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if anyone from the mark b camp refutes this, do you honestly think that mark b would not be traded.

I'd move his myself but not this season. I'd see what kind of year he has, and how far the team gets.


No, I don't think he would be traded if he came out and said the offer was the same as last year. I'm sure someone will ask him at SoxFest.

and ask kw if that is true as well.

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The only people who know is Williams and Buehrles' camp. When one side calls the other a liar in public, I'll care. Until then this is totally stupid.

Calling out in public - and we were told when the time comes, it will be done - is a strategic decision. The time is not right, in the views of the parties. But they have tipped us off to what is happening. And that makes this not stupid, but news.

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Kevin Millwood gets 10 million in arbitration, Maddux is looking for 16, and Buehrle is supposed to take 5 million?


All he needs is one more good year, and he's in shape for a huge pay day.

i dont think buehrle will get 10 million in his first year of arbitration...millwood is in the last year of arbitration...they wont give buehrle 10 million his first year because if he keeps improving he would be asking for 20 million when he gets to his last year of arbitration...also the process is designed so that neither side will ask for an outragoues amount because if they do the arbitrator will side with the other party...if buehrle's agent asked for 10 million and the sox offered 3 million...its very likely buehrle could lose...but , if his agent asked for 6 million..he would be almost assured of winning...

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i dont think buehrle will get 10 million in his first year of arbitration

True, but I think he could get at least 5 million his first year. And assuming he improves, there's no telling how high he could get in future years.

5 is what i was thinking...if mark stays the course he will max out at 10-12 mil his final year

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No way should this story be believed unless Buehrle's agent makes an official statement to the press.


For one thing, if this story was true, it doesn't make sense that there hasn't been an official public reply from Buehrle's side (it's been over a month since KW publicly said he made that offer).


If there has been an official reply, please correct me.

The sources it's coming from are more reliable then the "great media". I believe it.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
No way should this story be believed unless Buehrle's agent makes an official statement to the press.


For one thing, if this story was true, it doesn't make sense that there hasn't been an official public reply from Buehrle's side (it's been over a month since KW publicly said he made that offer).


If there has been an official reply, please correct me.

The sources it's coming from are more reliable then the "great media". I believe it.

you can believe each and every word of that story.. it is in fact one of marks family members.....and his agent has a nice 7 page press release on the wheelings and dealings of the chicago white sox and kw in particular to put out to the public if in fact kw keeps running mark through the mill with this deal..............all the truth will be out soon enough..you just sit back and watch your local news..........kw is f***ing with the wrong person now..........

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thanks HSC -


what is the purpose of a message board?


Is it to argue about which opinion of ours is better than someone elses? To mutually masturbate each other on our quips about this and that?


Or to convey facts that concern our team? Not guesses or opinions that cannot be verfied, but facts that affect our team?


As soon as I put it together, I posted on the MLB board the truth that KW lied to us trhoigh the media about what he had offered MB. There were threads on here and on the WS MLB board which wondered why MB wouldn't take such a contract, some calling MB stupid or greedy.


But KW lied to us, as well as jacked around one of the premier pitchers in MLB right now. Will it be easy to replace a MB who was driven away by being treated so shabbily by KW?


KW offered MB the same contract as last year with one minor change, a palyry $10,000 bonus if MB is MVP. Does anything think a contract in the low $300,000 - remember the minimum salaray is $300,000 - with a $10,000 bonus is fair and anything else but a major, major insult? Does anyone think it is an offer designed to do anything else but drive MB away from the Sox?


KW making deals we don't like is one thing. KW lying to us is another. KW treating our best pitcher like s*** is news. Setting the stage for our losing MB and all the wins he provides us is news.


As soon as I had it confirmed, I posted the confirmed information here. It is cold, hard, unpleasant fact.


We know what ACTUALLY went on. We know what happened because the Buehrle family has told us. Do some of us know the Buerhles? Yes indeed. And as I said, and HSC has said, the news will be made public at the right time in the negotiations. HSC says it is a 7 page document. I'd take book on that.


