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My complete opinion on the KW-MB crisis


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When KW made the Colon deal it was absolutely what I desired and I promised to myself that Id stick to KWs side this time and now, even with what he did to Mark, Im gonna live up to that promise. KW isnt doing anything wrong by offering MB 7 million over 3 years. Thats over 2 million a year, what kind of person cant live off of that?


Over my years as a Sox fan I have come to detest players who wish to leave on the basis of money. 2004 (edit) will come and Buehrle will leave and join the likes of Robin Ventura. Anyone who knows me from mlb.com knows that I detest Ventura for leaving. Maybe my reasoning for all this is that I would do what Buehrles doing for free. I love baseball and its a sport and a game to me. For people like Buehrle, it has becme a business. To me, just getting to pitch one pitch in a place like Yankee Stadium or Comiskey Park would be priceless. It should be like that to Buehrle too. But he forgot about that a long time ago.


And, again, isnt 2 million a year enough? If Buehrle had won twenty I woulda been with the rest of you in that he deserves more money. But he didnt so he really doesnt stand out or anything. In fact, his winning percentage was almost the same in 2002 as it was in 2001 and his ERA was down drastically. He stepped down a notch, so why should salary go up? It shouldnt.


And then Buehrle is going to show up at the Cardinals version of Soxfest. Can we take such grand disloyalty? No! If he wants to go to their party, let em have him. What kind of bulls*** is this? Thats an insult to KW and the Sox organization right there. Hed be lucky to have me offer him jacks*** if he pulled such a stunt on me.


As for whos the number one starter, KW should order Manuel to give that job to Colon. Colon has only indicated that he likes it here while Buehrle obviously does not. Colon is also the better pitcher by a long shot. And with the whole money problem dangling in his face, I see Buehrle struggling this year. All hell be thinking about is the dough but then hell get slaughtered when the season starts. Either way, I think Colon IS a better pitcher and that Garland, Rauch and MAYBE Wright, WILL BE better pitchers. Buehrle is not as good as we all think.


Let him go Kenny, he obviously doesnt like it here. Just let him go, well be fine.


Buehrle, you make me puke...


(Edit: I apologize if this money offer is wrong, thats just what I heard, now I am hearing reports of 5 million, which is still plenty...)

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Guest hotsoxchick1


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Guest hotsoxchick1
And, again, isnt 2 million a year enough? If Buehrle had won twenty I woulda been with the rest of you in that he deserves more money.  

That is the most assinine thing you've ever posted.

this whole thread is the most assanine thing hes ever said.......im heading to va to kick sand in his face..............better yet ill just bury him in it..............whens high tide roll in on the east coast.. i want to make sure i get him close enough to the water..............

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When KW made the Colon deal it was absolutely what I desired and I promised to myself that Id stick to KWs side this time and now, even with what he did to Mark, Im gonna live up to that promise. KW isnt doing anything wrong by offering MB 7 million over 3 years. Thats over 2 million a year, what kind of person cant live off of that?


Over my years as a Sox fan I have come to detest players who wish to leave on the basis of money. 2006 will come and Buehrle will leave and join the likes of Robin Ventura. Anyone who knows me from mlb.com knows that I detest Ventura for leaving. Maybe my reasoning for all this is that I would do what Buehrles doing for free. I love baseball and its a sport and a game to me. For people like Buehrle, it has becme a business. To me, just getting to pitch one pitch in a place like Yankee Stadium or Comiskey Park would be priceless. It should be like that to Buehrle too. But he forgot about that a long time ago.


And, again, isnt 2 million a year enough? If Buehrle had won twenty I woulda been with the rest of you in that he deserves more money. But he didnt so he really doesnt stand out or anything. In fact, his winning percentage was almost the same in 2002 as it was in 2001 and his ERA was down drastically. He stepped down a notch, so why should salary go up? It shouldnt.


And then Buehrle is going to show up at the Cardinals version of Soxfest. Can we take such grand disloyalty? No! If he wants to go to their party, let em have him. What kind of bulls*** is this? Thats an insult to KW and the Sox organization right there. Hed be lucky to have me offer him jacks*** if he pulled such a stunt on me.


