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Why would anybody buy tickets?


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No offense, but why would anybody buy season tix

at this point for our Sox?

I mean I love baseball and love the Sox, but in this day

and age of high ticket prices and no player loyalty,

why would anybody buy season tickets for a team

that has the potential to suck??

I could see buying single game tix


We've added nobodys and are hoping that many many

question marks come through for us to win.


We can win if ...

Rowand is great.

Jon is great.

Uribe is great.

Harris is great.

Loiza is great again; Mark B is great.


It's scary how bad we could be if Loiza and Mark B suck.

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You forgot about Maggs, Lee, Thomas, Konerko, Valentine, and Creede. This team won't be that bad. About season tickets though, it would be a lot of money to spend for a team that is unpredictable, but I will probably get them when I am older and if I live within a half hour of the Cell.

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I find it strange that the only major difference in this year's team at this point and last years at this point is Colon.


At this time last year, everyone was extremely excited and thought the Sox would have one of the best offenses in baseball.


Unfortunately, many guys underachieved last year, especially early in the season. If the players perform closer to the expectations everyone thought were reasonable last year, then this team won't be bad at all. Sure, without Colon, they may have to win more games 8-6 and 10-9, but the potential for the offense is there and not cause for panic, in my opinion.


I do think the success of this team will be determined early in the season. This year's team could gel with early success and surprise or it could self-destruct with early failures. I would keep a close eye on things in April.


To answer your first question of why someone should buy tickets..... Because this team could be very exciting. Not too many people are baseball purists and love

1-0 games. Second, the ballpark experience is worth going, win or lose. Sure it is more fun when you win, but having a dog and a beer at the ballpark with friends or your family is a time to be treasured.

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What I hate is when someone tells me 'well, they play in a weak division these guys can win it'. Thats great but I'm more than sick of winning divisions and then losing in the first round o the playoffs. That guy who bought the Angels from Dizzy, now he's not thinking just division. He's thinking whippin' yanker ass and winning it all. Please sell Jerry. Give us a chance in my lifetime. :usa

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Since i'm 17, i have nowhere near the funds to buy season tix. But i plan to go to just as many games as usual this year, around 15-20. During my off-days in the summer, there is nothing that makes me happier than to go spend the night at the Cell.

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I find it strange that the only major difference in this year's team at this point and last years at this point is Colon. 


At this time last year, everyone was extremely excited and thought the Sox would have one of the best offenses in baseball. 


Unfortunately, many guys underachieved last year, especially early in the season.  If the players perform closer to the expectations everyone thought were reasonable last year, then this team won't be bad at all.  Sure, without Colon, they may have to win more games 8-6 and 10-9, but the potential for the offense is there and not cause for panic, in my opinion.


I do think the success of this team will be determined early in the season.  This year's team could gel with early success and surprise or it could self-destruct with early failures.  I would keep a close eye on things in April. 


To answer your first question of why someone should buy tickets..... Because this team could be very exciting.  Not too many people are baseball purists and love

1-0 games.  Second, the ballpark experience is worth going, win or lose.  Sure it is more fun when you lose, but having a dog and a beer at the ballpark with friends or your family is a time to be treasured.

More fun when ou lose? Hardly. :fthecubs

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With a so-so job and healthy mortgage payment, I cannot afford season tickets, but last year I went to 15 games and treated the people that I brought.So, Why would I buy tickets? For one, read my quote under my post picture. Taking someone to a Sox game to me is a great way to say thank you to someone who has gone out of their way for you during some time period. It's a place where you can spend quality time with your father (which I had the pleasure of doing before he passed away 8 years ago) and talking baseball. When your with a friend, there are no kids, no distractions, no cell phones(unless your at Wrigley field "LOL"). And while your spending quality time with someone that you care about, you can root for your Sox regardless who is on the team? Even if the team is bad, sharing one-liners with the fans around you and enjoying their company as well can be great! If your a REAL Sox fan,and have played a lot of basebal, and have the real love of baseball in you, then there won't even be a question of whether you'll buy tickets or not! """"YOU"LL BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""" and have a great time along with whoever you go with!!!!

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I find it strange that the only major difference in this year's team at this point and last years at this point is Colon. 


At this time last year, everyone was extremely excited and thought the Sox would have one of the best offenses in baseball. 


