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Time to face facts...


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I agree with all that you said except for the friends part. I can't not be friends with some people just because they are Cubs fans. Two of my best friends are true Cubs fans and I'm a die hard Sox fan, and we're still friends. We both respect the other teams, but inside we are hoping the opposite team chokes. It is fun to argue about whos better once in a while too. You shouldn't make friends based on what baseball team they root for, unless they are obnoxius losers, in which case you shouldn't be friends with them.

100% agree 04'. Why would we just get "new" friends just because they choose a different team then us?? that's not a smart thing to say. That's like saying you hang out with sox fans but you absoulutely hate them as a person. I actually like to talk to people who root for different teams because they teach me somethnig about the team I ddn't know about, as well as I share the knowledge of us smart sox fans :D It's also fun when it's a "rivalry" between cubs n sox. I get to hang out with my buds, drink a few beers, and root for the sox to beat them in every series (as they usually do.)

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I agree with all that you said except for the friends part. I can't not be friends with some people just because they are Cubs fans. Two of my best friends are true Cubs fans and I'm a die hard Sox fan, and we're still friends. We both respect the other teams, but inside we are hoping the opposite team chokes. It is fun to argue about whos better once in a while too. You shouldn't make friends based on what baseball team they root for, unless they are obnoxius losers, in which case you shouldn't be friends with them.

ok, I overstated that part, you got me

- after all my 5-6-7 year old best friend's father was a cubs player -


my parents were cubs fans -


one of my good friends is a devout cubs fan -


we do avoid talking about it unless there is something positive to say about the other -


we never trash talk, those who ride high will fall low and vice verse - we just base the frindship in friendship and leave the ball thing alone

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ok, I overstated that part, you got me

- after all my 5-6-7 year old best friend's father was a cubs player -


my parents were cubs fans -


one of my good friends is a devout cubs fan -


we do avoid talking about it unless there is something positive to say about the other -


we never trash talk, those who ride high will fall low and vice verse - we just base the frindship in friendship and leave the ball thing alone

Wow! thank god my parents are both sox fans, my sister just follows the teams I root for, and my little brother switches teams. I am proud of my parents for raising me to be a sox fan. :headbang :notworthy :cheers

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a lot of good stuff here


to be direct:


I don't give a f*** what the cubs do

and I don't give a f*** what their fans say

and I don't give a f*** for championships awarded in January.


if anything, the higher the dream, the greater their ultimate despair


but I am a Sox fan, not an antiCub fan. 


1970 - we lost 106, they contended most of the season.


I gave no f***ing concern.


I was at my ball park with the team I love and what they do is irrelevant, a non issue to what is important to me.


And for that tiny little part of me that notices them - I know they will fail.  For that 6th game, when too many here were Chicken Littles The Sky is Falling, I went to the local bar, played the NTN game as CWSOX, so every half hour the phrase Game Winner CWSOX got flashed in the bar, and told everyone there I was there to see how the cubs were going to screw it this time.  No Fear.  No Sweat.  And when the first out in the 8th was made, I was as confident as I was pre game.


Oh they signed this person and that persona nd we didn't do this and that.  KW's job is not to make moves to give people to say "so what, we got..." to with their friends.  Hell, if you have friends who are cub fans, get f***ing new friends.    I grew up on the NW side.  Every friend I have from back in day, the ones I go to USCF with, are Sox fans.  You choose your friends.  Or if all people can talk about is who the cubs signed or sox signed, you seriously need to expand the topics you can converse about - maybe literature?  the 2004 election?  something?


Sox fan through and through forever.  Nothing changes that.  That is the team that matters to me.


And I think USCF is a wonderful place to view a game, great transpoprtation there and back, some of the least expensive concessions in sports, and the place when my family and friends gather because it is so accessable and because no matter what, you can't beat fun at the old ballpark.

Good stuff by you too cwsox.


Here is the thing though ...


I grew up in Bridgeport. I don't know what it's like living there now, but it was anti-Cub back in the late 60's and early 70's when we lived there.


I'm not Irish, but there was a line in a song called "South Side Irish" which goes,


"And when it comes to baseball, I've got two favorite clubs ... The Go-Go White Sox and whoever plays the Cubs".


I hate the Cubs, and I would be happy if they went 0-162.


