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Time to face facts...


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After almost 40 years of being a Sox fan, I would have to see we have reached the all time low.


Things are especially low because this is definitely an all time high for the Cubs.


With an artificial salary cap imposed by the owner, a lousy ball park in a lousy neighborhood that no one wants to go to and a general manager who has to be classified as a moron, this organization has hit bottom. On the field the Sox are tied into expensive contracts with players nobody would want (Thomas, Konerko, Koch, Valentin) and a starting pitching staff that is made up of a #2, #3 and a #4.


I look in the paper or online to see something about the Sox and, as you all do, find nothing. On the other hand, the Cubs seem to be making all the right moves to improve a team only a few outs from a pennant last year.


Jerry, it's time to sell. :angry:

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After almost 40 years of being a Sox fan, I would have to see we have reached the all time low.


Things are especially low because this is definitely an all time high for the Cubs.


With an artificial salary cap imposed by the owner, a lousy ball park in a lousy neighborhood that no one wants to go to and a general manager who has to be classified as a moron, this organization has hit bottom.  On the field the Sox are tied into expensive contracts with players nobody would want (Thomas, Konerko, Koch, Valentin) and a starting pitching staff that is made up of a #2, #3 and a #4.


I look in the paper or online to see something about the Sox and, as you all do, find nothing.  On the other hand, the Cubs seem to be making all the right moves to improve a team only a few outs from a pennant last year.


Jerry, it's time to sell. :angry:

Poop happens.


I suppose you'd rather be a Milwaukee Brewers fan.

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Okay then you can join everyone else in rooting for a team that since 1993 has finished:


First: Once

Second: Once

Third: Twice

Fourth: Twice

Fifth: Three times

Sixth: Twice


Four times they have finished over .500


The Sox have finished:


First: Three times

Second: Six times

Third: Twice


Seven times have the Sox finished over .500


They also have higher ticket prices and a ballpark that is nostalgic but starting to become less functionable. They can only play a handful of night games so Id have to miss work to see the games.


I want to support a team that has done nothing but been consistently crappy over the last decade.


For what its worth, the White Sox are successful every year bordering on .500 almost every season.


Maybe they are not the Yankees, but they damn well are better than the Cubs.


If it was not for 1 game the Cubs would not even have made the playoffs.


This is fair weather fanism at its best.



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Sox play in THE sadsack division of baseball. And they've won it one time since baseball went to the three-division format.


They act as if the sky is falling financially every day.


players frequently leave town b****ing about management's lies and deceptions.


The fan base has been consistently alienated, which is reflected in the attendance.


They haven't won a post-season game since 1993 and haven't won a post-season series since 1917.


Other than that, everything is great.

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Okay then you can join everyone else in rooting for a team that since 1993 has finished:


First: Once

Second: Once

Third: Twice

Fourth: Twice

Fifth: Three times

Sixth: Twice


Four times they have finished over .500


The Sox have finished:


First: Three times

Second: Six times

Third: Twice


Seven times have the Sox finished over .500


They also have higher ticket prices and a ballpark that is nostalgic but starting to become less functionable. They can only play a handful of night games so Id have to miss work to see the games.


I want to support a team that has done nothing but been consistently crappy over the last decade.


For what its worth, the White Sox are successful every year bordering on .500 almost every season.


Maybe they are not the Yankees, but they damn well are better than the Cubs.


If it was not for 1 game the Cubs would not even have made the playoffs.


This is fair weather fanism at its best.



I don't care when they finished, Jesus you people act like it's the End of the Chicago f***ing White Sox. OHNO! They didn't sign Ponson! We are f***ed! Buckhaw, Ponson is pretty damn over-rated, just another Jonny Garland to us. "I'm not a fan anymore!" Good, we get rid of the damn closet Cub fans.


Stop acting like Cub fans about all this. The season hasn't even started yet. Hell, Soxfest hasn't even happened yet, yet the White Sox are destined last place. Sure, right, go on your merry way.


There are not a lot of options out there and I'm sure JR and KW are trying their best to do something. Just because it hasn't happened yet is no reason to disown this franchise. If you're going to be such a naysayer, pick up your bags and leave, I don't want to read this consistent spam saying the same thing OVER and OVER "SELL JERRY SELL" ok we get the point, you guys hate JR. Threads like this outnumber any other kind of thread.


Sick of it. :fthecubs


EDIT: For the record, The Cell is a great place to watch baseball. You complain abuot the nostalgia, well WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY'RE FIXING RIGHT NOW!?

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Sox play in THE sadsack division of baseball. And they've won it one time since baseball went to the three-division format.


They act as if the sky is falling financially every day.


players frequently leave town b****ing about management's lies and deceptions.


The fan base has been consistently alienated, which is reflected in the attendance.