Anyone who doesn't care, that is your right. But don't tell me you are a Sox fan if you think it is unimportant when our GM KW jacks around our best pitcher with extraordinarily insulting offers of just over the league minimum and lies to us through the media. At the moment we have among the best 1-2 pitcher combo in baseball. And KW is jeopardizing that. And with that, our chances of ever winning anything because KW is a lying, manipulating GM who woulld for whatever reasons drive away a pitcher who has ben key to us for several seasons and is vital to us ever getting back to postseason and winning in the postseason.


What was put together and given to us are facts that have major impact on the future of our team.


You may just not care. Your right. But then, you must not care about the Sox to be so blasé about this treatment of our best pitcher.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

A FREAKIN MEN TO THAT CW.... we are nothing without mark.. i dont care how many colons you bring to the team... mark put us where we are and kept us out of the cellar when all else failed us ..........to f*** him over like kw is doing just isnt right..............if this bull s*** keeps up next season they do it without me.. ill go elsewhere...........promise on that one.......

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cwsox & hsc .... after a month or so of reading this board, I've come to respect both of your posts, opinions and information. HSC you nailed that Koch deal and that told me that this chic knows of what she speaks. Besides that, you are a very knowledgable baseball fan. As you know, I've been a KW defender. I'll do exactly what you said... wait, watch news and see if the breaks in the media. If it does as is being reported here, I will join you on the dump KW bandwagon. My biggest b**** about the Reinsdorfian era White Sox has ALWAYS been about the way the front office has treated the players. And from what I've seen over the years, the way they disrespected so many players as they left the club .... Fisk, Lance Johnson, Black Jack... the list can go on and on, this is very believable. I was never so embarrassed to be a Sox fan when they barred Pudge from the playoff locker room. That was such a classless act. And I truly believe it that kind of crap that KEEPS SOX FANS AT HOME! Anyway, I may soon be joining you in your cries for KW's ouster. We'll see what happens.

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cwsox & hsc .... after a month or so of reading this board, I've come to respect both of your posts, opinions and information.  HSC you nailed that Koch deal and that told me that this chic knows of what she speaks.  Besides that, you are a very knowledgable baseball fan.  As you know, I've been a KW defender.  I'll do exactly what you said... wait, watch news and see if the breaks in the media.  If it does as is being reported here, I will join you on the dump KW bandwagon.  My biggest b**** about the Reinsdorfian  era White Sox has ALWAYS been about the way the front office has treated the players.  And from what I've seen over the years, the way they disrespected so many players as they left the club .... Fisk, Lance Johnson, Black Jack... the list can go on and on, this is very believable.  I was never so embarrassed to be a Sox fan when they barred Pudge from the playoff locker room.  That was such a classless act.  And I truly believe it that kind of crap that KEEPS SOX FANS AT HOME!  Anyway, I may soon be joining you in your cries for KW's ouster.  We'll see what happens.

i am going to play the devils advocate here.


a contract is a contract, where does it say that a contract has to be redone. for one person benefit? if that is the case, why hasn't some of the players who gotten a rich contract and then went into a slump, turn around and said, "pls redo my contract so i can give you your money back."


if a contract is redone, then it should be as a 2 way contract or for lack of better words a big contract with a base and huge in incentives.

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cwsox & hsc .... after a month or so of reading this board, I've come to respect both of your posts, opinions and information.  HSC you nailed that Koch deal and that told me that this chic knows of what she speaks.  Besides that, you are a very knowledgable baseball fan.  As you know, I've been a KW defender.  I'll do exactly what you said... wait, watch news and see if the breaks in the media.  If it does as is being reported here, I will join you on the dump KW bandwagon.  My biggest b**** about the Reinsdorfian  era White Sox has ALWAYS been about the way the front office has treated the players.  And from what I've seen over the years, the way they disrespected so many players as they left the club .... Fisk, Lance Johnson, Black Jack... the list can go on and on, this is very believable.  I was never so embarrassed to be a Sox fan when they barred Pudge from the playoff locker room.  That was such a classless act.  And I truly believe it that kind of crap that KEEPS SOX FANS AT HOME!  Anyway, I may soon be joining you in your cries for KW's ouster.  We'll see what happens.

i am going to play the devils advocate here.


a contract is a contract, where does it say that a contract has to be redone. for one person benefit? if that is the case, why hasn't some of the players who gotten a rich contract and then went into a slump, turn around and said, "pls redo my contract so i can give you your money back."


if a contract is redone, then it should be as a 2 way contract or for lack of better words a big contract with a base and huge in incentives.

