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Allright, I'm a little pissed. Spent twenty minutes typing a PETA rant and when I tried to submit this post I had a "Page cannot be replied" message. Attempted to salvage the message by pressing back on the browser but nope, it was gone. I'll keep this one shorter....


PETA are a bunch of whinning babies that instead of presenting information suitable to all audiences, they try to convince others their

"cause" is right by showing mutilated animals caught in traps AND promoting a comic book in which a lady is stabbing a rabbit to death. What they do well is recruit the exact people that can be molded into activists..........weak minded college students whose idea of rebellion is protesting every-damn-thing that doesn't fit their views.


Their methods aren't winning me over(either is their calling card of running out on a runway to disrupt a fashion show)....worse goes on everyday to give me my delicious Burger King Whopper. I won't shed one tear thinking of a cow slaughtered, and I sure as hell won't think twice about animals being made into fur. Get a damn job and contribute to society YOU PUSSIES.

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Just found this on the site.


This begs the question: who isn't capable of kidnapping a child? I mean, how much effort could it take? Kids are stupid, just look at how many of them die in fires every year. Who the hell dies in a fire? How fast does the flame move anyway? Every time I burn my brother's toys, it takes an eternity for the flames to spread. A common house fire spreads about half a mile per hour. Oh no, a fire? Jump through the flames you pussy. If you don't make it everyone's going to think you're a dumbass anyway, so you might as well try. Besides, think how cool it would be if you ran out of the building screaming while you were on fire. Holy s*** that would rule, chicks would be humping you left and right (assuming the burns don't scar your junk).



Sideshowapu linked me to this site and I love it to death. This guy rocks!!!!

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Here's a couple of links not dealing specifically with fur but that sum up the animal rights movement pretty darn well.

More humor from that site.


Garfield gets awarded for humor and "Family Guy" keeps getting canceled faster than a baby at Planned Parenthood. That reminds me of how much I hate babies. Why does everyone want to save them? There are too many babies. I'm not saying we should kill them, but if you happen to be giving your baby a bath and the phone rings.. well, nobody will judge you. Besides, you might get free brownies out of it at the funeral, and brownies rule.
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I always find it interesting how PETA attacks people who wear fur but not people who wear leather. Maybe it has something to do with the kind of people who wear each kind, and whether or not they could kick a PETA member's ass.

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Most animal rights activists discount PETA a lot just as many environmentalists discount the ELF. Hey, even extreme right wingers discount guys like Rush Limbaugh etc. There's idiots in every movement [just like Bush being a Republican and having policies that go against the Republican party line] but don't paint with such a wide brush that you label the entire animal rights movement on the actions of one organization.

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I always find it interesting how PETA attacks people who wear fur but not people who wear leather.  Maybe it has something to do with the kind of people who wear each kind, and whether or not they could kick a PETA member's ass.

LMFAO!!!! Excellent point!! I'd love to see some animal rights wacko try to accost some biker dude on the street over his leather jacket. That little twerp would get his ass kicked so hard he'd have to un-button his collar to take a s***.

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LMFAO!!!!  Excellent point!!  I'd love to see some animal rights wacko try to accost some biker dude on the street over his leather jacket.  That little twerp would get his ass kicked so hard he'd have to un-button his collar to take a s***.

reminds me of this PETA story a few years back when i lived in oregon...seems some PETA do gooder was going to help out all the poor little minks that were trapped on a farm getting ready to be made into fur coats...what nobody told the dumbass was that minks are not these furry little cuddily creatures that PETA makes them out to be....they are extremly violent and if you see one in the wild he probably has some poor little marsupial in the clutches of its razor sharp teeth...so dumbass sneeks in and proceeds to cut open all the cages...and before you know it this poor bastard is being ripped to shreds...i cant for the life of me remember if his wounds were fatal but i know they were very serious..



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reminds me of this PETA story a few years back when i lived in oregon...seems some PETA do gooder was going to help out all the poor little minks that were trapped on a farm getting ready to be made into fur coats...what nobody told the dumbass was that minks are not these furry little cuddily creatures that PETA makes them out to be....they are extremly violent and if you see one in the wild he probably has some poor little marsupial in the clutches of its razor sharp teeth...so dumbass sneeks in and proceeds to cut open all the cages...and before you know it this poor bastard is being ripped to shreds...i cant for the life of me remember if his wounds were fatal but i know they were very serious..



What can I say. Nobody ever accused Animal Rights wackos of being terribly smart.

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what nobody told the dumbass was that minks are not these furry little cuddily creatures that PETA makes them out to be....they are extremly violent and if you see one in the wild he probably has some poor little marsupial in the clutches of its razor sharp teeth..


He was probably fed propaganda by his fellow PETA dips***s. This is a picture of a mink you will find hanging up on some poster. Looks cute and cuddly doesn't it? :lol:



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