As for whos the number one starter, KW should order Manuel to give that job to Colon. Colon has only indicated that he likes it here while Buehrle obviously does not. Colon is also the better pitcher by a long shot. And with the whole money problem dangling in his face, I see Buehrle struggling this year. All hell be thinking about is the dough but then hell get slaughtered when the season starts. Either way, I think Colon IS a better pitcher and that Garland, Rauch and MAYBE Wright, WILL BE better pitchers. Buehrle is not as good as we all think.


Let him go Kenny, he obviously doesnt like it here. Just let him go, well be fine.


Buehrle, you make me puke...

(1) So you're suggesting that all MLB players should basically take whatever the team offers? I mean, the MLB minimum salary is $300,000 per year - who couldn't live off of that? I'm sure you'd be glad to play baseball for $300,000 per year, and so would I. Under your logic, if the Sox had offered Buehrle $500,000 per year, he should have taken that - because, after all, "what kind of person can't live off of that" and just getting the opportunity to pitch in Yankee Stadium should be enough reward for him. You're living in la la land. Why should Buehrle accept $7 million over three years, when players in similar circumstances (i.e., Sabathia, Hudson, Mulder and Zito) have ALL received MORE than that? Buehrle will almost certainly earn more than $7 million between now and '06 (his last year before free agency). He's taking the chance that he'll remain healthy and effective in the interim. But you can't blame him for not signing a deal that is worth less than what C.C. Sabathia is getting, particularly when he'll be able to earn more through arbitration.


(2) As to Ventura (and others) who have left because of money, there are a few things you're failing to take into account. First, you don't know why Ventura left. The fact is, the Mets were wining and dining him, telling him how much they wanted him, how they were committed to winning, how they viewed him as a cornerstone for the future, etc., etc. The Sox, on the other hand, basically made it known that they didn't really want him back; they made a last minute, low-ball offer for PR purposes only. So gee, which would you take, the offer from a team that truly wants you and offers more money, or the team that doesn't really want you and low-balled you? Kind of hard to blame Ventura for that choice.


(3) So, do you think Colon will agree to extend his stay with the Sox for 2 years and $7 million? After all, that's more money than you or I will earn in a lifetime. Surely Colon (unlike the evil Mark Buehrle) will see that, and sign for whatever we offer. Sheesh - give me a break. You can detest any player who leaves for more money, but you're kidding yourself if don't think that virtually every player on the roster (and every player on every team in the majors) wouldn't do the same thing.


(4) Apparently, you would be of a completely different opinion if Buehrle had won 20 games instead of 19? How does that make any sense? That one win would someone entitle him to riches and spoils, but 19 wins and 239 IP doesn't? The difference between 19 and 20 wins is immaterial - if the bullpen had protected one more lead for him he would have won 20. Who cares?


(5) I agree with you about the Cardinals' meeting he is attending. That is bush league, in my opinion. But it may be a bargaining/PR ploy more than anything else. Putting the pressure on KW. But it doesn't really have any effect on the current situation; even the offer KW made to Buehrle would have only gone through '05, so its not like it would have extended his stay or put off his free agency if he had accepted.


(6) Colon and Buehrle are pretty comparable, if you ask me. You are clearly basing your opinion that Colon is better based strictly upon your personal feelings about Buehrle. Hopefully, KW doesn't follow your lead, and makes his decisions based upon facts and reasonable analysis, and not knee-jerk, emotional bias.


(7) Why would Buehrle struggle because he's thinking about $ this year? The Sox screwed him over last year with respect to $, and he was awesome again in '02. No reason to think '03 will be any different.


(8) Buehrle has won 35 games over the last two years, posted sub- 3.60 ERAs in each of those years, hasn't missed a start, has pitched tons of innings, and has come up big in big games. In short, he has done everything we could have hoped for. And he's only 23 years old. To suggest that he "is not as good as we all think" is absurd; he's one of the top 2 or 3 lefthanded starters in the AL and has many great years in front of him. For you to claim otherwise is absurd and, again, based upon nothing but your personal dislike of him. You're ruining your credibility with statements like that.

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Colon is better than he is. Garland, Rauch and maybe even Wright have the potential to be better than him. Why should he be paid five million dollars when he says hes going to another teams team party? 5 million is enough, and for taking a step back, his salary shouldnt definitely should not be going up. He is not happy here, let him go somewhere where he is happy. Colon likes it here, and I like him for that. I like people who like my team. I dont like people who insult it like MB has.


