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IU's up on Minnesota 39-30 at the end of the first half.....

We're surprisingly going inside a lot, and Leach has 17 points.


I just read a little blip on the Big Ten on ESPN talking about bubble teams and what not.....They say that Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan State are locks. Here's the link to the article and what they say about the Big Ten....


Bubble Watch


ON THE BUBBLE: Indiana, Michigan, Purdue


The Big Ten has never had fewer than five teams in the NCAA Tournament. This year, it'll be tough to get four bids. Purdue's loss at Michigan State may have solidified the Spartans' place in the dance, but pushed the Boilermakers further out the door. Yes, Purdue beat Duke. But that was 2½ months and nine losses ago. Today, the Boilermakers sit behind Northwestern in the Big Ten standings ... and the win over the Blue Devils has become stale on the self. Purdue (16-9, 6-6) did beat MSU at home, as well as Wisconsin and the Illini in Champaign. But the Boilermakers need to string together some wins in a hurry. They finish the season with three home games, but trips to Minnesota and Wisconsin come first. Indiana, meanwhile, is running out of frontline players and time. The Hoosiers are on the verge of missing the NCAAs for the first time since 1985. Will playing at home be enough? The schedule suggests IU (12-10, 6-6) could win its final five, with four at home and only a trip to Northwestern. But after Minnesota on Wednesday night and Ohio State on Saturday, the final week brings fellow bubble team Michigan and Wisconsin to Bloomington. Whether Michigan (13-8, 4-6) is still fighting for a bid, however, depends of how it handles four straight home games. Like the Hoosiers, the schedule is kind. But winning all four won't be easy: Penn State, Wisconsin, Michigan State and Ohio State.

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Knight won't pursue any more appeals


INDIANAPOLIS -- Bob Knight has dropped a lawsuit against Indiana University almost four years after being fired as men's basketball coach for violating a "zero-tolerance" behavior policy.


A circuit court judge ruled in October that IU did not violate Knight's contract when it fired him. The judge later rejected a motion by Knight to reconsider the case to correct errors.


"I believe this would bring the controversy between Mr. Knight and the university to closure," IU counsel Dorothy Frapwell said Wednesday after she received notice that an appeal by Knight has been withdrawn.


"The university always took the position it had fulfilled all of its obligations that were required under Mr. Knight's contract. I believe the motion for summary judgment that was granted supported that, and also a motion to correct errors in which there was a ruling in the university's favor," Frapwell said.


Former IU President Myles Brand, now the president of the NCAA, fired Knight in 2000 for allegedly grabbing a student who greeted him in what Knight considered a disrespectful manner at Assembly Hall.


Knight, who coached at Indiana for 29 years and brought the Hoosiers three NCAA championships, was hired at Texas Tech in 2001. He sued Indiana in 2002, alleging it violated his contract by failing to follow procedures for firing him. He said losing the job had cost him $2 million in income from media contracts, basketball camps and endorsements.


A one-page motion to dismiss the appeal of Monroe Circuit Judge Kenneth Todd's ruling was signed by Knight's attorney, Russell Yates of Denver, and filed with the court last week.


"This is really consistent with the position that was taken regarding this litigation from the start: The university had not breached the contract," Frapwell said.


Telephone messages seeking comment were left for Yates and with James Voyles, Knight's attorney in Indianapolis.

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f*** f*** f***.......


IU loses AT HOME to Minnesota 73-71......We'll be lucky to make the NIT.....

My prediction: coach Davis is fired within 2 years. IU fans/alum will not stand for this team not making the Tourny for the 1st time since 1985. He better hope that his recruiting class lives up to expectations or he will be looking through the help wanted ads next year. As an IU fan I have never thought that Davis was a good coach, and watching another lead fall by the wayside in the final 5 minutes of a game(when the coach has the biggest influence) only further proves my opinion. I hate to admit this, but Knight made IU what it is, and without him IU is going to fall off as a national power(if it hasn't already happened). I wish they would have gotten Pitino instead. He was the one guy that could have followed Knight's footsteps.


My sleeper, Wake Forest, is giving Duke a good run. I really think that Wake Forest has all the components to make the Final 4.

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I just don't know. Davis is doing a pretty good job. We were picked 8th in the Big Ten to start the season. This was supposed to be a transition year. Davis did get IU into championship game in the NCAA tourney in 2002.


This is a question from from Terry Hutchen's IU Q&A on Indystar.com and it really relates to this point...I totally agree w/ Terry on this...


Question: I think coach Davis is glad they don't announce his name in the pre-game introductions at Assembly Hall because he knows people will boo him and that will hurt him. He constantly diverts the attention away from himself especially when they lose. But at the same time takes the credit when they pull out a win. The only thing this guy can do is recruit. This NBA pro style offense does not work. Why can't he see that?


He has ruined Indiana basketball and has taken this program downhill. It is obvious. Anybody who doesn't see it must be brainwashed by Mike Davis's lame excuses. Davis says there is no sparkle in the players. I wouldn't be excited either if I had to run a defense and offense that barely beat a N.D. team. It doesn't work. Davis should be fired and IU should bring in a qualified coach. If you love IU you would agree with me on this one. (Matt in Goshen, Ind.)


