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From Today's LA Times:


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"The Dodgers haven't shut the door on Chicago White Sox right fielder Magglio Ordonez, the subject of serious trade talks between the teams at the winter meetings, but the White Sox haven't backed down on their demand for starter Odalis Perez, setup man Guillermo Mota, one of the Dodgers' top two pitching prospects, Edwin Jackson or Greg Miller, and a fourth player."



It looks like neither team is going to blink.

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"The Dodgers haven't shut the door on Chicago White Sox right fielder Magglio Ordonez, the subject of serious trade talks between the teams at the winter meetings, but the White Sox haven't backed down on their demand for starter Odalis Perez, setup man Guillermo Mota, one of the Dodgers' top two pitching prospects, Edwin Jackson or Greg Miller, and a fourth player."



It looks like neither team is going to blink.

The Sox should sweeten the deal a little... I mean were asking a ton.

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Maggs is a "franchise" TYPE player - I'm not saying he IS a franchise player, note difference.  Having said that, the Sox SHOULD ask for a lot.  They need this type of trade to stock the pipeline...

True, but in addition to asking for all those players, they are also asking the Dodgers to take on approx. an additional $10 million in payroll.

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Maggs is a "franchise" TYPE player - I'm not saying he IS a franchise player, note difference.  Having said that, the Sox SHOULD ask for a lot.  They need this type of trade to stock the pipeline...

I agree, even just for PR's sake to trade a guy like Maggs you have to get a boatload of talent to be able to show to people that it was a good deal.

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I'd be very happy with that deal. The Sox could throw in someone else, as long as it isn't a top prospect or even not ask for the 4th guy.

I'm guessing the hangup is a combo of Perez (since they got rid of Brown) and asking for Jackson or Miller (the larger issue most likely).

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We should not make the mistake of undervauling our own players. Maggs is worth every one of the Bums we are asking for from LA.

And after this season when he leaves and all we get are compensation picks for him, you will be complaining about how the Sox got nothing for him.

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We should not make the mistake of undervauling our own players. Maggs is worth every one of the Bums we are asking for from LA.

yeah, exactly. We have gotten screwed too many times by doing that. Mags is worth those guys, if LA wants to be the worst offensive team in the majors again this year, fine we'll keep mags.

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We should not make the mistake of undervauling our own players. Maggs is worth every one of the Bums we are asking for from LA.

I disagree..... Asking LA to give up four players including one of the top prospects in baseball and pay an additional $10 million in salary is a bit much to ask for almost anyone. I think Sox fans overvalue their own players rather than undervalue them as you suggest. I would submit some of the contracts the Sox have that everyone seems to be b****ing about as evidence (Koch, Konerko, Valentin, etc.).

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Perez, Jackson, Hanrahan.







Perez, Jackson, Miller




Maggs and Brochard (He might not have that much value to us, but LA is hardup for offense, and he would provide a bat next year)



From what I have read the Dodgers also dont want to give up Mota, and Williams is insisting on him.


So I say we scratch that from what we are asking and try for a Hanrahan or other high level pitching prospect.


Jackson can do the job Mota would have in the pen, or start.


But I really doubt this deal gets done, I see the Dodgers overpaying for Hidalgo, and then watching him revert back to his sub .300 stats. He will be moving from a hitters park where he has hit .020 higher in the last 3 seasons, to one of the worst hitters parks.


If the Dodgers are even considering Perez for Hidalgo, then Maggs is worth Perez, Jackson, and Hanrahan.


Personally, I say if the Dodgers dont give us a deal like that, we just stand pat, might as well take our chances that our pitchers will be average and our offense above average and makes some moves at the deadline.



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Green certainly ain't goin anywhere. The only place he could be goin is to first base if they get Hildalgo. Plus LA doesn't want Maggs at that cost for 1 year, cos he won't resign which whateva team he's on in 2004. He really wants to try out Free Agency and see if he can get lucky and get a mega deal.

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Green certainly ain't goin anywhere. The only place he could be goin is to first base if they get Hildalgo. Plus LA doesn't want Maggs at that cost for 1 year, cos he won't resign which whateva team he's on in 2004. He really wants to try out Free Agency and see if he can get lucky and get a mega deal.

And you know this how?

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