And besides, you might as well side with KW because hes in charge whether we like him or not and what he wants to do shall be done. I like him for what hes done for the team so this isnt a problem for me but it is for you. The only alternative to escape KWs control, if you dont like him, is to root for another team. As much as some of you may like it, KW is not leaving and he wont be fired so I guess everyone is gonna have to live with it, unless you resort to violence...

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The point is psycho is that KW did not, repeat, not offer MB $3,000,000 a year -


KW offered MB a little more than $300,000 a year, the same offer as last year. That is why we are so hot at KW.


MB did not reject an offer of $3 mil, he rejected the same offer as he had last year. For KW to even offer that is a gross insult to MB.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

if you think that most of those guys you mentioned are better than mark your dumber than i thought.........kw wont be around for ever and neither will you.......assclown............... :fyou

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When KW made the Colon deal it was absolutely what I desired and I promised to myself that Id stick to KWs side this time and now, even with what he did to Mark, Im gonna live up to that promise. KW isnt doing anything wrong by offering MB 7 million over 3 years. Thats over 2 million a year, what kind of person cant live off of that?


Over my years as a Sox fan I have come to detest players who wish to leave on the basis of money. 2006 will come and Buehrle will leave and join the likes of Robin Ventura. Anyone who knows me from mlb.com knows that I detest Ventura for leaving. Maybe my reasoning for all this is that I would do what Buehrles doing for free. I love baseball and its a sport and a game to me. For people like Buehrle, it has becme a business. To me, just getting to pitch one pitch in a place like Yankee Stadium or Comiskey Park would be priceless. It should be like that to Buehrle too. But he forgot about that a long time ago.


And, again, isnt 2 million a year enough? If Buehrle had won twenty I woulda been with the rest of you in that he deserves more money. But he didnt so he really doesnt stand out or anything. In fact, his winning percentage was almost the same in 2002 as it was in 2001 and his ERA was down drastically. He stepped down a notch, so why should salary go up? It shouldnt.


And then Buehrle is going to show up at the Cardinals version of Soxfest. Can we take such grand disloyalty? No! If he wants to go to their party, let em have him. What kind of bulls*** is this? Thats an insult to KW and the Sox organization right there. Hed be lucky to have me offer him jacks*** if he pulled such a stunt on me.


As for whos the number one starter, KW should order Manuel to give that job to Colon. Colon has only indicated that he likes it here while Buehrle obviously does not. Colon is also the better pitcher by a long shot. And with the whole money problem dangling in his face, I see Buehrle struggling this year. All hell be thinking about is the dough but then hell get slaughtered when the season starts. Either way, I think Colon IS a better pitcher and that Garland, Rauch and MAYBE Wright, WILL BE better pitchers. Buehrle is not as good as we all think.


Let him go Kenny, he obviously doesnt like it here. Just let him go, well be fine.


Buehrle, you make me puke...

(1) So you're suggesting that all MLB players should basically take whatever the team offers? I mean, the MLB minimum salary is $300,000 per year - who couldn't live off of that? I'm sure you'd be glad to play baseball for $300,000 per year, and so would I. Under your logic, if the Sox had offered Buehrle $500,000 per year, he should have taken that - because, after all, "what kind of person can't live off of that" and just getting the opportunity to pitch in Yankee Stadium should be enough reward for him. You're living in la la land. Why should Buehrle accept $7 million over three years, when players in similar circumstances (i.e., Sabathia, Hudson, Mulder and Zito) have ALL received MORE than that? Buehrle will almost certainly earn more than $7 million between now and '06 (his last year before free agency). He's taking the chance that he'll remain healthy and effective in the interim. But you can't blame him for not signing a deal that is worth less than what C.C. Sabathia is getting, particularly when he'll be able to earn more through arbitration.


(2) As to Ventura (and others) who have left because of money, there are a few things you're failing to take into account. First, you don't know why Ventura left. The fact is, the Mets were wining and dining him, telling him how much they wanted him, how they were committed to winning, how they viewed him as a cornerstone for the future, etc., etc. The Sox, on the other hand, basically made it known that they didn't really want him back; they made a last minute, low-ball offer for PR purposes only. So gee, which would you take, the offer from a team that truly wants you and offers more money, or the team that doesn't really want you and low-balled you? Kind of hard to blame Ventura for that choice.


