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Trump is negotiating to buy a sports franchise

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Don't get my hopes up. Then again, Trump is pretty egotistical so he'd probably try to run the show.


Any team in New York worth 250 mill, cause I'd think that would be his first shot. Either way I'm guessings its a baseball or basketball team. Not many hockey teams would be worth 250 mill and football teams are worth much more then that. I really don't know the value of a basketball team, but I can't think of any basketball teams up for sale.


If Trump was smart he'd see the potential in the Sox and go for it.

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Hes building a brand new building in Chicago...


I would say that the White Sox are a team that he inquired about buying regardless of whether he does or not.


From the standpoint of Trump the Sox have a lot of positives that no other team could have.


1) One of the biggest television markets.


2) One of the biggest populations.


3) A very good staduim lease.


4) A relatively new staduim that is being renovated through advertising dollars.


I doubt he buys the Sox, but I think he would make a great owner, and would try and knock Stienbrenner off the block.


Damn didnt realize it said "Sports Franchise"


Probably will be a NY team, at first I thought Baseball team, and in that regard the Sox are probably one of the best investments in baseball.



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Actually the Sox estimated value is right about $250 million.  Not that it will ever happen mind you.

2003 Forbes estimate on the value of the Sox is $233 million so a year later plus owning controling interest, $250 isn't a crazy number.



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Don't get my hopes up.  Then again, Trump is pretty egotistical so he'd probably try to run the show.


Any team in New York worth 250 mill, cause I'd think that would be his first shot.  Either way I'm guessings its a baseball or basketball team.  Not many hockey teams would be worth 250 mill and football teams are worth much more then that.  I really don't know the value of a basketball team, but I can't think of any basketball teams up for sale.


If Trump was smart he'd see the potential in the Sox and go for it.

According to that same Forbes article the NY teams were #1 and #2 in most value in baseball at about $850 million and $450 million respectively.

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But Trump is a big baseball fan. He is trying to branch into Chicago. And, why would Krause sign with the Yankees rather than the Sox unless he was told there might not be a job here for you soon. Hey it may be a pipedream but it sure is fun talking about By the way the Mets are worth $450 million and Yanks $750 million.

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But Trump is a big baseball fan.  He is trying to branch into Chicago.  And, why would Krause sign with the Yankees rather than the Sox unless he was told there might not be a job here for  you soon.  Hey it may be a pipedream but it sure is fun talking about  By the way the Mets are worth $450 million and Yanks $750 million.

Yankees $849 million




Mets $498 million




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Saying Trump does buy the Chicago White Sox (I realize it may be a longshot) what do you guys think that will do to our payroll situation?  I'm not positive on Trumps earnings, but he probably has enough to atleast put us near the 100 million dollar mark.

I gotta imagine that Trump wouldn't get into baseball just to make money. With his ego he would be looking to kick Steinbrenner and everyone else's asses. The payroll where ever he takes over would have to go up. And you have got to imagine that an underutilized team like the Sox would be a great target for an investor. He could buy this team and have it worth $500 million in a few years.

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Debartolo was not accepted due to his "mob" affiliations, and organized crime.


It had nothing to do with he was going to spend to much money.


Also, If Trump bought a team, I would suspect he would use it as an investment to promote his business, and put a good amount of money into the team.


In his new show on TV, I wished I was on it to try and tell him he should buy the Sox, because they were one of the easiest ways to make a huge return on investment.



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And they'd probably be called the Denver White Sox.

thank you for a sane note here



does anyone understand the phrase "be careful what you ask for, since you may get it"?



What about Trump makes anyone think of the word "loyalty"????????



He'd move the Sox outta here so fast if he had a chance...

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thank you for a sane note here



does anyone understand the phrase "be careful what you a k for, since you may get it"?



What about Trump makes anyone think of the word "loyalty"????????



He'd move the Sox outta here so fast if he had a chance...

Like I said earlier I think the Sox would be a prime takeover target if this were the normal business world. They are so underutilized in the 3rd biggest market in the country. There would be a big chance to make a ton of money quickly. I don't think any other market in the US could offer the potential that an excited Chicago could.

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Why would Trump move the White Sox?


And I assume that there would be some sort of clause that would either limit where he can move the team, how much time would have to pass before he could move it, etc.


Not to mention, I dont think Denver can support 2 teams, and since MLB can not find a suitable area for the Expos to go, I doubt they have areas lined up for other teams wanting to move.


Trump needs a big city, NY, LA, Chicago.


Also, if Trump bought the White Sox, I would expect him to try and purchase the Robert Taylor homes and other proprety in the area and make Comiskey the epicenter of the new area.


Through development he could make that area just as successful as Wrigleyville, that is why the White Sox would be such a steal.



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I gotta imagine that Trump wouldn't get into baseball just to make money. With his ego he would be looking to kick Steinbrenner and everyone else's asses.


I wouldn't be so quick to make that assumption. Trump is an astute businessman, especially since he damned near went belly up about 10 years ago. I don't see him as one to throw money around. Maybe I am wrong, but that almost got him in trouble before.

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Why would Trump move the White Sox?




Not to mention, I dont think Denver can support 2 teams, and since MLB can not find a suitable area for the Expos to go, I doubt they have areas lined up for other teams wanting to move.





I was referring to reports that when Debartolo's name was in the mix for purchasing the Sox back in '80, there was a good chance he would move them to Colorado.

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I wouldn't be so quick to make that assumption.  Trump is an astute businessman, especially since he damned near went belly up about 10 years ago.  I don't see him as one to throw money around.  Maybe I am wrong, but that almost got him in trouble before.

Yeah, Trump isn't gonna get into baseball to lose money.

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I think that is in interesting idea. Don't know if it would really happen, but has someone else mentioned earlier he is working on a building in Chicago. He also has some other investments in NWI. alla the Boats. I can see it happening, but like all Whitesox news/rumors/possibilities/shots in the dark I won't get my hopes up.

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