Answer: It's hard for me to answer this question because I'm obviously feeling the effects of being brainwashed by the Mike Davis propaganda machine. I'm curious where you were two years ago when the Hoosiers were playing for the national championship. And forget the excuse that he was there with Bob Knight's players. They were there with Mike Davis's system, the same one that you claim doesn't work and has ruined Indiana basketball. That's what I don't get. I talked to several former IU players during that run (and quoted a couple of them in stories) saying that if Knight had still been IU's coach, the 2002 Hoosiers would never have made it to the Final Four. They said it was Davis's system that had led IU back to the national limelight.


So how is it that this system suddenly doesn't work two years later. Perhaps it's the fact that he doesn't have the pieces he needs this year to run the system as well as it did in 2002. He doesn't have the players that are willing to screen, and go hard off of cuts like Dane Fife, Tom Coverdale and Kyle Hornsby were willing to do. Sorry, I just don't think it's the system as much as it is the players. And I think it's that system that Davis's highly-touted class are coming to Indiana to be a part of. I don't think the guy could just recruit if he didn't have a system in place that players wanted to play in. I think the two go hand in hand.


As for your comment about how this team barely beat Notre Dame. Is that the same Notre Dame team that has beaten Seton Hall, Connecticut and Syracuse the last three games out? Just curious.

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I just don't know.  Davis is doing a pretty good job. We were picked 8th in the Big Ten to start the season.  This was supposed to be a transition year.  Davis did get IU into championship game in the NCAA tourney in 2002.


This is a question from from Terry Hutchen's IU Q&A on Indystar.com and it really relates to this point...I totally agree w/ Terry on this...

Come on greasy! Open your eyes to reality. I love how Davis supports are so quick to point to the Tourny run in 2002. He should get some credit for that, but the Tourny is a crapshot to some degree. It just so happened that IU got hot/lucky at the right time. How much credit does a coach deserve for that? You have to also realize that you are basing your opinion on an extremely small sample size that occured 2 years ago. Not only am I the type of person that ask what have you done for me lately, but if Davis is so good, than how come he didn't lead a more talented team in 2003 to a similar Tourny run? If you want to give Davis credit for his coaching during the 2002 Tourny run, than you have to critize his 2003 run(or lack there of) followed by no Tourny in 2004. Or you can point to IU being hot/lucky in 2002 and not in 2003(not giving Davis much credit, but not crtitizing him either). I think it is a mixture of the two, but it is starting to appear that his 2002 run was more of a fluke than the norm, so using that to support him holds little water.


Furthermore, I also don't think he is as good of a recruiter as some make him out to be. He has brought in a few very good players, but has failed to address IU's major weakness. Since JJ left IU has lacked frontcourt talent/depth and Davis has done nothing to address this issue. I see mid-major schools and bottom feeders in the big conferences landing top 100 big man the past 3-4 years, yet Davis has brought in nothing. He has a good recruiting class coming in, but from what I have heard from a friend close to IU, Smith is for sure going pro after high school, which takes away a lot from this recruiting class. Furthermore, he has brought in only 1 true big man(White), and AGAIN the lack of talent/depth upfront is going to really hurt this team next year. With Smith going pro, and Leach(IU's top big man) and Moye(there emotional leader and a key player) graduating, I question how much better IU will be next year. We assume that all the recruits will live up to their hype, but how often does that happen? They have some big shoes to fill, and I don't see IU being that much better next year, which should bring an end to the Davis run.

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I disagree. I know Knight was great and all w/ what he did at IU, but Knight was starting to lose his supremacy at IU when he got fired. During the 1990's things began to come apart. Bobby became more famous for his off-court antics than his coaching. How many years was it that IU went one and out in the NCAAs? He turned almost maniacal, accepting no blame or responsibility for anything. I don't care if he was set up by Niel Reed that he grabbed or not. He had to go!

Was there this much whining when Knight had an offseason?

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I disagree.  I know Knight was great and all w/ what he did at IU, but Knight was starting to lose his supremacy at IU when he got fired.  During the 1990's things began to come apart. Bobby became more famous for his off-court antics than his coaching. How many years was it that IU went one and out in the NCAAs? He turned almost maniacal, accepting no blame or responsibility for anything. I don't care if he was set up by Niel Reed that he grabbed or not. He had to go!

Was there this much whining when Knight had an offseason?

Then how do you explain his sucess at Texas Tech if he was falling off? Texas Tech was the doormat of the Big 12 for years, and since he has arrived he has turned that program around. Knight wasn't a great recruiter(Davis did a good amount of the recruiting), but he got the most of the talent he had, which IMO is the true definition of being a good coach. You give me 8 MAA and i could probably win 20 games. Davis doesn't get the most out of his talent, has a bad reputation with the players(numerous players have complained about him), mismanages games, and barring a miracle is about to end the run of going to the Tourny since 1985(which is 10x worse than going 1 and out). Knowing that, can you look me in the eyes and tell me that he is a better coach than Knight? Not to mention the history/records/ect that Knight has. Your IU faith has blinded you from reality. Davis just isn't a good coach, and if he doesn't turn things around next year, than he will probably be fired. The IU fans/alum are not going to except losing.