This is hardly a fairly negotiated contract situation. Management holds all the leverage due to Buerhle's lack of service time. Like last season, KW offered Mark "X" amount of money. Mark turned it down. So, KW uses his leverage and forces Mark to play for $15000 less than he had previously turned down. Of course, eventually, the shoe is going to be on the other foot. When that happens, Mark will sound a lot like HSC when he says :fyou KW!

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cwsox & hsc .... after a month or so of reading this board, I've come to respect both of your posts, opinions and information.  HSC you nailed that Koch deal and that told me that this chic knows of what she speaks.  Besides that, you are a very knowledgable baseball fan.  As you know, I've been a KW defender.  I'll do exactly what you said... wait, watch news and see if the breaks in the media.  If it does as is being reported here, I will join you on the dump KW bandwagon.  My biggest b**** about the Reinsdorfian  era White Sox has ALWAYS been about the way the front office has treated the players.  And from what I've seen over the years, the way they disrespected so many players as they left the club .... Fisk, Lance Johnson, Black Jack... the list can go on and on, this is very believable.  I was never so embarrassed to be a Sox fan when they barred Pudge from the playoff locker room.  That was such a classless act.  And I truly believe it that kind of crap that KEEPS SOX FANS AT HOME!  Anyway, I may soon be joining you in your cries for KW's ouster.  We'll see what happens.

i am going to play the devils advocate here.


a contract is a contract, where does it say that a contract has to be redone. for one person benefit? if that is the case, why hasn't some of the players who gotten a rich contract and then went into a slump, turn around and said, "pls redo my contract so i can give you your money back."


if a contract is redone, then it should be as a 2 way contract or for lack of better words a big contract with a base and huge in incentives.

This is hardly a fairly negotiated contract situation. Management holds all the leverage due to Buerhle's lack of service time. Like last season, KW offered Mark "X" amount of money. Mark turned it down. So, KW uses his leverage and forces Mark to play for $15000 less than he had previously turned down. Of course, eventually, the shoe is going to be on the other foot. When that happens, Mark will sound a lot like HSC when he says :fyou KW!

on the same note, do you see the players rushing to redo their contract when they have had a horrible yr?

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I am getting fed up with this situation. That asshole KW ( :fyou ), has been trouble the past few years. I know where he lives, I just need an address for mail. If only the White Sox fans could go on protest. We could protest with picket signs around the park to stop KW. LoL! BTW, how long was Ron Shueler GM? If at all possible, could we get an email confirming this, or possibly get the Buehrle's on the board?

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cwsox & hsc .... after a month or so of reading this board, I've come to respect both of your posts, opinions and information.  HSC you nailed that Koch deal and that told me that this chic knows of what she speaks.  Besides that, you are a very knowledgable baseball fan.  As you know, I've been a KW defender.  I'll do exactly what you said... wait, watch news and see if the breaks in the media.  If it does as is being reported here, I will join you on the dump KW bandwagon.  My biggest b**** about the Reinsdorfian  era White Sox has ALWAYS been about the way the front office has treated the players.  And from what I've seen over the years, the way they disrespected so many players as they left the club .... Fisk, Lance Johnson, Black Jack... the list can go on and on, this is very believable.  I was never so embarrassed to be a Sox fan when they barred Pudge from the playoff locker room.  That was such a classless act.  And I truly believe it that kind of crap that KEEPS SOX FANS AT HOME!  Anyway, I may soon be joining you in your cries for KW's ouster.  We'll see what happens.

i am going to play the devils advocate here.


a contract is a contract, where does it say that a contract has to be redone. for one person benefit? if that is the case, why hasn't some of the players who gotten a rich contract and then went into a slump, turn around and said, "pls redo my contract so i can give you your money back."


if a contract is redone, then it should be as a 2 way contract or for lack of better words a big contract with a base and huge in incentives.