Unfortunately, many guys underachieved last year, especially early in the season.  If the players perform closer to the expectations everyone thought were reasonable last year, then this team won't be bad at all.  Sure, without Colon, they may have to win more games 8-6 and 10-9, but the potential for the offense is there and not cause for panic, in my opinion.


I do think the success of this team will be determined early in the season.  This year's team could gel with early success and surprise or it could self-destruct with early failures.  I would keep a close eye on things in April. 


To answer your first question of why someone should buy tickets..... Because this team could be very exciting.  Not too many people are baseball purists and love

1-0 games.  Second, the ballpark experience is worth going, win or lose.  Sure it is more fun when you win, but having a dog and a beer at the ballpark with friends or your family is a time to be treasured.

while thats technically true rex some things have changed


danny wright for instance..he was coming off a 14 win season..people expected him to step up and do big things..he got injured and tanked..now no one is expecting anything out of him..its like we lost the danny wright of '02


rowand / harris were still unknowns and people were optomistic about them developing...after both were disappointments the optomism isnt near as high


olivo..though he didnt have a bad year..was very good defensively he was pretty bad at the plate..there were people last year saying he could steal 20 -30 bases..did he even steal 5???... we didnt see enough of him to really gauge his talent...after watching him hit and seeing him swing and miss at so many pitches by more than a foot off the ball i get the feeling we are looking at a 200 hitter...he's a functional catcher but the optomism on him has cooled too..


people were also expecting borchard to show by june and do big things...he's been a HUGE disappointment so far and his stock has dropped quite a bit...


you forgot about flash gordon...he had a great year..much better than i thought he would..probably much better than even his biggest supporters...he and marte basically held the bullpen down by themselves...his loss is big..


konerko..came off an all star year and really disappointed us...he went from no worries to now being a question mark..


crede lived up to expectation and i think everyone is happy with his progress...


while people are still high on buehrle and garland they didnt exactly have stellar years last year..plus i think in the back of everyone's mind we worry about i8f the next pitch might land either on the DL..just seems to be our luck with pitchers lately..


loiaza..now he was a surprise and while some worry he will revert back to the EL of old i think we all are more optomistic about him this year than we were last year..


the subtraction of colon is huge...he came in here as a 20 game winner...alot of people last year were predicting a 2nd place for the sox until the colon trade...not replacing him leaves a huge hole that cant be overstated


alot of things have changed...most for the worst

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It's another contradictory thing.


Everyone is quick to point that out that last season the team looked good on paper The whole "that's why they play the game" thing, It's just the team on paper so don't get to excited. We are the on paper favorites but not the divison favorites


But everyone is jumping on the on-paper team this season and preaching it like gospel. It's not we may suck, it is we WILL suck. On paper this team looks like it will be bad so it HAS to be true.


I don't get it.....


2003 White Sox: On Paper looked really strong, but did not win the division


2004 White Sox: On Paper look weak, ????????



If all goes according to plan. The Sox should do well this year.

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As usual, I see your point, and I agree. This division STINKS, and that's good for us. However, I don't just want to win the division - I want the whole enchilada.


My wife calls that the "all or nothing" mentality, but I'm that kind of thinker. Sure, we could win the division, but could we advance? It would be like a 5-foot boxer beating the s*** out of a bunch of dwarfs and midgets. Yeah, we looked good winning our "division," but could we really compete with the "bigger" divisions?


Ozzie is supposedly a great motivator - I agree. But all the motivation and energy in the world can't take the place of, or replace pure LEVEL OF TALENT.


Just my stupid thoughts.

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Who knows, Pastime? If we are in a division race, who will KW add to the mix? Will a couple of breaks go our way in the playoffs? Sure, we could pull it out like the Angels or Marlins did. I mean really, who would have thought the Bartman thing would happen for the Marlins?

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You see, the Cubs get lucky once again. Their biggest "jackass fan" is a guy who is a finance major from Notre Dame. Our biggest "jackass fan" is an unemployed trailer-park-trash tattooed loser who couldn't spell "CAT" if you spelled him the "C" and "T."


Steve Bartman and William Ligue. We truly are cursed, even more than the Northside Losers. :fthecubs



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I still wouldn't want to be him. I don't care how smart he is, and where he graduated from, he's a Cub fan. So he's already a "certified loser" in my book.


Plus, he's a dork who couldn't get a piece of ass unless he hired a crack whore hooker.


