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Deleting Cookies


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Well I've been trying to clean up my computer because it freezes at least three times a day. I defragment it all the time, and have installed norton anti-virus and deleted all of my music and it hasn't helped at all. Do you know what the problem might be, and if the cookies from here take up that much memory?

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My guess you use Windows 98 or older and I don't think there is much you could do about it. The old operating systems have a ton of bugs that cause freezing to occur and such.


If you have a newer computer, then I'd say something is wrong with your computer and that its possible you have a virus.

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I have Windows XP and it doesn't just freeze when I'm on Soxtalk, as you might have thought. Right after my last post the computer froze when I was defragmenting it. My sisters boyfriend tried to fix it and he did a lot of stuff to it which he thought for sure was going to help, but it didn't. There were six viruses on my computer as of last week and now I have zero, according to Norton, so I don't believe it is that. Thanks for the help anyways Jason.

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Dang, with XP you shouldn't be freezing. It also sounds like its a newer computer, which once again means it shouldn't be freezing. The best thing I'd suggest is to reinstall the operating and essentially start the computer from scratch again, although for most people that isn't really a viable option.


I did it when my sis really messed up my comp and put a ton of viruses on there (she did it on accident). Either way, I think you probably still have some reminence of those viruses, that or the viruses corrupted a lot of key files and even though the viruses are gone, some key files are still destroyed and it causes freezing.

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Yea the computer is barely two years old and it just started freezing like a month ago, but it has been really bad for the last week or so. And starting the computer all over again is not good because we have a lot of important files saved on it. I don't know why but everytime we open Microsoft Word it freezes in exactly 45 seconds each time. It's really f***ed up. I just hope I can get my own laptop soon and leave this piece for my sister and parents. :lol: But in the mean time I have to put up with the freezing and using Microsoft Works.

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if you have spare part laying around and you know what you are doing try swapping out the ram, and the powercord from your pc(trust me on this one) and if that doesnt work reinstall windows like jas said.



but to delete cookies you go to E explorer and go to tools menu then down to interenet options and there should be a delete cookies option.

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but to delete cookies you go to E explorer and go to tools menu then down to interenet options and there should be a delete cookies option.


Thanks for reminding of that. I tried to use that once and it didn't work for some reason. It did work tonite and I bumped up my security, so maybe I won't get anymore viruses. Thanks for everyones help.

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Yea the computer is barely two years old and it just started freezing like a month ago, but it has been really bad for the last week or so. And starting the computer all over again is not good because we have a lot of important files saved on it. I don't know why but everytime we open Microsoft Word it freezes in exactly 45 seconds each time. It's really f***ed up. I just hope I can get my own laptop soon and leave this piece for my sister and parents.  :lol: But in the mean time I have to put up with the freezing and using Microsoft Works.

Me too man! :headbang you are not alone. I remember when I got this computer (I have Gateway by the way) It was a speedy computer. Now when my friends put virusus in it, it dosent move as fast anymore. I just put up with it even though when i post something I don't notice that 5 other people posted in front of me :lol: It has it's good days and bad days as far as how fast it goes. To this day, I still put up with it.

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