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Good News for the Future


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I'm 30 years old- what is good about this you say?


Chances are that I'll outlive Reinsdorf, and sometime in my lifetime the Sox will have a new owner. Thats something to look forward to. These last 4 years were the best chance for the Sox to really go for it. The times are changing and fast. KW has demolished our minor league system in an attempt to go for it, but had Reinsdorf spent some $ he wouldn't have had to try to pull off some of these miracle trades.


I just can't understand it, attendence wasn't bad last year- why decide to be cheap this year?

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For everyone who didn't get it the first time around, here it is again.......


Call him cheap if you want to, that's okay. But the proposed $58 million payroll (of which we are $4 million over right now) is $7 Million higher than last year's $51 million!


Everyone talks as if the Sox are cutting payroll, which is not true. It just seems so because we didn't have to pay for Alomar or Everett last year. Those guys were otained to give the team a shot to win, not to increase payroll $15-$20 million this year.


So if a $7 million dollar increase is not enough, call him cheap. But let's not talk like we are going backwards here!

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Too bad we can't use the 25th Amendment on him:


Amendment XXV

Section 1. In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.


Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.


Section 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.


Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.


Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

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but in the case of talent, we are going backwards.


We've replaced Colon, Everett, Alomar, Sullivan, Graffanino, Gordon, Daubach (not that he's that great of a loss)




Uribe, Politte and a bunch of minor league guys.


To be honest I could care less about total payroll. I could have a team full of Mark Buehrle's and their $350k 2002 salaries as long as the talent level is there.

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For everyone who didn't get it the first time around, here it is again.......


Call him cheap if you want to, that's okay.  But the proposed $58 million payroll (of which we are $4 million over right now) is $7 Million higher than last year's $51 million!


Everyone talks as if the Sox are cutting payroll, which is not true.  It just seems so because we didn't have to pay for Alomar or Everett last year.  Those guys were otained to give the team a shot to win, not to increase payroll $15-$20 million this year. 


So if a $7 million dollar increase is not enough, call him cheap.  But let's not talk like we are going backwards here!

Hi! I'm not real big in the finance department, and I see your defense in the payroll proposal. My question is, if there are so many claims that we don't have the money, and that we don't sign HIGH quality players because we have a payroll budget to look out for, then what happened to, and where was the money coming from when we offered Colon 12Mil per year, Gordon 2Mil per year and Alomar 2Mil

per year? Heck, KW said that he even tried to work something out with Everett as well! How is it we can offer these players contracts where it would put us over 70 Mil, but all of a sudden we cannot sign Top Quality because of no money, or budget? Not trying to be a wise guy! I just don't inderstand the logic!

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the idea that good news is someone will die escapes me other than everyone who thinks it is good for someone else to die, they will die too


the last 4 seasons (00-03) were not our best years to go for it inthe recent past - that would have been 93-95. Now that is something to be angry about and I still am. But I can't b**** at JR now.


Especially because for everyone who fails to pay attention to things, when JR did the USCF deal he extended the Sox lease at the ball park to go into the 2020s - 2023 I think but I could be wrong by a year or so - so that after he dies or no longer has a role to play in the Sox, the team will remain in Chicago


JR did not have to do that - that was a damned good move - he saved us from moving when he bought the team and he took action to keep the Sox in Chicago when he is gone and whatever his other failings have been, every Sox fan owes him thanks and respect for that.


Bashing JR is tiresome. Some new thoughts would be appreciated.

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Hi! I'm not real big in the finance department, and I see your defense in the payroll proposal. My question is, if there are so many claims that we don't have the money, and that we don't sign HIGH quality players because we have a payroll budget to look out for, then what happened to, and where was the money coming from when we offered Colon 12Mil per year, Gordon 2Mil per year and Alomar 2Mil

per year? Heck, KW said that he even tried to work something out with Everett as well!  How is it we can offer these players contracts where it would put us over 70 Mil, but all of a sudden we cannot sign Top Quality because of no money, or budget? Not trying to be a wise guy! I just don't inderstand the logic!