It was INSUFFERABLE in this neighborhood (suburban) in Oct. with all these pathetic bandwagon jumping corporate transfering know nothing about baseball Cubbie fan pricks.


I really think it's a little easier in Michigan where you are to be more ambivalent about the Cubs and what they do. I wish I could be like you in that sense.


We are bombarded with the Cubbie Kool Aid every single day, it is really, really bad.

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I was wondering if there is anyone out there who could help me out? How to you delete or change a signature? I tried to post a picture under neath each of my postings, and instead of my picture, the URL websight comes up and can't find a way to get it off! Sorry, but I'm still rather new at this.

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I was wondering if there is anyone out there who could help me out? How to you delete or change a signature? I tried to post a picture under neath each of my postings, and instead of my picture, the URL websight comes up and can't find a way to get it off! Sorry, but I'm still rather new at this.

You have to click "my controls" at the top of the page.

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I really think it's a little easier in Michigan where you are to be more ambivalent about the Cubs and what they do.  I wish I could be like you in that sense.


We are bombarded with the Cubbie Kool Aid every single day, it is really, really bad.

no doubt it is easier cubs wise most of the year since there are fewer of them but for the playoffs a lot of cubbie fans surfaced - when the Tigers are doing well I hear it - and of course we have the UM-MSU thing - and since I grew up in Chicago I know what you mean -


i really mean it that it is important to have other things to talk about - constant trash commentary on baseball does get tiresome

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I was wondering if there is anyone out there who could help me out? How to you delete or change a signature? I tried to post a picture under neath each of my postings, and instead of my picture, the URL websight comes up and can't find a way to get it off! Sorry, but I'm still rather new at this.

It's ok man. It would have been better if you would have went on the bottom of soxtalk where you could had been helped easier. here is the URL u want. Right click that pic you just posted and go to properties. U'll see an URL on there. Just highlight it than copy. After that, put it in ur IMG. that should be it. it should appear after that.

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AHA!!!!  Got It!  By the time I get my 5,000,000,000 post up, I think I'll filally have my page set up right!

Glad you got it fixed man. I know there's alot of complicated s*** when you first get on. I know myself even though i've been a guest for a long time. welcome abord by the way :cheers :notworthy :cheers

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It's ok man. It would have been better if you would have went on the bottom of soxtalk where you could had been helped easier. here is the URL u want. Right click that pic you just posted and go to properties. U'll see an URL on there. Just highlight it than copy. After that, put it in ur IMG. that should be it. it should appear after that.

Thanks Mr. Reedman!! Will go there next time I run into a question that I'm puzzled about!

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Ok, or you could ask me, (my email is in my profile) or any of the friendly people here on soxtalk. :headbang

I can tell your a Sox fan!! "CLASS!!" Thanks again! Will do in the future! Can't spend much time on here to figure things out! My job is turning me into a bowl of oatmeal! Been a Soxfan myself for 40 +Years! Have EVERY know Topps Sox baseball card From 1959 till present day, including rookies, tradeds, and when they were on Hitting/pitchingh leader cards. To be on this board, "DO I Qualify???"

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I can tell your a Sox fan!! "CLASS!!" Thanks again! Will do in the future! Can't spend much time on here to figure things out! My job is turning me into a bowl of oatmeal! Been a Soxfan myself for 40 +Years! Have EVERY know Topps Sox baseball card From 1959 till present day, including rookies, tradeds, and when they were on Hitting/pitchingh leader cards. To be on this board, "DO I Qualify???"

If your on this board, giving knowledge to our fellow sox fans and roting for this team, for 40 yrs....um..got to think about this one..YES! you can put that on the board!.. YES!!! :headbang LOVE HAWK.

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I can tell your a Sox fan!! "CLASS!!" Thanks again! Will do in the future! Can't spend much time on here to figure things out! My job is turning me into a bowl of oatmeal! Been a Soxfan myself for 40 +Years! Have EVERY know Topps Sox baseball card From 1959 till present day, including rookies, tradeds, and when they were on Hitting/pitchingh leader cards. To be on this board, "DO I Qualify???"

If your on this board, giving knowledge to our fellow sox fans and roting for this team, for 40 yrs....um..got to think about this one..YES! you can put that on the board!.. YES!!! :headbang LOVE HAWK.

