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Gay Marriage


Would you be in favor of a Presidential ban on gay marriages?  

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  1. 1. Would you be in favor of a Presidential ban on gay marriages?

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VP would back ban on gay marriage


Cheney pledges support if Bush seeks amendment


By John Aloysius Farrell

Denver Post Washington Bureau Chief


WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney, who argued during the 2000 presidential campaign that the issue of gay marriage is best left to the states, said Friday he would support a presidential push to ban same-sex marriage.


Cheney, whose gay daughter, Mary, is a close adviser, said recent action by courts in Massachusetts and other states that recognize gays' rights to the civil benefits of marriage has caused the administration to revisit the need for a constitutional amendment.


Cheney made his comments on gay marriage during an interview with The Denver Post, in which he also spoke about the war in Iraq and the U.S. soldiers being killed and wounded there, Western energy issues, and the Air Force Academy sex scandal. His comments regarding the sacrifice of U.S. soldiers and their families came one day after a Black Hawk helicopter crashed near Fallujah in Iraq, killing all nine soldiers on board, including at least four Fort Carson soldiers.

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VP would back ban on gay marriage



WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney, who argued during the 2000 presidential campaign that the issue of gay marriage is best left to the states, said Friday he would support a presidential push to ban same-sex marriage.


Cheney, whose gay daughter, Mary, is a close adviser, said recent action by courts in Massachusetts and other states that recognize gays' rights to the civil benefits of marriage has caused the administration to revisit the need for a constitutional amendment.

Something tells me that isn't what she meant by an amendment is needed... :huh:

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I thought this was going to be Tex saying he was going to marry a dude.

You know, sometimes is seems easier. Do you want to watch the NFL playoffs or the basketball game? Do you want to rent Die Hard or Caddy Shack? Steak or steak? I would never be asked which shower curtain I like better or to pick tampons up at the store. Winodj, am I missing anything?

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And we all know gays are never religious...

or that God doesn't consider same sex marriage a positive thing.



physiologically it doesn't make sense. the butt was made for pooping...not lubing.


sociological...I don't care, do what you want. You can't justify gay MARRIAGES...


you can't however hold people back from getting tax relief or insurance help for being in loving long term relationaships.

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or that God doesn't consider same sex marriage a positive thing.


I don't care, do what you want. You can't justify gay MARRIAGES...

You know what God thinks/knows?! Cool. Ask Him (or Her depending on your beliefs) if I can have a His/Her phone number and/or email address as I have a bunch of questions that I would love to ask.


In all seriousness, I don't see why so many get their panties in a bunch over it. FYI PA, my fiance has the same opinion on this as you, so I know your opinion is a fairly common opinion and so I am not dismissing it, just trying to get a debate going.

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So let them get married at city hall. If a particular church wants to say no to marrying a gay couple because it violates their beliefs, fine. But why is it such a big deal that two people can go to city hall and get a legal marriage.

Most married straight people do plenty of things in the privacy of their home that are not blessed by the church. Most of the major religions are so corrrupt and hypocrical now anyway. I stopped going to catholic masses because I was fed up with the hypocrisy of do as I say, not as I do.

I bet if there was enough money involved, the catholic church would find a way to change the rules on gay marriage.

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In all seriousness, I don't see why so many get their panties in a bunch over it.

I do not see too much bunching from the guys in panties, it's the guys in tighty whities that seem to be bothered . . .

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I stopped going to catholic masses because I was fed up with the hypocrisy of do as I say, not as I do.

I bet if there was enough money involved, the catholic church would find a way to change the rules on gay marriage.

My thoughts and actions precisely. I stopped going to church when I was 16 because of the hypocrisy.

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My thoughts and actions precisely.  I stopped going to church when I was 16 because of the hypocrisy.

ditto here also in a lot of ways... That is pretty much why I have turned more into what I call a Biblical Christian than anything else. Going back to the book threadthere is a great book out there called "Pagen Christianity" (I forget who it is by) It details where lots of the rituals and other things that churches do came from. So many things were adopted to get other believers into the fold, and have absolutely zero biblical basis.

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physiologically it doesn't make sense. the butt was made for pooping...not  lubing.


sociological...I don't care, do what you want. You can't justify gay MARRIAGES...


you can't however hold people back from getting tax relief or insurance help for being in loving long term relationaships.

So what about all those straight couples that engage in sodomy...?


And for the record.. not all homosexual couples engage in sodomy, either.

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And for the record.. not all homosexual couples engage in sodomy, either.

I imagine very few of the ladies do . . .


The tax codes do not make a determination if the marriage is loving or not. Just legally recognized. Doesn't even have to be a religious ceremony. That is where I see the issue. If we allow other civil ceremonies full status with all rights, etc. it seems difficult to debate on religious grounds.

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I think we're arguing two different things. I think from a church standpoint, it doesn't follow what is written if we support gay marriages. I, however, recognize the secular viewpoint and US laws. If one person has a certain right and priviledge, then others should not be unable to receive that same benefit.

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and just for the sake of arguement...


New American standard version (a cwsox approved translation of the bible)


1 Corinthians 6:4-6

(4)Do not be deceived; (5) neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will (6) inherit the kingdom of God.

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1 Corinthians 6:4-6

(4)Do not be deceived; (5) neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will (6) inherit the kingdom of God.

Pretty much eliminates everyone in the human race except Mother Teresa. I highly doubt there is a person alive that has not done at least one of the things mentioned there.

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(4)Do not be deceived; (5) neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will (6) inherit the kingdom of God.

Since my fiance and I have sex (fornicate), I guess that means we screwed ourselves out of the Kingdom of God. (sorry I really couldn't resist)

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