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The Official Soxtalk Dem. Caucus


Which dem gets your backing?  

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  1. 1. Which dem gets your backing?

    • Wesley Clark
    • Howard Dean
    • John Edwards
    • Dick Gephardt
    • John Kerry
    • Dennis Kucinich
    • Joe Lieberman
    • Carol Moseley Braun
    • Al Sharpton
    • GW

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I thing Bush has been a great president...IF you are a rich corporate white male! Everyone else has been "boned" by the Bush Administration. If his administration had been subject to special investigations (as was Clinton's), the "whitewater" scandal would look like nothing (see Ken Lay/Dick Cheney re. Enron!).


When you have a situation wherein < 5% of the population controls > 95% of the nation's money, PLUS a president who's main interest is maintaining this status quo, then your president can only represent a small minority of Americans. (I guess this makes sense when you consider that he didn't get a majority vote win anyway!)



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Well since you decided to selectively quote me I'll just add in something you missed, or ignored.





Dont tell me that there wasn't funny business on both sides of the issue here.  Like Gore wanting a recount, but only in a handful of heavily Democratic counties instead of statewide. 


That wont be a problem this time around because Bush is going to win big in '04.

The "selective" quote was in the interest of space - not making everyone scroll through again. The voters (black, white, or, green) unjustly taken off the rolls were taken off at the request of the Governer of the state who obviously had an interest in the outcome and obviously also way more influence in getting that outcome than could be justified by anyone.


On the other hand, the media is the media, always looking to scoop the other sources and usually screwing things up along the way. I agree with you that when the media begins to make and affect rather than report the news it is a real problem.


Still, there is a big difference between the media screwing up a story because there is a reward for whoever blabs it faster, and the Governer of Florida KNOWINGLY deleting 50K+ legitimate voters from the rolls.


Gore was willing to see a statewide recount done and eventually it was started. Th ecounter-argument to a recount was the time it would take to manually count everything and so the Gore party selected the counties most in need of recounts. Eventualluy, enough irregularities (in both Democratic and Republican strongholds) opened the way for a state-wide recount, but the Supreme Court stopped it before it got off the ground.


Again, some of my surprise at being called hypocritical centered around your wanting to put hanging chad and Pat Bucchanan arguments in my mouth, and they were not there.

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When you have a situation wherein 95% of the nation's money, PLUS a president who's main interest is maintaining this status quo, then your president can only represent a small minority of Americans.

What is the President supposed to do about this? Pull a Robin Hood and steal from the rich and give to the poor? What it sounds like you want is a redistribution of wealth like a Communist regime. This is a free market society, there's only so much that can be done.

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What is the President supposed to do about this? Pull a Robin Hood and steal from the rich and give to the poor? What it sounds like you want is a redistribution of wealth like a Communist regime. This is a free market society, there's only so much that can be done.

That's what a lot of these leftists around here would love to do. It's all about jealousy really but if they really had any brains they would be trying to emulate these "evil" rich people instead of spending their lives whining about them.


It's easy to sit there and complain about other people with money. It's easy to sit around and cry about what you dont have. What's hard is actually going out there and being successful and making your own wealth instead of whining about others.


Wealth in this country, contrary to the assertions of the left, is not a zero-sum game. You can get rich yourself if you're smart about your money and willing to bust your ass.

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