They haven't won a post-season game since 1993 and haven't won a post-season series since 1917.


Other than that, everything is great.

Then go have a beer at Wrigley. I could care less about the ownership, I'm just plain proud to be a Sox fan.

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NL Central is not exactly filled with world beaters, considering the Tribe went to the World Series two times during those years, meaning we were finishing second to a World Series team, where as no NL Central team has been in a WS since the Cincinnati Reds.


If you want to be a Cubs fan that is fine, but dont bash on the AL Central, when the NL Central has been equally as bad if not arguably worse.



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Whatever man, if you want to be a Cubs fan go to a Cubs board. It's going to take harder times than this to bring me over to the dark side. Anyway, the Sox have a better chance of going to the playoffs than the Cubs this year, despite the improvements the Cubs have made. That's all you need to do. Once the playoffs start any team (i.e. the Angels or Marlins) can get hot and win it all. Look at the Angels pitching staff from two years back. They didn't have a better top three than Este, Mark and Jon. And the Marlins sure as hell couldn't hit the way the Sox can when they're on. Stop your b****ing and face it, Reinsdorf isn't going to sell the team so live with it, or move on and find another team or sport.

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Whatever man, if you want to be a Cubs fan go to a Cubs board. It's going to take harder times than this to bring me over to the dark side. Anyway, the Sox have a better chance of going to the playoffs than the Cubs this year, despite the improvements the Cubs have made. That's all you need to do. Once the playoffs start any team (i.e. the Angels or Marlins) can get hot and win it all.

:cheers I'm right with ya BRO!!!! To Become a Cubs Fan?????????????????????? How can anyone swear so profusely like that? Am I a true Sox fan? YOU BET! Maybe I disagree and are unhappy with things at times, but "MY" loyalty remains! Heck, if the Cubs were "161" and"0", and somebody gave me a box seat to the last game.............. "I still wouldn't go!!!!!

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You know I absolutely HATE people always criticizing The sox if we didn't make moves. I don't call them TRUE sox fans at all. I am a DIE HARD SOX FAN, I don't care if this team is in last place in our division, I'm going to stick through them thick and thin. Alot of people who "CLAIM" they are sox fans, just root for another team that's in 1st place. (ex: cubs who alot of my friends rooted for when they were supposedly sox fans. Me and a friend of mine are they only ones who didn't give a f*** what the cubs did) Ok I can understand we've had a poor offseason so far.. but that dosent mean we are going to go to last place how alot of people interpret. I f***ing hate those pieces of s***! Excuse me for being mad, but I just can't stand it. If we don't make any moves so be it. I rather have our prospects shine than to have someone criticizing how bad a team is and go rooting for another. As Soxbadger posted, look what we've done in the past as far as what place were in. Just because the Scrubs are a good team now people are sucking their nutz. We have been a good team for the last 10 yrs. (I think the lowest we've been is 3rd place.) :fyou all you nonsporters and :fyou the cub fans


P.S. The Critic I don't account you for criticizing anyone in this case. :D

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Been a Sox fan for forever.


And will be one for forever, long after JR finally cashes in.


I got no use for the Cubs. Never will. NONE.


Got no problem with being a dedicated Sox fan -- and criticizing management.


Gave them props last summer for trying to shake things up and go for it (belatedly, but they tried).


But this off-season has sucked, plain and simple. When we can't even retain players like Graffanino, something ain't right.


And considering the stunts management has pulled in the past -- letting a number of good players leave pissed off -- it's hardly being an alarmist to suspect that this summer is going to result in a massive dumping of talent, pleas for fans to stay loyal while the team rebuilds with young (read: cheap) talent.


The fact is the Sox were supposed to be the next dominant team in this division when Cleveland dismantled.


Well, the Central passed from The Tribe Era to the Twinkie Era and the Sox got one playoff appearance and whiffed.


And remember: This is the same management that couldn't wait to shuffle Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson outta town.


Loyalty is admirable. I'm all for it.


Blind loyalty is for suckers.

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I remain Extremely perplexed that we as Sox fans on this board jump on people who critisize the Sox. I don't think anyone is jumping to other teams, but as shareholders of interest in our lifelong committment to this particular team, I too remain very depressed this offseason about the Whitesox. Doesn't mean I don't care, in fact it means I do care. I have an investment in both time and money and I simply do not understand the direction. The only thing I can think of is after this year we will look more like Baltimore is looking like now. Payroll will free up and we will rebuild with key players after they kick Valentin, Magglio, Thomas, and trade konerko. Its the only thing I can think of because right now this team is worse than last years team which did not make the playoffs. Very depressing.


Therefore, I remain a sox fan but a smart fan and this smart fan doesn't think this team looks good enough to compete for a division or playoff spot.