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We will hopefully get the chance to ask these questions at SoxFest.


What I'd like to know:


1). KW, are you really the GM or are there two guys behind the scenes doing the GM work (Hemond and Einhorn) and you're just a figurehead?


2). Why would Robbie Alomar sign a one year deal with Arizona at less money than we offered?  Did he really want to get away from the Chicago White Sox that bad?


3). What exactly is the salary budget?  Is it really $58 million or is that just some made up number, or fluid number?  Why is it Sox fans aren't allowed to know the approximate amount of the budget, if $58 million isn't it?


4). What has been done to improve player development over the winter?  Why is it just now that management is talking about teaching Willie Harris to bunt?


5). Does White Sox ownership have a clue, or care, about the Cubs continually stealing the media thunder, in particular by signing or acquiring quality players?  Further, does White Sox ownership realize how annoying this is to die hard White Sox fans?


Those are five off the top of my head.

1): Just where do you get the idea that KW is a figurehead? From Steff's name-dropping gossip-mongering?



2): Roberto Alomar went FA because he was/is a greedy mercenary type who thought that his agent could sucker a team into giving him a fat contract on a silver platter for his slacker self. Things did not work out his way and he wound up with far less than what he could have gotten from the Sox. Its really a win for the good guys since Willie Harris will almost certainly play his heart out at 2b.



3): Why should KW provide agents with ammo to use against the team? What's wrong with getting the most bang out of the buck especially when those bucks came from the wallets of the Sox fans in the first place?



4): What need is there for any such improvements? Why do you think that not enough has been done to train players in bunting? Do you have any evidence to back up your apparent belief that Sox training/player development is deficient?



5): The Tribune Co. owns both the Cubs and much of the local media. Of course they are going to promote the Cubs to the nth degree. The only way that the Sox can counteract the Tribune colossus is for someone in the ownership to buy either the Sun-Times or some other major media outlet and using it as a Sox propaganda tool.



And to quickman's 6th question: On paper, the 2004 Sox have the potential to be just as good if not even better than last year's team. However, the reliable JM was replaced by Ozzie who could either be the Ditka of baseball or the Hispanic Terry Bevington. It is with Captain Guillen that the course of the USS White Sox is set and if if can capture the Great White World Series is anybody's guess at the moment.

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When I started reading this thread, I was annoyed/disturbed by the negativity expressed by another b****y whiney half-assed so-called Sox fan. I was glad to see so many people jump in to show their support and to teach someone what being a true loyal Sox fan is all about!


:cheers To all of you that did so! :headbang

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You know I absolutely HATE people always criticizing The sox if we didn't make moves. I don't call them TRUE sox fans at all. I am a DIE HARD SOX FAN, I don't care if this team is in last place in our division, I'm going to stick through them thick and thin. Alot of people who "CLAIM" they are sox fans, just root for another team that's in 1st place. (ex: cubs who alot of my friends rooted for when they were supposedly sox fans. Me and a friend of mine are they only ones who didn't give a f*** what the cubs did) Ok I can understand we've had a poor offseason so far.. but that dosent mean we are going to go to last place how alot of people interpret. I f***ing hate those pieces of s***! Excuse me for being mad, but I just can't stand it. If we don't make any moves so be it. I rather have our prospects shine than to have someone criticizing how bad a team is and go rooting for another. As Soxbadger posted, look what we've done in the past as far as what place were in. Just because the Scrubs are a good team now people are sucking their nutz. We have been a good team for the last 10 yrs. (I think the lowest we've been is 3rd place.)  :fyou all you nonsporters and  :fyou the cub fans


P.S. The Critic I don't account you for criticizing anyone in this case. :D




Okay, here's my two cents:

Why ANY self-proclaimed Sox fan would start a thread about Chicago being a "one-team town" is beyond me. If you feel that way, then go root for someone else. Free country and all that. But IF you are going to continue being a Sox fan, then even to YOURSELF it cannot be a "one-team town".

Are the Sox frustrating us with the lack of movement, the self-imposed poverty cap, etc.? YES.

Are the Cubs making some nice second-tier acquisitions to fill some holes on what looks to be a very good team? YES.

Does this mean that our Cub fan friends ( if we allow ourselves to associate with such people :) ) are going to have some fun with us this year? Probably.


