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NCAA hoops thread

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Duke clearly has the best team in the nation right now. Standford is barely putting it together out west and St Joe's in a weak conference but still i give props to the best backcourt in the nation led by jamir nelson.


As i was saying Duke is playing the best right now and they deserve the #1 ranking.

I haven't seen Stanford play for a couple of months now, but they are undefeated and in a real confrence, which is a convincing arguement for #1. That being said, Duke is the best TEAM that I have seen so far.

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I haven't seen Stanford play for a couple of months now, but they are undefeated and in a real confrence, which is a convincing arguement for #1.  That being said, Duke is the best TEAM that I have seen so far.

Stanford is the real deal. They have been missing two good players. Childress is a stud too.

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i guess i underestimated standford and your right they did beat Zona twice so ya being undefeated is something to be proud of. Anyways Duke is undefeated in the best conference in college hoops. Dont even tell me that they arent the real deal.

When did I say Duke wasn't the real deal? :huh And whats with being so defensive of Duke? Do you have any connections to the university, or are you from North Carolina? Just don't tell me you are a bandwagon Duke fan. There are far to many of those out there.

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Pittsburgh looked horrible in both overtimes, and the only reason they scored at all that 2nd OT was because of an offesive putback off a miss, and an airball (best play in basketball, nobody expects it) that they picked up. They had way too many turnovers, and Setan Hall just wanted it more. And wow, is Andre Barrett a leader, he took over that game, execpt for the fact he was 1 for 3 at the line in the clutch, but the 1 FT is what won it...

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When did I say Duke wasn't the real deal? :huh And whats with being so defensive of Duke?  Do you have any connections to the university, or are you from North Carolina?  Just don't tell me you are a bandwagon Duke fan.  There are far to many of those out there.

99% of people are bandwagoners. It is a fact of life. People want to be associated with winners.

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Anyways Duke is undefeated in the best conference in college hoops. Dont even tell me that they arent the real deal.

Just remember who gave Duke their only loss, a Big 10 team... Purdue in Alaska! Although, then the ACC mopped us up 2 days later, but I like to forget such times. Anyway, Purdue is a completely different team with Booker out for the year, and Lowe hurting now.

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mark my words:

Illini will be ranked next monday.

I dont know about that, since they only got 5 votes in the coaches poll, and 40 votes in the AP(which makes them about 35th overall), but what i do know is that if they sweep the next 2 games at the Hall, (State tomorrow, Badgers next Wed) we will be in 1st place in the big 10. So lets take care of business!



oh, on a side note here's a story that shows how Weber threw the team out of practice 2 weeks ago to get them motivated, and the players reactions.





Go Illini !

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The perverbial "defining our team" game for my South Carolina boys is Wednesday night at home against Mississippi State. Most 'experts' have questions how good this USC team is, with a weak non-conference schedule. A win over a much-ballyhooed Miss St team would go a long ways in terms of SEC standings. It would put USC back into a tie with Kentucky atop the SEC East. I'm ready.

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Nobody gonna mention the UK game?  They are probably the best defensive team in the country IMO.  They are senior laden, talented, and havea killer instinct.  The one thing that will stop them from winning it all is that they are missing the superstar this year.

Eh ...I thought about it, but I got lazy... :lol:


It's Tubby's 305th win. He did the famous "take all the starters out move" to show them what's up, and it really worked. They came back in the game and took the lead back from Bama. Kentucky's in first in the SEC now.

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