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Concussion question


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Today in gym I collided head to head at full speed with a classmate. The collisions landed us both on the floor but neither of us were unconcious. I got the worst of the blow because the side of the my head hit the top of his head. I was a little unstable at first, but suffered no immediate memory, vision or realization problems. But now I have a bad headache (even with tylenol) and obviously a large welt by my eye.


So my questions are

Is it possible that I have a light concussion? If so are there any home remedies to lighten the pain?

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I know you can have a mild concussion, though I've never had one.


I wish I could tell you more, but I cannot. The last time I hit my head hard was when some kid tripped my ass and I went from standing up to laying on the ground in less then a second or so it felt, and my head hit a tiled gym.

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I know you can have a mild concussion, though I've never had one.


I wish I could tell you more, but I cannot.  The last time I hit my head hard was when some kid tripped my ass and I went from standing up to laying on the ground in less then a second or so it felt, and my head hit a tiled gym.

It's always in the gym...

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You'll be fine. When I was younger, I got so many of those welts (insert joke here). I must have gotten three in the span of a year at one point. Yeah it hurts like a b**** but you didn't black out or anything. You'll live. One time a soccer ball flew into my eye from three feet away, and I fell down and banged my head on the floor. My eye was bleeding but I didn't even get a concussion then, which should give you an idea how hard you have to get hit to get one.

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and if the pain doesn't go away by tomorrow or Sunday you need to go see the doctor

thanks for the advice.


My dad had a severe concussion four years ago that knocked him out for a good 5 minutes and for an hour he couldn't remember anything about himself except his social security number. In the months following he was very lathargic and depressed, and actually didn't feel normal until he fell and got another concussion.


So if this minor concussion has any lingering affects, I might just have to run into somebody in gym class again to straighten my brain out :lol:

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In the months following he was very lathargic and depressed, and actually didn't feel normal until he fell and got another concussion.

not a recommended procedure!!!!!!!!!!



I had a concussion once from falling down the stairs and went to the doctor the next day when I was still unable to stand up



after the MRIs and everything else, turned out I was having incredibly low blood pressure from - quitting smoking. Which is why I was fainting at the top of the stairs and falling down them --


but the doc knew to look for something when the MRIs showed clear -


never understand a reluctance to go to the doctor - I don't want to me a suffering macho guy, I want to be the macho stud I am knowing I have no medical problems holding back my life! Something gets in my way, I check it out! :lol: :headbang

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if you still have a headache tomorrow have it checked out....better safe than sorry...head injuries are funny things...you can get seriously rocked and have it be nothing..then a slight bump to the head could cause something serious...seen alot of them coaching football (had my share too)...you never can tell whats going on

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Some spit and tape should do you fine.


That is something you just need to live with. Many times, people think they have concussions when they really do not. I wouldn't go see a doctor. What could he do for you? All he would say is take some Advil (no s***, wow doctors are smart). If you do go to the doctor, make sure you get some of their good stuff, I'm talking hospital strength stuff. That s*** works wonders.

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Yea, when I'm wrestling and I get my head slammed on the mat. I see a flash of lightening bolts in my eyes, and I get the feeling that I've been in the exact situation before, kind of like a flashback. Its so damn creepy. :ph34r:

For me, everything just goes black for a split-second and I get dizzy for a second...no lightning here though.

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