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I never said Davis was better than Knight. I just said it was probably time for a change in Bloomington. The focus wasn't on the basketball anymore. The media turned IU into a circus w/ making every move of Knight's the top story. (They still do.) I just think it's unfair to compare the two coaches though. They have different styles, and it's still extremely early in Davis' tenure at IU. It's also a different era of college basketball. It's rare to see players stay at their campuses all 4 years anymore. This wasn't the case for a majority of Knight's era at IU. This has to make it really hard to get a player to master the system and get the most out of them. I mean look at what that Florida player just did. Athletes just look for the money anymore.


I believe Davis will do justice before his tenure at IU is up. Like I said earlier, this was supposed to be a down year. We were a young squad w/ no height. We were picked to finish 8th in the Big Ten. Leach went out during the toughest stretch of IU's schedule. How was any of that going to get us into the tourney?

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I never said Davis was better than Knight.  I just said it was probably time for a change in Bloomington.  The focus wasn't on the basketball anymore.  The media turned IU into a circus w/ making every move of Knight's the top story.  (They still do.)  I just think it's unfair to compare the two coaches though.  They have different styles, and it's still extremely early in Davis' tenure at IU.  It's also a different era of college basketball.  It's rare to see players stay at their campuses all 4 years anymore.  This wasn't the case for a majority of Knight's era at IU.  This has to make it really hard to get a player to master the system and get the most out of them.  I mean look at what that Florida player just did.  Athletes just look for the money anymore. 


I believe Davis will do justice before his tenure at IU is up.  Like I said earlier, this was supposed to be a down year.  We were a young squad w/ no height.  We were picked to finish 8th in the Big Ten.  Leach went out during the toughest stretch of IU's schedule.  How was any of that going to get us into the tourney?

Who's fault is it that IU was picked 8th? Davis puts the talent on the roster through recruiting, so using the fact that they weren't suppose to be that good this year is complete BS buddy. You are not understanding that he is the reason that they weren't that good to begin with(with a lack of recruiting). What has his great coaching gotten IU this year? If he is such a good coach, than he should be able to perform a little better than expectations, right? Isn't that the definition of a good coach? To get the most out of the talent you have? Yet IU has been embarassed this year with mutiple blowout loses, constantly losing at home, struggling to a .500 record, and not making the Tourny(unless they win the Big 10 Tourny). I find it funny that you are quick to give Davis credit when he does something well, but ignore the negative things that have occured(sounds a little like a Manuel supporter trying to justify keeping him).


danman, please read my previous post about the Tourny run. Basing your opinion of a coach on something like that holds no water buddy.

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Michigan knocked off Penn State, their hopes are slim but they still have a chance. (14-8; 5-6)


DePaul is on fire! They have won their last five and are tied for second place in C-USA. (15-7; 8-3)


At least I know my teams are all but locks for the NIT, and both have a shot at the NCAA tourney.

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Who's fault is it that IU was picked 8th? Davis puts the talent on the roster through recruiting, so using the fact that they weren't suppose to be that good this year is complete BS buddy. You are not understanding that he is the reason that they weren't that good to begin with(with a lack of recruiting). What has his great coaching gotten IU this year? If he is such a good coach, than he should be able to perform a little better than expectations, right? Isn't that the definition of a good coach? To get the most out of the talent you have? Yet IU has been embarassed this year with mutiple blowout loses, constantly losing at home, struggling to a .500 record, and not making the Tourny(unless they win the Big 10 Tourny). I find it funny that you are quick to give Davis credit when he does something well, but ignore the negative things that have occured(sounds a little like a Manuel supporter trying to justify keeping him).


danman, please read my previous post about the Tourny run. Basing your opinion of a coach on something like that holds no water buddy.

How many championships did Knight win in his first 4 years?






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Hello the evil institute DUKE lost today.  Good f*** them.

:headbang Paul is an absolute stud.


After watching last year's McDonald's All-American game I was impressed with him, Lavender of Oklahoma, and Shannon Brown of Mich St along with of course LeBron. Paul has been awesome, Lavender has played pretty well everytime I see him, but Brown has disappointed. I'm still waiting for him to blossom.

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i was watching around the horn today and the last question was who do u think would win between Duke and St. Joes if they went head to head. personally i think duke would win because they are 5-1 against ranked teams and St. Joes is 1-0 against ranked teams. Also Duke has a much harder schedule then St. Joes. I dk what do u guys think?

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i was watching around the horn today and the last question was who do u think would win between Duke and St. Joes if they went head to head. personally i think duke would win because they are 5-1 against ranked teams and St. Joes is 1-0 against ranked teams. Also Duke has a much harder schedule then St. Joes. I dk what do u guys think?

I'm not sold on St. Joe's yet, but I'm sold on Nelson. The guy is amazing.

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