But to contend that the Sox are irrelevant or non-existant just because a National League team has gotten better is knee-jerk panic. Avoid the knee-jerk reaction at all costs.


By the way, as has been mentioned before, USCF is anything BUT a bad ballpark. It is a beautiful park that just keeps getting better with the USCellular money being pumped into renovations. As for the neighborhood, it has been GROSSLY overexaggerated by the Media Cabal. Is it the Gold Coast? No. But neither is the surrounding area beyond a few blocks' radius of Chewing Gum Park. That fact goes under-reported by the local media as well. If you're afraid of a few minorities, then yeah, I suppose Cellville is a PRETTY SCARY place. But since I grew up in a "changing" neighborhood, and have great friends of all races, I'm not too frightened by minorities.


So RELAX, Sox fans. The White Sox DO exist, and they WILL participate in the 2004 American League season.

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Wow- sure got some hot-headed responses with this thread!!


My point about the Cubs was not that I want to be a Cub fan-it's simply that there is a team on the north side which is doing a lot of things right and a team on the south side which is doing nothing at all. So for all intents and purposes, there's really only 1 team right now. The fact that the Sox have been better than the Cubs over the last decade is meaningless. Neither team has won anything but right now anybody with half a brain has to admit the Cubs are alot closer.


To all of you who say that I shouldn't criticize the Sox - you're the ones who sound like Cubs fans. That's the Cubs fan's motto - "I'll keep going to Wrigley even if they stink year after year". One of the things that distinguished Sox fans from Cubs fans, at least in the past, was that we knew good baseball from bad and failed to support bad baseball.


I'm all for "hoping" that alot of Sox players have career years like Loaiza - I just think it's bad baseball.

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Neither team has won anything but right now anybody with half a brain has to admit the Cubs are alot closer.


To all of you who say that I shouldn't criticize the Sox - you're the ones who sound like Cubs fans.  That's the Cubs fan's motto - "I'll keep going to Wrigley even if they stink year after year".  One of the things that distinguished Sox fans from Cubs fans, at least in the past, was that we knew good baseball from bad and failed to support bad baseball. 

So if the cubs are now a lot closer and on the verge of greatness, then by your logic, the "I'll keep going to Wrigley even if they stink year after year" attitude has paid off for them. They had to sit through a lot of crap, but now according to you they have the only team in town.

So wouldn't that mean doing the opposite and not showing up would have kept them from increasing payroll and adding key players to plug holes? Is it possible that all those seasons of 2 million+ fans since the 80's have given the team the luxury of adding whomever they want?

So you are mad that the team across town is plugging holes and doing more than ours to make it to the World Series, but you are saying we should not be like them and support the team in good times and bad? Is there any guarantee the sox will even be supported when they win? The Sox were winning the division in 2000 and the place was empty in September. I was at most of the games and thought maybe I was watching a team that was out of the race. Last season, the series against the Twins in September barely broke 30,000 for two of the games, and the other two were less than 30,000. If it is true that people will show up when they win, why not a sellout during games when you are playing your rival for first place in September?

The team up north is kicking our team's ass at the gate year after year. And yeah, most of them might be people that don't know the score of the game, but they are spending money. They are packing the place without selling half-price tickets two days a week. Thus, the team has money to increase payroll. Sox fans can keep staying away in droves in hopes to exact revenge on ownership, and the media will be able to show more shots of empty seats and blame it all on the park, neighborhood, color of the sky above the Cell, etc. The casual fans will see that and continue to go elsewhere. Sorry, but there are not enough diehards to draw 2.5 to 3 million fans a season, you have to attract some of the people that are there just to be there. Face it, the Sox have a payroll like a small market team because they draw like a small market team. Yeah I know, if JR sells everyone will go flocking back to the park. What happens if a new owner does spend money and it is a situation like the Mets, high salaried players who wind up sucking? More b****ing and no-shows due to a sucky team and the cycle starts again. High payroll doesn't guarantee winning.

Just my opinion, and I am not saying the fans do not have a right to complain, stay home, boo, whatever. It just seems like a contradiction to say the fans up north are fools for showing up and then lament that our team does not have the same options when it comes to payroll.

Some day when the team is contracted we will all have something new to b**** about finally.

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