This is hardly a fairly negotiated contract situation. Management holds all the leverage due to Buerhle's lack of service time. Like last season, KW offered Mark "X" amount of money. Mark turned it down. So, KW uses his leverage and forces Mark to play for $15000 less than he had previously turned down. Of course, eventually, the shoe is going to be on the other foot. When that happens, Mark will sound a lot like HSC when he says :fyou KW!

on the same note, do you see the players rushing to redo their contract when they have had a horrible yr?

No I don't. And though you have a point here, it's moot one. That is not what this issue is about.

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I am getting fed up with this situation. That asshole KW ( :fyou ), has been trouble the past few years. I know where he lives, I just need an address for mail. If only the White Sox fans could go on protest. We could protest with picket signs around the park to stop KW. LoL! BTW, how long was Ron Shueler GM? If at all possible, could we get an email confirming this, or possibly get the Buehrle's on the board?

The address is right on the front of the house above the arch...

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Guest hotsoxchick1

hes in a little place just around the skirts of sugar grove that much i do know......number address i have no idea.. you can feel free to flood the whitesox front offices email with your opinions as many of us do...........try this addy it used to work not sure if its still in action or not....

[email protected] see if that gets through i know they have had to frequently change his email there ...........if it doesnt get through let me know ill search around for a new one.........you can also put anyones name in there that works for the sox ie. [email protected] their email with your opinions.....sooner or later it has to give..............as for getting the b's here ill see them at soxfest saturday .. if your around you can ask them yourselves in person......ok............

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cwsox & hsc .... after a month or so of reading this board, I've come to respect both of your posts, opinions and information.  HSC you nailed that Koch deal and that told me that this chic knows of what she speaks.  Besides that, you are a very knowledgable baseball fan.  As you know, I've been a KW defender.  I'll do exactly what you said... wait, watch news and see if the breaks in the media.  If it does as is being reported here, I will join you on the dump KW bandwagon.  My biggest b**** about the Reinsdorfian  era White Sox has ALWAYS been about the way the front office has treated the players.  And from what I've seen over the years, the way they disrespected so many players as they left the club .... Fisk, Lance Johnson, Black Jack... the list can go on and on, this is very believable.  I was never so embarrassed to be a Sox fan when they barred Pudge from the playoff locker room.  That was such a classless act.  And I truly believe it that kind of crap that KEEPS SOX FANS AT HOME!  Anyway, I may soon be joining you in your cries for KW's ouster.  We'll see what happens.

i am going to play the devils advocate here.


a contract is a contract, where does it say that a contract has to be redone. for one person benefit? if that is the case, why hasn't some of the players who gotten a rich contract and then went into a slump, turn around and said, "pls redo my contract so i can give you your money back."


if a contract is redone, then it should be as a 2 way contract or for lack of better words a big contract with a base and huge in incentives.

This is hardly a fairly negotiated contract situation. Management holds all the leverage due to Buerhle's lack of service time. Like last season, KW offered Mark "X" amount of money. Mark turned it down. So, KW uses his leverage and forces Mark to play for $15000 less than he had previously turned down. Of course, eventually, the shoe is going to be on the other foot. When that happens, Mark will sound a lot like HSC when he says :fyou KW!

on the same note, do you see the players rushing to redo their contract when they have had a horrible yr?

No I don't. And though you have a point here, it's moot one. That is not what this issue is about.

true that was not the orginal topic, but what gets me is why should we even need to give him more money when he is under contract. honor the contract and ask for more money. we now live in a world where it is expected to give more money or to offer another contract when they have a great yr. look at the working class people, we do not have that luxury. why does being a sport figure gives them special treatment?



a contract is a contract.

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a contract is a contract.

But hard work shouldn't go unnoticed or be unappreciated. I agree that a contract is a contract, but KW possibly lying about contract offers is what has enflamed most of the posters here..... not Buehrle looking to better his contract and be paid what others of his caliber are getting.

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