(3) So, do you think Colon will agree to extend his stay with the Sox for 2 years and $7 million? After all, that's more money than you or I will earn in a lifetime. Surely Colon (unlike the evil Mark Buehrle) will see that, and sign for whatever we offer. Sheesh - give me a break. You can detest any player who leaves for more money, but you're kidding yourself if don't think that virtually every player on the roster (and every player on every team in the majors) wouldn't do the same thing.


(4) Apparently, you would be of a completely different opinion if Buehrle had won 20 games instead of 19? How does that make any sense? That one win would someone entitle him to riches and spoils, but 19 wins and 239 IP doesn't? The difference between 19 and 20 wins is immaterial - if the bullpen had protected one more lead for him he would have won 20. Who cares?


(5) I agree with you about the Cardinals' meeting he is attending. That is bush league, in my opinion. But it may be a bargaining/PR ploy more than anything else. Putting the pressure on KW. But it doesn't really have any effect on the current situation; even the offer KW made to Buehrle would have only gone through '05, so its not like it would have extended his stay or put off his free agency if he had accepted.


(6) Colon and Buehrle are pretty comparable, if you ask me. You are clearly basing your opinion that Colon is better based strictly upon your personal feelings about Buehrle. Hopefully, KW doesn't follow your lead, and makes his decisions based upon facts and reasonable analysis, and not knee-jerk, emotional bias.


(7) Why would Buehrle struggle because he's thinking about $ this year? The Sox screwed him over last year with respect to $, and he was awesome again in '02. No reason to think '03 will be any different.


(8) Buehrle has won 35 games over the last two years, posted sub- 3.60 ERAs in each of those years, hasn't missed a start, has pitched tons of innings, and has come up big in big games. In short, he has done everything we could have hoped for. And he's only 23 years old. To suggest that he "is not as good as we all think" is absurd; he's one of the top 2 or 3 lefthanded starters in the AL and has many great years in front of him. For you to claim otherwise is absurd and, again, based upon nothing but your personal dislike of him. You're ruining your credibility with statements like that.

1) Buehrle plays a game and gets millions of dollars a year. My mom is a doctor and she gets like 100,000 dollars a year. Thats still good money, but think about it. Doctors, firefighter and cops save lives and in the case of firefighters and cops, risk theirs, and then they get crap money. Buehrle plays a game, without risking his life or saving someone elses, and they turn him into a millionaire. Thats just a problem with entertainment. They get the big bucks while the real important people like doctors, firefighters and cops get next to nothing compared to them.


2) So he did get insulted, but wasnt he still making enough money?


3) Jose Valentin is one player who I think should get more respect. He is the one player who would prove you wrong. He coulda gone to Baltimore for a much better contract but he stayed here. That shows Kenny some respect and I hope the next time Jose hits the negotiating table KW returns that respect.


4) 20 is a landmark. By getting there you guarantee yourself more money. In Kennys eyes MB must have failed and therefore didnt deserve the extra bucks.


5) So maybe it has no effect on the situation but its still disrespect! Once, I got mad and threw a nickel at some kids head. He didnt get hurt but he was still pissed simply because thats disrespect. KWs the one here who should be pissed, not Mark.


6) Colon was 20-8 with like a 2.93 ERA while Buehrle was 19-12 with a 3.58 ERA. Colon is much better just by the stats.


7) He dropped off considerably last year in ERA. What if that happens again? His ERA will be like 3.90, which is unacceptable for someone whos supposed to be our ace.


8) So maybe I was wrong on the last point but my opinion of Buehrle is not going to change.


And cw, how much was he offered? Somewhere, I heard 7 million for three years, then I heard 5 million over an unknown period of time from Mr Showtime and then I hear 300,000 from you. Could you please explain the basis of the offer?

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Potential in the bush aint worth 20 wins in the hand





... or something like that

That is a good point. Wow, you kind of have me pinned down with that one. But it really doesnt matter. MB has lost all his respect from me. And let me tell you the truth. I dont think I truly dislike him because of the money, I dislike this whole thing about going to the Cardinals meeting. That is disrespect and disloyalty in my opinion...

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I like people who like my team. I dont like people who insult it like MB has.

You fail to realize that JR has been insulting Sox players and FANS for 20+ years now.

