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Another move soon?

Mr. Showtime

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Found this in the Southtown:


The Gordon move may not be the last Williams makes in regard to his bullpen. That is the area he was believed to be referring to Monday when he allowed, "There's something else (in the works), something else that I'd rather not discuss."
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Found this in the Southtown:


The Gordon move may not be the last Williams makes in regard to his bullpen. That is the area he was believed to be referring to Monday when he allowed, "There's something else (in the works), something else that I'd rather not discuss."

vasquez........... yes.


i hope

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vasquez........... yes.


i hope

Well, the writer of the article seems to think another bullpen guy will be signed.


I highly doubt the Expos will move Vasquez.


My guess is a Suppan or maybe I-Rod, but I doubt that.

mont needs to move some one to cut down the payroll, so why not the idea of vasquez moving.

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Expos said they wont deal Vazquez.


My guess is:


Suppan, or

Kenny Rogers, or

Person, or


I guess Jose Cruz Jr. isn't out of the question either.


KW said I-Rod dosen't fit in his plans, but I don't think KW has any real power anyway. So if JR wants I-Rod (a good ticket attraction) he might be willing to pay.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Well, just because he has something else "in the works", doesn't mean anything will happen.

exactly... but of course i wouldnt be too pissed if he could manage to pick up suppan without it costing us alot..............

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Guest hotsoxchick1

f*** he had one COUNT IT ONE... bad half season...crusify him ok... hes ALWAYS KICKED OUR ASSES EACH AND EVERY TIME HE TOOK THE MOUND......why not have him with us instead of against us??????damn is it that hard to understand................

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Guest hotsoxchick1

outside of buehrle .. its nothing worse than we already have here.........in fact its better than most............when i look at suppan i remember the damage he caused us here or in kc.... and in my assessment of him i would rather have him on our side than against us........he if i recall always did a good number on cleveland too...........we need to have guys who can over power our division since thats who we spend the majority of time playing against.........dont you think??????

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Let's sum it up:


If Suppan remains in the AL Central, he'd face the Sox about five times or so. Let's say he wins 4 of those games.


If Suppan joins the Sox, he starts 33 games. Let's say, he loses 15 games. I'm willing to bet that he blows more than 4 games out of his 15 losses. By your methodd, we'd actually WORSEN than improve.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
I'll take Garland, Wright, and even Rauch over Suppan anyday.



isnt rogers off the list??? i thought i heard he signed today.....could be wrong.......... but.............

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Let's sum it up:


If Suppan remains in the AL Central, he'd face the Sox about five times or so. Let's say he wins 4 of those games.


If Suppan joins the Sox, he starts 33 games. Let's say, he loses 15 games. I'm willing to bet that he blows more than 4 games out of his 15 losses. By your methodd, we'd actually WORSEN than improve.

actually he kicked clevelands butt quite a few times as well.. and he didnt do to shabby against minniesoda as well...........i say hes more worth a shot than what ever is left on the slim listing.............mac....i foreget i just heard a little bleep of it on espn when they were doing the run down of the days events .. they will run through the things again soon and ill pay closer attention..... they did mention his name though..

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I don't see a major problem with Suppan...he didn't put up good stats....but if he came cheaply, than I wouldn't mind it....say we get him for $1 mill, or possibly even less....and Rauch pitches better than him out of ST. Rauch gets the spot...simply put....and then we either cut Suppan or use him out of the pen.


He's pitched over 200 innings the last 4 years and he would be a good backup plan....in our offense, he'd win 7-10 games, if not more.


It's a win-win situation....either we get a better starter out of Suppan than Rauch(highly doubtful in my mind) or we get another arm out of the pen. I mean, if that money can go towards Jose Cruz Jr or IRod, than I'd say save it...but who knows.


And you know what...maybe KW is just blowing smoke out of his ass again...he's done it before....SEVERAL times.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Suppan last season:


Cle: 1-1 4.29 ERA

Sox: 2-3 4.68 ERA

MINN: 1-3 5.13 ERA

Det: 3-2 4.43 ERA


That's not very good in a very weak AL central.


Also vs. the Sox's: 5-6 (last 11 starts, 3 seasons)

i dont know where you found those numbers but.........i recall him facing cleveland more than 2 times.........and i know he kicked our butts more than twice last season as well............two times here alone... not to mention once i recall for sure in kc.........and 5-6 in the last 11 starts is half and half... not too shabby really..........i still think compared to what is left out there that he would be our best option to get.........cheap and dependable... knows our division ect ect ect..... knock him all you want to but i think he would do good for us............mho

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Please don't talk out of your ass. He must have some hard luck if he kicked our ass each and every time if over the last 2 seasons he has compiled 6 losses and a 5.34 ERA against us.

no team goes through the season with just 5 starters...you always need a 6th arm somewhere down the road...suppan would be an excellent insurance policy against injury or failure by any of our starters (rauch..is he really ready??..two good game sin sept really doesnt answer that question)


if rauch or god forbid one of our other starters go down to injury its GARY GLOVER TIME!!!!!..then , just like last year we are weakening the bullpen and putting in a guy in the 5th spot thats a complete failure as a starter...so in essence a injury to the starting rotation is also an injury to the bullpen..


get suppan..or somebody that can fill that 5th spot or pitch long relief until needed

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