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Smith just looks so awkward.


I could really see three teams getting in now, wow.

Its not too often a 7' 2 lanky guy doesnt look awkward, and I dont know what DanMan was talking about when it sounded like he was surprised that Nick wasnt missing, he's probably our best shooter from 13-18 feet. He hits that shot consistantly.


Also, I really believe that there will be 4 in the tourney for sure from the big 10, (my 4th being Purdue even with their RPI) and like i've said for a while, a shot at 5, because either Michigan, Iowa or even Indiana(if they could get back to what got them in the big 10 lead in the early part of the season) could make a run because the big 10 doesnt have that one dominant team this year, although the Illini are trying there best to become that team.



Go Illini... Revenge on Keady next Wed!

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this is the worst big ten season i can ever remember, but i think the tope 3 we have can compete and will do quite well in the tourney

I agree with the 1st part, but not the 2nd. Michigan St. will lose to the first good team they play, which will be in the 2nd round, if they even get past the first round. Wisconsin has been struggling lately and I doubt that they will do much in the tourney. Illinois looks the best of the 3, but they always find a way to lose in the tourney. None of these teams will make the elite 8, and maybe only 1 of them will even make the sweet 16.

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I agree with the 1st part, but not the 2nd. Michigan St. will lose to the first good team they play, which will be in the 2nd round, if they even get past the first round. Wisconsin has been struggling lately and I doubt that they will do much in the tourney. Illinois looks the best of the 3, but they always find a way to lose in the tourney. None of these teams will make the elite 8, and maybe only 1 of them will even make the sweet 16.

most people are expecting very little but i feel that the 3 teams the big ten will send are tourney tested and all 3 WILL make the sweet 16



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most people are expecting very little but i feel that the 3 teams the big ten will send are tourney tested and all 3 WILL make the sweet 16



I hope your right man, I think all 3 do have an excellent shot of getting to the sweet 16.


Im actually back at my parents house right now, and I busted out Illinois Sweet 16 and Elite 8 matchups on tape against Kansas and Arizona. Its funny the way that Walton and Enburg totally sucked Illinois dick in the Kansas game and then Walton does the infamous "I love my son, so ill trash on Illinois now". By the way Enburg, ITS KRUPALIA, NOT KRUPULA!! Anyway , back to what i was saying, that year Penn St (who got beat by Temple), Mich St. and Illini were all in the Sweet 16 so maybe we can repeat that again.


Im way off subject here, anyway, GO ILLINI!

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With Pickett gone after this year it's hard to see FSU being as good next season. Possibly after that they will continue to improve though.

I disagree completely. FSU is one of the rising basketball schools in the country. Hamilton is one of the best recruiters in the country(not to mention that he has a beautiful campus, weather, and women to help sell recruits), and last year he beat out Indiana for 3 of the top prospects they were after(Wafer, Romero, and AJohnson) on his way to the #1 recruiting class in the country in 2003. They have another top 25 recruiting class coming in this year, and are fighting with Indiana for Tello Palacios(a top 25 big man). If they get Palacios, than that will take their recruiting class to the top 10. Losing Pickett will hurt, but back-back great recruiting classes will help easy the pain. The ACC better watch out because FSU is no longer a push over.

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Southern Illiniois lost, what a travesty.

My friend, an Illinois fan (they grow on trees don't they?), is telling me that they aren't good because they lost to Northern Iowa. I tell him that upsets happen and it's hard to run the table in the MVC. I highly doubt that Illinois could go 18-0 in the MVC. It's just too damn hard to win that many games without either running into a hot team or having a bad game.

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