I think only JR/KW can speak for that. Sometimes JR may be willing to go above what he and the shareholders have set as the payroll, other times he isn't. I think if a move legitimately makes the Sox a world series contender, he'll listen, keeping Colon here would of done so. The Sox made a fair offer, but the Angels offer was ridiculously good and Colon couldn't possibly turn it down.


Now I think JR is in the mode where he doesn't think any one signing will put this team over that top, at least not at this point.


*This is merely me speculating*

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Jerry Krause brought SIX world championships to Chicago, and people still hated him. I was amazed at his ovation when I was at the game when they retired his banner. Even though he dismantled the team, he built that team, he built a dynasty. It seems like every owner is hated in Chicago, even when they win.

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Not true...if someone like Mark Cuban or just ran the team and made a big time committment to winning and the Sox won the series, they would be LOVED.

not true


the Dallas players hate Cuban and his duplicity - something I have been hearing and there was a good sized article about it in the Trib the Sunday before New Years day - the players hate him -


Cuban has won nothing as an owner but the contempt of the people who play for him

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Stan Smith

Chicago Tribune


Sports section, page 2

getting this cost me $2.95 but for those who only follow the SI glitz, my gift...



Dallas soap opera: We know how players get a coach fired. They just curtail their effort. But how do players get an owner fired? It turns out padded slippers and fluffy towels aren't enough to overcome Mark Cuban's insincerity, disingenuousness, hypocrisy and pretension. Anyone get the picture here? The Mavs players surely have. They are 17-12, which would be cause for celebration with the Bulls. But the Mavs were 25-4 at this time last year. And they're 4- 10 on the road, the only top Western team with a losing road record. There has been talk of Dirk Nowitzki's bothersome ankles and Michael Finley's injuries and slump. But insiders and players say the same spirit and drive are gone, emptied by the double dealing and personal aggrandizement of owner Cuban. It's one reason why All- Star guard Steve Nash talked of going to Toronto when he becomes a free agent.


Players are confused about the constant personnel changes, like the deals for Antoine Walker and Antawn Jamison that have left only five players from last season's conference finals team. Even now, Cuban is talking about taking on troublesome Rasheed Wallace. Promises to popular veterans like Tim Hardaway and Nick Van Exel were broken. Players were upset with Cuban's obsessive courtship of Pat Riley last season that held up coach Don Nelson's extension. Now, insiders say, Cuban will dump Nelson the minute Riley says he'll come aboard.


To no one's surprise, Cuban is blaming Nelson and his staff for the struggles this season. "The issue isn't so much with our players as it is with our coaching staff just drilling them and drilling them and drilling them to death," Cuban said last week. "In terms of personnel, I wouldn't change it for anything." Until he does. Dallas has now become one of the most unfriendly places in the NBA for players.

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I dont care what that article says, Cuban wants to win, and he wants the best guys money can by. 5 years ago The Mavricks were the Bengals of the NBA. Now there a powerhouse, and have a very UNDERACHIEIVNG team. Cant always blame managment for that.

Yet so many can blame the Sox management for the under achieving team last year.

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Yet so many can blame the Sox management for the under achieving team last year.

I blame the team for being subpar last season and I blame Uncle Jerry Manuel. Manuel couldnt manage his way out of a wet paper bag and as a result the team mailed in the 1st half of the season. It wasnt till KW brought in Alomar and Everett that the team got off its ass and started playing some ball.

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I dont care what that article says, Cuban wants to win,

not caring what reality is because you buy the image is your option


Cuban wants to showboat


that is what throwing around all his money and buying the media image is all about


in the real world people like Cuban always end up alienating everyone around them because they grandstand and posture and act like the big kingpen rather than keep their word or respect others


or know what they are doing


money can buy you a team but it does not buy anything else

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not caring what reality is because you buy the image is your option


Cuban wants to showboat


that is what throwing around all his money and buying the media image is all about


in the real world people like Cuban always end up alienating everyone around them because they grandstand and posture and act like the big kingpen rather than keep their word or respect others


or know what they are doing


money can buy you a team but it does not buy anything else


Certainly hope that some of those blowhards at WSCR saw that article.

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