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How young is too young?


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miss sox4life and I are 4 years apart. It depends on the chick. I know alot of hot younger girls and some are mature and some aren't. There's nothing wrong with getting to know her, I'd just make sure she's 18 before any insertion goes on :lol:


I'd see where it goes

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Here's the situation, I'd like to get the take of the members of the board.


I work at an office supplies store, which directly in front of, there is a Skyline Chilli.  Sometimes during breaks I go into Skyline to eat or with another employee just to sit and talk.  Anyhow, there's a girl that works in there that always talks to me everytime I go in there.  It's pretty damn obvious she wants me to talk to her whenever I go in there.  So today I was talking to this girl and I think to myself, I wonder how old this girl actually is.  So I ask her and she says 17.  Now all along I thought she was 18 or 19, but 17, that's awful young.


So I went back in there later on and she starts talking to me again and asks how old I am and I tell her (21) along with telling her I'm too old for her.  She replies with no you're not and just gives me this look.  At this point one of my co-workers who happens to be female is in there with me just looks at me then I leave because my break was over.  So my co-worker comes back and tells me that once I left this girl wouldn't shut up about me.  So anyway to make a long story short, how young is too young?  This girl is hot, don't get me wrong, but she is 17.  What's a kid to do?

If it would be 25 -21 it would be better 21- 17 ..... 17 yr olds are still kinda ignorant and remember who can't go out for a drink or anything cause she can't drink. I don't knwo what ever you feel is right..


If it's just for some Boottyyy well...... :headbang

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If it's just for some Boottyyy well...... :headbang

No way to that, only way I'm doing anything with this chick is if I actually like her. There's girl's my age whom I can associate with if I wish to not have anything meaningful.

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Man, I now am reminded of a great movie: Milking the Cow


The guy thinks he falls in love...only to find out its really an overdeveloped 12 year old so the cops come and arrest him :lol:

Nowhere were the words love or arrested implied in this thread...Wake up Gage.

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ohhhhhhhhh snap.


some of us aren't blessed with good looks like gage and aboz :rolleyes:


ok, I do...but I'm sure there are others....I've seen begood's pic ;)

BEGOOD now PA. There's no need to get looks invovled in this. :lol:

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A situation like this calls for some good advice and whenever I need good advice I consult Pop Metal music. This situation calls for the brilliance of Winger.


She's only seventeen

Her daddy says she's to young

but she's old enough for me


Ahh pop metal, is there any problem it can't solve.

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too young is only younger than you're comfortable with. (within the law of course)... I know when I was just before my 21st birthday, I was "great freinds" with a 17 year old. She really wanted to date, but I couldn't bring myself to it.


After my 21st I started dating a 25y.o. I was comfortable there, but not with a HSer... to tell you the truth it wasn't the fact that she was 17, it was that she was in HS, I nearly had to go a prom. I hate dances, I didn't even go to mine.


so present day, I'm 24, seeing a 21 y.o., her birthday was Jan 1. I'm comfortable with that...


So I say go for it. Get to know her before you do anything. she's likely to be a little emotianally insecure, but if you can deal, GO FOR IT :headbang

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A situation like this calls for some good advice and whenever I need good advice I consult Pop Metal music. This situation calls for the brilliance of Winger.


She's only seventeen

Her daddy says she's to young

but she's old enough for me


Ahh pop metal, is there any problem it can't solve.

if we're in a musical mood...


Hey momma look at me

Aren't you proud aren't you happy

I am a ladies man

I got my woman in the palm of my hand

I know she's only 12

I can't get anyone else

I know she's only 12

But she looks 13

I met her at Disneyland

Never thought I'd get to hold her hand

All the younger guys are looking at her

But she likes me cuz I'm so much older

Little girl I'll pick you up at 8

Don't worry we won't be late

We can't get down and dirty

Cuz I have to have you home by 9:30


/Jeffries Fan Club

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Ahh pop metal, is there any problem it can't solve.

Well, it does seem to have trouble with the problem of how not to suck... :D


and Aboz, 4 years is not that bad between 21 and 17, and will become less and less of a problem if you end up dating her long-term.

If you talk to her more and like her, keep going - it's all good.


And BTW, it's nice to see a "young'un" with a mature attitude about dating.

Of course, you could just be playing the "sensitive caring guy" gimmick... :P

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A situation like this calls for some good advice and whenever I need good advice I consult Pop Metal music. This situation calls for the brilliance of Winger.


She's only seventeen

Her daddy says she's to young

but she's old enough for me


Ahh pop metal, is there any problem it can't solve.

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Nuke....

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Aboz, the age of consent in Kentucky is 16.  No worries there.  You said you wouldn't use her, which is cool.  But, it sounds like she's wanting to use some of you.  :lol:

Let's hope she doesn't want to just use me, I couldn't take the emotional stress...

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miss sox4life and I are 4 years apart.

I'm 4.5 years younger than Brian. It cracks me up to think about how I was in 8th grade when he was graduating high school.


I really don't think there is anything wrong with 17 and 21, but then again I was dating a 21 (just a few months shy of 22) when I was 18. I guess the difference between 17 and 18 makes all the difference, legally speaking of course.

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Yikes... a debate over 4 years... :o


I have a feeling some of you might s*** a brick if you knew the age difference between Jim and I..


And Abo.. girls mature much faster than guys.. so while she might be 17 in years.. she's likely already picked out her China pattern for when she's 25 ;)

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Yikes... a debate over 4 years...  :o


I have a feeling some of you might s*** a brick if you knew the age difference between Jim and I..


And Abo.. girls mature much faster than guys.. so while she might be 17 in years.. she's likely already picked out her China pattern for when she's 25  ;)

It depends when in life:






How about ten years:


80-70? 30-20? 21-11?

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