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For all the Krause Lovers..

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It got intense. I don't have time to recreate the whole conversation, but Carmen and Van Lier let loose with some obviously very pent up frustrations with the organization.


They said that the feeling is that the situation is close to hopeless right now, that theres no obvious way out of the problems that exist and that Skiles and Pax are just trying to hold things togather hoping for something to happen at the deadline, but realistically looking toward the off-season.


They went on to say that it's the previous GM's fault; that Krause tried to be an innovator, but that he never should have brought 3 high schoolers (Jamal only being 17 games removed from HS) in and expect them to learn to star and lead a team up and out of a losing situation. They should have chosen one, incubated him around veteran stars, and gone on building in the traditional sense. More than that, regardless of who broke things up, it was the owner and GM's job to keep it togather or meaningly do some valuable salvage work at it's end.


Nothing we havn't heard before. Then it got interesting. They praised Tyson briefly for his fire and desire, then dumped a boatload of criticism on him because of the way he entered the organization. They recognized that he was injured, but said that durability is a risk you take when you take a youth from high school who has dominated mainly players smaller and weaker than him.


They said it was a mistake to trade Elton Brand for Tyson Chandler--that it should never have happened--that the stats prove it, and the injuries back it up. Then VL said "BJ was right, he was absolutely right." Carmen followed up that by saying "Obviously there are some things that we have to keep in house, but we'll suffice to say: BJ was against the trade". He was trying to shut VL up and change the subject. But VL cut him off "He erupted that night. He turned into a fireball. He.went off when Jerry told his staff about the trade. He didn't calm down for several days. The whole organization was upset. BJ felt, and the feeling in the organization then was that Krause was biding for time, and in light of things, they were absolutely right." That said, Carmen then went on to join him, instead of holding back anymore.



Krause Screwed the Bulls plain and Simple

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Krausee traded Brand and Artest on Purpose to screw the Bulls and give him more time.to and i Quote.. "ReBuild" . Duh!!!!



Sad to see People are to blind with the rings to knwo he f***ing sucked as a GM and he f***ed this franchise for years to come... But hey I don't know basketball... :bang :bang :bang :bang


Good Luck in your New Job Krause maybe you'll tell george to draft a Power Forward as a Pitcher ;)

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I was just thinking about the Bulls. How come some teams like the Grizzlies, who used to be worse than the Bulls even after MJ have now surpassed the Bulls? It's tough to think about it. They made mistakes, big ones. I was excited when the Bulls picked Curry, but then when they traded Brand I panicked. He brought respectability to the team. Along with the Rose trade that sucked, and imagine would could have been in this lineup:



Brad Miller

Ron Artest

Jamal Crawford



That's a competitive team. This team is going backwards and they need to be scrapped and start over. The players were there, but they aren't anymore.

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He still Screwed the Bulls.. Maybe he sould be GM of the Sox.. He would trade Maggs for Korean Pitcher or something ;)

If he wins 6 World Series in the making I'm all for it. He can turn the team into the worst f***ing team ever assembled if he does that.

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I was just thinking about the Bulls. How come some teams like the Grizzlies, who used to be worse than the Bulls even after MJ have now surpassed the Bulls? It's tough to think about it. They made mistakes, big ones. I was excited when the Bulls picked Curry, but then when they traded Brand I panicked. He brought respectability to the team. Along with the Rose trade that sucked, and imagine would could have been in this lineup:



Brad Miller

Ron Artest

Jamal Crawford



That's a competitive team. This team is going backwards and they need to be scrapped and start over. The players were there, but they aren't anymore.

Two words to answer that Grizzlies question: Jerry West

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Folks are so f***ed up it's not funny. The plan with the Bulls was to have Brand/Artest, then sign T-Mac, Jones, or Duncan. That way you've got you're big 3 to build on.


When they couldn't get any of the big 3 free agents, and word got around that Brand wouldn't resign here due to his agent having trouble with the Bulls, it was decided to scrap it all.


Really folks, what's done is done. Stop b****ing about it.

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Dont argue with him, he just doesnt see what you and I see. And the way I look at it is he was the Gm of a team who won 6 Championships. I find it hard to over look that. But there are people, like Josh, who try to look for the bad, so insted of giving Krause any kind of creidt for 6 rings, he has to talk about the Bulls now. Whatever.

I talk about now cause the past is the dam Past. So he won 6 rings fine.. But after that??? A GOOD GM is one who knows how to rebuild a team after his stars have either retired or gone elsewhere.


And if Krispie Kreme was sooooo dam good why in the Hell did T-Mac, Duncan, Jones and others say they didn't wanna play for the Bulls cause of Krause?? And don't give me all this Jordan Sabotauge Baloney cause Jordan was long gone when that Happend. Why has Jordan and Pip came back to the Bulls??? Yeah you got it.. Krause is GONE!!




And what i see is a big pile of s*** that Krause left for Pax to fix. WHATEVER. ;)

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Folks are so f***ed up it's not funny. The plan with the Bulls was to have Brand/Artest, then sign T-Mac, Jones, or Duncan. That way you've got you're big 3 to build on.


When they couldn't get any of the big 3 free agents, and word got around that Brand wouldn't resign here due to his agent having trouble with the Bulls, it was decided to scrap it all.


Really folks, what's done is done. Stop b****ing about it.

:headbang :usa :notworthy :cheers :snr

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