Youre right but I never mentioned what I thought of JR. I dont like him. I hope he sells the team. What I said is that I like Kenny and what hes done, not what JR has done...

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The Sox mishandled the whole deal last year. I think they still have time to undo the damage, but I don't think KW is the man for that job. If they can't undo the damage, then some damage control is needed so that Mark can have his head on straight and have a good year in 2003. When they renew his contract for 2003, they ought to do it for at least $1 Million. Then they can negoiate seriously for 2004.

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I like people who like my team. I dont like people who insult it like MB has.

You fail to realize that JR has been insulting Sox players and FANS for 20+ years now.

Youre right but I never mentioned what I thought of JR. I dont like him. I hope he sells the team. What I said is that I like Kenny and what hes done, not what JR has done...

If you're talking about MB, KW, and salary, then you have to talk about JR. There's no way around it.

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And what is the deal with Mark going to the Cardinals meeting?  Was that this year?  Did I miss something?

Yep, hes on the agenda of players who are going to appear at the Cards version of Soxfest. That would be like Edgar Renteria showing up at Soxfest. Its disloyalty and disrespect. KW has to make an example out of Buehrle to show him that such follishness will not be tolerated!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

cw dont bother, your talking to the brain dead there...............roman, aka psycho, aka ferris buler, aka whatever the hell you want to call yourself.... give it a rest ok.. you obviously do not have the first clue of what your talking about and your only objective here is to raise tempers so leave it alone.......to keep going with it only loses you any respect you may have had, and shows how niave and stupid you honestly are........

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cw dont bother, your talking to the brain dead there...............roman, aka psycho, aka ferris buler, aka whatever the hell you want to call yourself.... give it a rest ok.. you obviously do not have the first clue of what your talking about and your only objective here is to raise tempers so leave it alone.......to keep going with it only loses you any respect you may have had, and shows how niave and stupid you honestly are........

Yeah.............u know nada about sports.


You should find a small asian boy and give him a hot carl.

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I like people who like my team. I dont like people who insult it like MB has.

You fail to realize that JR has been insulting Sox players and FANS for 20+ years now.

Youre right but I never mentioned what I thought of JR. I dont like him. I hope he sells the team. What I said is that I like Kenny and what hes done, not what JR has done...

If you're talking about MB, KW, and salary, then you have to talk about JR. There's no way around it.

Well, then, thats what I have to say about JR. Maybe he is the one to blame. Maybe he didnt give enough money to KW so that KW could make a good enough offer to Buehrle. So then it would be his fault, not Kennys. The main point I wish to make is that I like KW for what hes done for this organization and I detest Buehrle for the disrespect and disloyalty hes shown this organization. And if you wish to include Jerry in all of this I detest him too...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
And what is the deal with Mark going to the Cardinals meeting?  Was that this year?  Did I miss something?

yeah you missed something.. its not a meeting its a chairty fund raiser.......mark goes every year as part of being a citizen of a town neighboring st. louis...... kinda like the community celeb thing ya know.........nothing wrong with it and the cardinals just happen to be a sponsor of this event each year........but make no mistakes about it as soon as marks able he will be out of here... with the way hes treated by management i dont blame him one bit i would have left last season if it were me..................

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Guest hotsoxchick1
cw dont bother, your talking to the brain dead there...............roman, aka psycho, aka ferris buler, aka whatever the hell you want to call yourself.... give it a rest ok.. you obviously do not have the first clue of what your talking about and your only objective here is to raise tempers so leave it alone.......to keep going with it only loses you any respect you may have had, and shows how niave and stupid you honestly are........

Yeah.............u know nada about sports.


You should find a small asian boy and give him a hot carl.

YOU SHUT THE f*** UP TOO..... ASS CLOWN...........

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cw dont bother, your talking to the brain dead there...............roman, aka psycho, aka ferris buler, aka whatever the hell you want to call yourself.... give it a rest ok.. you obviously do not have the first clue of what your talking about and your only objective here is to raise tempers so leave it alone.......to keep going with it only loses you any respect you may have had, and shows how niave and stupid you honestly are........

Then, if you wish, let me say that MB has completely disrespected this team by this little Cardinals stunt and now this thread is over. You can go on detesting KW and Ill go on detesting Buehrle and well all live in peace. Deal?

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