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Bush's "conservativism"


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NUKE, did you not see the polls before the war that over 60% of the US was against a war, and more than that against a pre-emptive strike without a UN resolution? He IS slashing and burning education by underfunding his own bill then putting draconian measures in place so schools have to spend more money trying to meet his test requirements instead of using them to teach kids things they actually need to know. He increased funding 11% but when you look at the bill, the amount he gave is drastically under the amount needed for schools to adequately meet the requirements given by NCLB. It is for this reason, that even with they funds they can't meet the requirements, that many schools are opting out.


The Taliban is wiped out? HAHAHAHA. That's rich. That's why 30% of India and a good majority of Pakistan believes in the ideology of the Taliban, especially the far right wing of the military there that has a lot of the power. And even in Afghanistan, seeing how we don't have control of anything outside Kabul, the Taliban has been coming back together. We bagged the 'Butcher of Baghdad' with no mention that we armed him with the weapons that he could carry out his destruction on his own people with...and when it happened we never said a goddamn word. And hey, if we're gonna get technical with Kurds as freedom fighters maybe you can explain to me why we arm Iraqi Kurds to fight Saddam because he is killing them, destroying their villages etc. Yet we arm the Turkish army and declare Turkish Kurds "terrorists" because they fight back against the Turkish military when the Turks come in and destroy the 3000 villages to blow up "Kurdistan". Geo-politics involving the US seems to be quite absurd. And Nuke, Libya was paying reparations for Pan Am flight over Lockerbie a long time ago and that wasn't a Bush accomplishment. Iran isn't complying with a lot of the UN measures and they're not "Oh look at what the US did, we must bend over and let the President Bush f*** us in the ass and do whatever the hell he wants." They're pissed...the people of Iraq are pissed, the people of Afghanistan are pissed and Al Qaeda has shown a marked increase in membership. How exactly are we curbing terrorism?

Or is it that Richard Perle said that it doesn't matter that we didn't find WMD in Iraq? That sonofab****! We kill 500 Americans and countless thousands of Iraqi civilians for "Saddam is gonna attack us with WMD!" as a rallying cry for war. That f***ing sonofab****!

And Nuke, here's a tip for you...N. Korea has been willing to talk for a long time. They are using nukes as a bargaining chip to get money, food and other concessions from the world community. There is no intent to nuke anybody. Anyone who thinks that needs to have their f***ing head examined. Kim Jong Il might be crazy but he's not stupid.

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NUKE, did you not see the polls before the war that over 60% of the US was against a war, and more than that against a pre-emptive strike without a UN resolution?  He IS slashing and burning education by underfunding his own bill then putting draconian measures in place so schools have to spend more money trying to meet his test requirements instead of using them to teach kids things they actually need to know.  He increased funding 11% but when you look at the bill, the amount he gave is drastically under the amount needed for schools to adequately meet the requirements given by NCLB.  It is for this reason, that even with they funds they can't meet the requirements, that many schools are opting out.


The Taliban is wiped out?  HAHAHAHA.  That's rich.  That's why 30% of India and a good majority of Pakistan believes in the ideology of the Taliban, especially the far right wing of the military there that has a lot of the power.  And even in Afghanistan, seeing how we don't have control of anything outside Kabul, the Taliban has been coming back together.  We bagged the 'Butcher of Baghdad' with no mention that we armed him with the weapons that he could carry out his destruction on his own people with...and when it happened we never said a goddamn word.  And hey, if we're gonna get technical with Kurds as freedom fighters maybe you can explain to me why we arm Iraqi Kurds to fight Saddam because he is killing them, destroying their villages etc.  Yet we arm the Turkish army and declare Turkish Kurds "terrorists" because they fight back against the Turkish military when the Turks come in and destroy the 3000 villages to blow up "Kurdistan".  Geo-politics involving the US seems to be quite absurd.  And Nuke, Libya was paying reparations for Pan Am flight over Lockerbie a long time ago and that wasn't a Bush accomplishment.  Iran isn't complying with a lot of the UN measures and they're not "Oh look at what the US did, we must bend over and let the President Bush f*** us in the ass and do whatever the hell he wants."  They're pissed...the people of Iraq are pissed, the people of Afghanistan are pissed and Al Qaeda has shown a marked increase in membership.  How exactly are we curbing terrorism?

