names, like the one in my avatar - Stinkus. She sends me off to work and welcomes me home - she took over for Stinky Butt when he died in October. Stinky Butt II seems to be in at a teenager type stage, but he still likes to play (as long as you give him a treat or three).


Having a lil baby hamster is cool too. Fuzziwig is maybe two months old (we bought him on Christmas Eve). Watching him figure out how to use the 'stuffing' to make a bed is fun and yesterday he learned how to use his teeth - OUCH! After nipping at my finger, he decided my nose looked tasty, stopped him just in time.

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We adopted Rafiki 3 years ago - he was going to be put to sleep by Laura's mean witch sister (as you can tell, I dislike her with a passion).


He was already 8 years old, and had lived in Hell. Her husband threw things at him all the time and yelled at him, and her 2 sons (demon spawn if I've ever seen it) used to try to ride him, and they threw Matchbox cars and stuff at him and all that other crap that little boys do. We went to her house to help them pack their stuff because they were moving, and I'm standing in their bedroom packing stuff off the dresser - and here comes this gray cat who looks up at me. I know he's going to be put to sleep, so I look down and say, "You're a dead man walking, aren't you?" He immediately rubs up against my right leg and meows at me. I look across the room at Laura, and I say, "We're taking him home. " Laura says, "But you are horribly allergic to cats." I say, "I don't give a s*** - I will get used to it. There's no way he's dying. He's coming home with us."


Needless to say, his adjustment to our house took about 2 weeks, but now he's as happy as a clam. He gets 3 types of food, catnip regularly (since I remember how nice "weed" made me feel in my younger years), and he gets petted constantly. He purrs at least 10 times a day, and he has the run of the house. He has 3 beds to sleep on, as well as 4 couches, and any other spot. He is so happy - I can't even begin to tell you how happy he is. Now he jumps in my lap all the time, he meows at me, and I love to get "slimed" by him (he rubs his nose on my chin). And I'm not having any allergic reactions the last 2 1/2 years. I've become immune to his fur and dander. He's our "boo bear," and I wouldn't trade the furbag for a million dollars. And yes, I love him dearly. He's a "freak," meaning that he's about 17 lbs and he has very large paws.


Sorry to make such a long post, but I figured I'd just "share."

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Ours do the same "head-butt" think you described... :lol:


They are part of the family.. I can't imagine life without them. Jim had cats before and had such horror stories (his kids are satans spawn!!) and never thought he could ever have a "relationship" with one, much less 2.. now I think he's more attached they I am and they were mine to begin with.. LOL


Thank you for sharing.. and hugs to you and Laura for saving the little guy!!

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I only hope that we have him for a long time. Cats (when healthy) can live 20+ years. I hope that's the case with Rafiki. Laura is gone for a few days in New Orleans, and I'm here just with him. It's so nice to have another "person" to talk to, even though he looks at me and doesn't understand what I'm saying. He's like my "Wilson" (the volleyball that Tom Hanks had in "Castaway.")


My only complaint is that he eats the grass off of our shoes in the Summer and then pukes it up on the kitchen floor. Other than that, he's all good.


For the record, he was named "Rafiki" before "The Lion King" even came out. My evil sister-in-law's husband is from Africa, and "Rafiki" means "good friend" in their language. As I type this, he's laying in the spare bedroom curled up in a ball. And he left his normal trail of cat food on the kitchen floor, which ends up between my toes. It hurts a little. :D

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I completely understand where you're coming from..


Most of the time Sam lays on his back, all sprawled out. And Sidney likes to nap on the top of the refrig.. Sam follows me around everywhere, almost tripping me at least 10 times on the way to the shower in the morning. And he waits outside the door for me to come out. They have routines. It's pretty cool.


Sidney is named after the character on Melrose Place which was the show that was on the night I brought him home. (got them both from the CRAWL - Chicago Ridge Animal Welfare League). Sam is named for the character Alyssa Milano played on Who's the Boss which was also the first thing that came on the TV when I brought him home..


Before that I had kitty 1 and kitty 2... siblings from the same litter who after 2 years were found to have a form of feline lukemia.. no s***. The odds of that are like 1 in 250K litters! That almost killed me, but I'm glad I got these two guys. Sid is 8 and Sam is 7.. they should be around for quite a while longer... hopefully.

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I walked downstairs a few minutes ago, and he meowed at me. I couldn't figure it out. I mean, "Meow" can mean so many things. So I go into the kitchen to refill my cup with soda, and he meows again. I still don't get it.


Finally, I look at his dish, and he's out of water. I just filled it this morning. Someone is very thirsty!


Needless to say, I truly think that having him will prepare me for having children in the next few years. Cats puke, and so do kids. Cats wake you up, and so do kids. Cats bug you when something is wrong, and so do kids.


However, I will be really disturbed if I have a kid who attacks mice or scribbles on the walls with crayons. :bang :lol:

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This sucks.

I hate you. No, seriously, I hate you! :lol:

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