Let him rot in the halls of history. He's just another "built-in" excuse for those gag-artists. They had the grandchildren of the "goat owner" come into Wrigley last season to reverse the stupid curse. Maybe in 75 years (when the Cubs STILL haven't won the World Series), they can have Bartman's grandchildren come and take off THAT curse.


However, for Bartman to have grandchildren, that would involve him reproducing, and who would want to have that geek loser on top of them? I guess money can buy anything - stay tuned.


Of course the PERFECT scenario would be for Bartman to impregnate the goat - -then they could kill two birds with one stone.



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while thats technically true rex some things have changed


danny wright for instance..he was coming off a 14 win season..people expected him to step up and do big things..he got injured and tanked..now no one is expecting anything out of him..its like we lost the danny wright of '02

THIS brings up an interesting question:

Why do some of us believe that Konerko will rebound, or that Koch will rebound, or even that Neil Cotts will rebound, but I haven't seen anyone insist that Dan Wright, a former 14-game winner, could rebound and be strong for the Sox this season?


I'm not even saying anyone is necessarily wrong to dismiss the thought, but it's just weird that nobody has leapt to his defense ( unless I've missed it ) while even Koch, who's never done a damn thing for the Sox, has some folks believing he'll bounce back.


Opinions, please?

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No offense, but why would anybody buy season tix

at this point for our Sox?

I mean I love baseball and love the Sox, but in this day

and age of high ticket prices and no player loyalty,

why would anybody buy season tickets for a team

that has the potential to suck??

I could see buying single game tix


We've added nobodys and are hoping that many many

question marks come through for us to win.


We can win if ...

Rowand is great.

Jon is great.

Uribe is great.

Harris is great.

Loiza is great again; Mark B is great.


It's scary how bad we could be if Loiza and Mark B suck.

I dont own season tickets because even if I still lived in Chicago I wouldnt have time to go to that many games. Maybe someday when I retire and start a second career that is less time consuming and doesn't keep me away from home I'll consider it.


For now though whenever I find myself in Chicago I defenitely go to as many games as possible cause I love my Sox and enjoy seeing them play.

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THIS brings up an interesting question:

Why do some of us believe that Konerko will rebound, or that Koch will rebound, or even that Neil Cotts will rebound, but I haven't seen anyone insist that Dan Wright, a former 14-game winner, could rebound and be strong for the Sox this season?


I'm not even saying anyone is necessarily wrong to dismiss the thought, but it's just weird that nobody has leapt to his defense ( unless I've missed it ) while even Koch, who's never done a damn thing for the Sox, has some folks believing he'll bounce back.


Opinions, please?

I dont think Wright is all that bad. He defenitely has shown that he has talent and heart and if he can pull that together I think he can be an effective starter for us.

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I still wouldn't want to be him.  I don't care how smart he is, and where he graduated from, he's a Cub fan.  So he's already a "certified loser" in my book. 


Plus, he's a dork who couldn't get a piece of ass unless he hired a crack whore hooker. 


Let him rot in the halls of history.  He's just another "built-in" excuse for those gag-artists.  They had the grandchildren of the "goat owner" come into Wrigley last season to reverse the stupid curse.  Maybe in 75 years (when the Cubs STILL haven't won the World Series), they can have Bartman's grandchildren come and take off THAT curse. 


However, for Bartman to have grandchildren, that would involve him reproducing, and who would want to have that geek loser on top of them?  I guess money can buy anything - stay tuned.


Of course the PERFECT scenario would be for Bartman to impregnate the goat - -then they could kill two birds with one stone. 



All this curse baloney is nothign but a sugar coating on the fact that the Flubbs dont have enough heart to win a championship. They whine about curses and fan interference but the fact of the matter is that they let a foul ball spoil their run. They ran crying to their mommies because of a stinking foul ball. If they weren't the gutless chokers that we know them to be then they would have gotten the out on the very next pitch and put them away.


They didn't and the fact of the matter is that they never will be able to get that last out because they are a bunch of gutless sissies.


Their "fans" ( I use quotation marks because all these people that show up at Wrigley want to do is swill overpriced beer talk to the guy 4 seats down on a cell phone about the latest episode of "Queer as Folk" ) are ignorant, alcoholic stooges who dont know the difference between a baseball bat and a stick in the mud.

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