Or is it that Richard Perle said that it doesn't matter that we didn't find WMD in Iraq?  That sonofab****!  We kill 500 Americans and countless thousands of Iraqi civilians for "Saddam is gonna attack us with WMD!" as a rallying cry for war.  That f***ing sonofab****!

And Nuke, here's a tip for you...N. Korea has been willing to talk for a long time.  They are using nukes as a bargaining chip to get money, food and other concessions from the world community.  There is no intent to nuke anybody.  Anyone who thinks that needs to have their f***ing head examined.  Kim Jong Il might be crazy but he's not stupid.

Apu...I disagree with you on one point...the US doesn't need anything from the UN! The UN needs the US, but I feel we should get out of the UN, and kick them out of New York.


The US gets ZERO benefits from being members of the UN.

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I4E, I'm just stating the hypocricy of the US in our Iraq policy.


I dunno if you read the Boondocks but there is one that shows Huey watching TV and the news reporter says something along the lines of: "President Bush said it will take nothing short of completely disregarding the United Nations to show Saddam that he cannot disregard the United Nations."

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I4E, I'm just stating the hypocricy of the US in our Iraq policy.


I dunno if you read the Boondocks but there is one that shows Huey watching TV and the news reporter says something along the lines of: "President Bush said it will take nothing short of completely disregarding the United Nations to show Saddam that he cannot disregard the United Nations."

:D I liked that. :D

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Apu, 2 quick points.


1.) To say that Bush "slashed" funding is an inaccurate statement. You cannot technically cut money by adding 11% to funding. I understand your point with the higher DOE requirements creating a financial strain on school districts, but I feel that your (liberals in general) use of "slash" is inaccurate.


2.) The Libyan reparations for PanAm 103 were made under Bush's watch. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5260/...sation2002.html


As far as me voting libertarian, they will nominate their ticket on May 30th. I have no idea if they will be on the ballot here in OK. Considering Bush will win in a landslide this Nov. coupled with the fact that OK's electoral votes are already in his pocket, I just might vote Libertarian being I won't be harming Bush's chance at re-election nor will I be helping Dean or Clark. I guess it's that or just not vote.


You seem like you're probably a Kucinich supporter (I love the fact he talks about instant runoff voting, a much needed change to our election process) but who do you think will win the dem's nomination? Do you think that any of them can beat Bush?

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I am a pretty big Kucinich supporter although I do like a lot of the stuff the Libertarians say about personal freedoms [i differ vastly on economic freedoms that they believe in] I think the Dems nod is gonna end up going to Dean or Clark since most recent polls show them only a few points apart. I think a Clark getting the nod with Dean VP would be the best for the Democrats. I mean, there's not much Rove can spin on Clark because Clark can always go to the "Well, I served my country while Bush went AWOL" argument going to Bush's willpower and focus on defending the country. This leaves Dean open to do what he's doing now, going after the hypocricy in policy, showing the shortfalls of NCLB etc. and maybe that'll bring Cheney out of his 'undisclosed location' haha.


If they don't put the Libertarian candidate on, you can always write in.


I concur that 'slash' is an inaccurate statement.

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With the recent immigration business, I think that giving jobs to illegal immigrants equates to taking them from legal citizens. It is a zero sum game. I think it was in California where Gray Davis attempted some similar immigration reforms and lost heavy support from the minorities because he was taking away their jobs and also some of the legitimacy of their legally obtained citizenships. Just my 2 cents.

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As an environmentalist and, I don't need anything other (though there's lots more) than his environmental record to want him gone.

Environmentaly I have a problem with both parties.


With the Republicans we'll have far fewer lands to use, but we can use them. With the Dems we'll have more lands, but there will be restrictions on how they can be used.

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With the recent immigration business, I think that giving jobs to illegal immigrants equates to taking them from legal citizens.

Ask a restaurant owner or car wash operator or a farmer or meat packing plant how many people are lined up to fill their openings.


Farmers need a large number of workers for a couple weeks and then they are unemployed. How many teenagers do you know that will work 12-15 hours per day bent over in fields picking vegetables? Each town needs hundreds of workers. Crops are ready to be picked in waves across the US. Migrants start here in the Rio Grande Valley in winter and follow the crops to Canada and back. Their labor allows cheap produce on our shelves.


A guest worker program allows these people to come here and fill these jobs and have a small amount of protection from freedy owners and others who will exploit them.

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