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Talks have stopped for now but are not dead. There is a lot of posturing on both sides, which is normal for a trade of this magnitude. From what I am told, talks will continue on Thursday.


This is what is known of the deal so far:


1. Magglio/ Valentine/prospect to Boston for Nomar/Williamson/another player.


2. Neither team has any intentions of making additional trades with these players or expanding to a three team trade. If made, Nomar will not be going to the Dodgers and Boston has no intentions of trading for Arod.


3. Reinsdorf is scheduled to meet with Arn Tellem (Nomar's agent) to gauge his interest in signing an extension with the WSox. This is a casual meeting with Boston's approval. Keep in mind that Tellem (agent of many former Bulls, Albert Belle) and JR have a great relationship.


This is what is still pending:


1. The third Boston player. Red Sox want it to be Damon. White Sox want Nixon. There is even an alternate scenario of Byung Yung Kim.


KW will take Damon if he can move Knoerko. Boston has no need or interset in PK. The prospect for Damon would be Cotts. Supposedly, Boston is holding out for Borchard if Nixon is the third player. KW does not want to include Borchard. BYK would cost the Sox Rauch.


This is what I know so far. If it happens, expect it to take place near the end of the month

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As I said before I have to see this trade happen before getting all giddy over it considering the offseason we have had to this point. That being said I like all three trades, Nomar, Williamson, Damon would be nice would fill there holes but I kinda rather have Nixon he is cheaper and has been productive when he plays. BYK would be nice as well.....Does this trade just seem way to good to be true if Kenny could pull this off and get Nomar locked up long term I would be really impressed!!!

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The way I see it, there must be at least some shred of credibility in this rumor. The rumors are very detailed and the fact that there are several scenarios leads me to believe that this guy would not go to this much trouble to fabricate a story like this. So either this may be partially or fully true, or the poster is either a heartless loser who has no other desire than to get Sox fans' hopes up and burst their bubble. I find that unlikely since he's such a consistent poster on the WSI boards, although I very well may be wrong.

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I would love Damon or Nixon. They can keep Kim. In a perfect world, I'd try to get Damon for Borchard, instead of Cotts, but that's a no go- unless we perhaps throw in Borchard and a mid level minor league pitcher. I don't want to see Cotts go, therefore I lean to the Nixon for Borchard part of the trade. Borchard, imo, is expendable. We have Reed gaining high popularity and thus far Borchard is a wash.

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I would love Damon or Nixon. They can keep Kim. In a perfect world, I'd try to get Damon for Borchard, instead of Cotts, but that's a no go- unless we perhaps throw in Borchard and a mid level minor league pitcher. I don't want to see Cotts go, therefore I lean to the Nixon for Borchard part of the trade. Borchard, imo, is expendable. We have Reed gaining high popularity and thus far Borchard is a wash.

Nixon is a good Player and Cheaper, The problem is Damon is the Leadoff guy we need

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Nixon is a good Player and Cheaper, The problem is Damon is the Leadoff guy we need

Damon would be great, but Cotts is too much of a price. I say we get Nixon and stick Rowand out in CF, his last year to show what he's made of. Last year he was coming off of injury, the year before he was too young. This year I believe he will become a quality player. Even if we do get Damon instead, Rowand can play RF too, I believe.

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s*** just give em Rauch and Borchard, move PK, and take Nixon and Damon... then we would have a SS, RF, CF, MR and all be good contributors right away for what... two 25 yr old AAA players who havent done s*** yet.... We got Reed and Cotts to groom, Borchard and Rauch are expendable

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Trot Nixon would be a huge fan favorite here, I can see why Boston would be reluctant to give him up.


This trade would be so huge, and that's exactly why I don't see it happening.


Too many big names involved, that means agents, the Players Association, etc. which complicates everything.


Facts appear to be, they can't move Konerko. Even with free agency looming, Maggs has drawn interest, and the Sox appear to be listening.


It also appears certain the Sox do not feel Maggs is a $14M player, and if his agent is using that as a starting point, it's no wonder the Sox are shopping him.


Pitching wins, and if any trade goes down, I really hope it's the White Sox getting more arms and not pitching being shipped out. I think Cotts has a good chance to be a middle of the rotation guy ... 13-16 wins, and soon. It's not unusual for a young lefty to have control problems, and they are working with him this winter.


I'd hate to see them give up Cotts, but no one is untouchable.


Finally, I do sense there will be the usual announcement right around SoxFest. It's been way too quiet.

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You might think Gammons would be all over this rumor. I haven't seen anything from him on a possible trade like this. I guess you can never say never, but the bottom line seems to be the Sox trading away more of their ever depleted resource of prospects for a one year acquisition. Once again the talk centers on signing Nomar to an extension and I still think if we can sign Nomar we can sign Magglio.

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I can't believe the Nomar for Magglio talk is starting up again. :o


I can live with the current line up, but only if we get more starting pitching.


Moving Magglio for Nomar was always a wash and to me, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'd keep Magglio and try to re-sign him. I still think there is more chance of that than signing Nomar long term.


But all this talk about Magglio, Nixon, Damon, Cotts, Borchard etc is stupid!

Unless we get another quality starting pitcher, this year is over before it starts. :angry:

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Today's latest news from Otis




Jack Daniels is on sale at 7-11!  Get down there quick!

Good one! I think anyone of us could come up with some interesting, plausible and totally unfounded trade rumors, if we had enough to drink and studied other rumors as hard as Otis does.

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Unless the Sox are going with some very inexperienced players something has to give and a trade like this makes sense although I do not think it will happen. The thing with Konerko/Damon is Boston has no use for Konerko so you trade Konerko somewhere, get Damon and have whoever takes Konerko deal with Boston for money and players.


We have three outfileders right now and Uribe is our only bench player. If we carry 12 pitchers, this leaves 13 position players on the team (Lee,Ordonez, Rowand, Crede, Valentin, Uribe, Harris, Konerko, Thomas, Olivo and Alomar.) We need something from somewhere (Reed, Borchard are the only players worth a look.)


As far as pitching goes we have Buerhle, Loiaza, Garland, Wright, Schoenweis, Pollitte, Grillli, Wunsch, Koch, and Marte. This means Cotts and Ginter are almost assured jobs. Any injury at any position decimates this team. 80 wins looks like a stretch.


This is why this trade is plausible and why I think Ordonez will not be here Opening Day.

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