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We will hopefully get the chance to ask these questions at SoxFest.


What I'd like to know:


1). KW, are you really the GM or are there two guys behind the scenes doing the GM work (Hemond and Einhorn) and you're just a figurehead?


2). Why would Robbie Alomar sign a one year deal with Arizona at less money than we offered? Did he really want to get away from the Chicago White Sox that bad?


3). What exactly is the salary budget? Is it really $58 million or is that just some made up number, or fluid number? Why is it Sox fans aren't allowed to know the approximate amount of the budget, if $58 million isn't it?


4). What has been done to improve player development over the winter? Why is it just now that management is talking about teaching Willie Harris to bunt?


5). Does White Sox ownership have a clue, or care, about the Cubs continually stealing the media thunder, in particular by signing or acquiring quality players? Further, does White Sox ownership realize how annoying this is to die hard White Sox fans?


Those are five off the top of my head.

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It gets old. That's all that people have been doing lately; complaining.


The same thing is said over and over. No need for it to be said an umpteenth time.

Yahtzee, agreed.


I generally try to be a positive person, not to be confused with clueless or pollyana. I prefer to have hope, but I'm smart enough to be realistic, and I'm certainly not overjoyed with the lack of moves this offseason.


The constant b****ing is everyone's right, but it does get old.


I for one can't wait until spring training and I am pulling hard for one of these kids to step up or one of these minor league signings pull a Loaiza.


Unrealistic perhaps, but I guess I prefer to look at what's right with the team vs. what's wrong with it.


Just about every team has holes, even the Cubs.

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We will hopefully get the chance to ask these questions at SoxFest.


What I'd like to know:


1). KW, are you really the GM or are there two guys behind the scenes doing the GM work (Hemond and Einhorn) and you're just a figurehead?


2). Why would Robbie Alomar sign a one year deal with Arizona at less money than we offered?  Did he really want to get away from the Chicago White Sox that bad?


3). What exactly is the salary budget?  Is it really $58 million or is that just some made up number, or fluid number?  Why is it Sox fans aren't allowed to know the approximate amount of the budget, if $58 million isn't it?


4). What has been done to improve player development over the winter?  Why is it just now that management is talking about teaching Willie Harris to bunt?


5). Does White Sox ownership have a clue, or care, about the Cubs continually stealing the media thunder, in particular by signing or acquiring quality players?  Further, does White Sox ownership realize how annoying this is to die hard White Sox fans?


Those are five off the top of my head.

ahh Jim, lets make sure we sit together. You can keep from from coming out of my skin.


Lets add: With the offseason we have had, are we a better team or worse team than last years squad.

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a lot of good stuff here


to be direct:


I don't give a f*** what the cubs do

and I don't give a f*** what their fans say

and I don't give a f*** for championships awarded in January.


if anything, the higher the dream, the greater their ultimate despair


but I am a Sox fan, not an antiCub fan.


1970 - we lost 106, they contended most of the season.


I gave no f***ing concern.


I was at my ball park with the team I love and what they do is irrelevant, a non issue to what is important to me.


And for that tiny little part of me that notices them - I know they will fail. For that 6th game, when too many here were Chicken Littles The Sky is Falling, I went to the local bar, played the NTN game as CWSOX, so every half hour the phrase Game Winner CWSOX got flashed in the bar, and told everyone there I was there to see how the cubs were going to screw it this time. No Fear. No Sweat. And when the first out in the 8th was made, I was as confident as I was pre game.


Oh they signed this person and that persona nd we didn't do this and that. KW's job is not to make moves to give people to say "so what, we got..." to with their friends. Hell, if you have friends who are cub fans, get f***ing new friends. I grew up on the NW side. Every friend I have from back in day, the ones I go to USCF with, are Sox fans. You choose your friends. Or if all people can talk about is who the cubs signed or sox signed, you seriously need to expand the topics you can converse about - maybe literature? the 2004 election? something?


Sox fan through and through forever. Nothing changes that. That is the team that matters to me.


And I think USCF is a wonderful place to view a game, great transpoprtation there and back, some of the least expensive concessions in sports, and the place when my family and friends gather because it is so accessable and because no matter what, you can't beat fun at the old ballpark.

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Hell, if you have friends who are cub fans, get f***ing new friends. I grew up on the NW side. Every friend I have from back in day, the ones I go to USCF with, are Sox fans. You choose your friends.


I agree with all that you said except for the friends part. I can't not be friends with some people just because they are Cubs fans. Two of my best friends are true Cubs fans and I'm a die hard Sox fan, and we're still friends. We both respect the other teams, but inside we are hoping the opposite team chokes. It is fun to argue about whos better once in a while too. You shouldn't make friends based on what baseball team they root for, unless they are obnoxius losers, in which case you shouldn't be friends with them.

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