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This is from WSI, but it's believeable. Just to add to the chaos I also heard that JR could be preparing for contraction so he can pocket $250 Million, sad but possibly true. I'd burn down Reinsdorf's house if the White Sox were giving up and contracting a 100+ year old franchise. I'm sure you'd all be with me...


Here is the post:



Whats up everyone. I heard something interesting the other day. I kind of knew it all along but wasn't exactly sure. At this point however I am pretty sure though. I was speaking to another die hard Sox fan and he was telling me all about the organization and its problems. He said he did some research into this and that he was damn sure of what he was talking about. What he said was that the only reason why the Sox payroll is only 60 or so million was because ownership is just plain cheap.


He said that just from TV deals alone, Reinsdork and his co-owners could pay the salary. Then all of the other money they bring in, i.e. ticket sales, food sales, merchandise, is just extra for them to stick into their pockets. Plain and simple. Reinsdork may care about baseball, but the other investors do not really give a damn. They are screwed businessmen who only want more and more money. Another way that they reap in even more money is by the low attendance. Believe it or not, if the Sox do not get a certain amount of fans a year, they do not have to pay rent for U.S. Cellular field. Rent is a huge amount to pay and if they don't have to pay it, the more money they get. So the only assumption is that they are teetering along the brink of that attendance figure. If they actually put a winner on the field, the increase of attendance would put that figure over the top. Sad but true.


If the people that own a team only care about the money aspect of ownership, then the fans and team suffers. This is the case with the Sox. But there is something that may make you people happy. I mentioned to this fan that it would be a miracle for someone like Donald Trump to buy the team. What he said in return made me smile. Donald Trump has expressed interest to own a sports team from Chicago, preferably a baseball team. So that would either be the Scrubs or the Sox. He also hates Georgie boy over in New York. That would make him lean toward the Sox because they are natural American League rivals. So who knows? Maybe one day Trump will own the Sox and we could have a payroll of close to 200 million bucks. Wouldn't that be nice. But in the meantime keep on being White Sox fans. I know that I will because no matter what, the players want to win. And as long as that desire is there, they could possibly go far.


P.S. My source is a highly respected retired Chicago Police Officer who really does know what he is talking about.

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Just to add to the chaos I also heard that JR could be preparing for contraction so he can pocket $250 Million, sad but possibly true. I'd burn down Reinsdorf's house if the White Sox were giving up and contracting a 100+ year old franchise. I'm sure you'd all be with me...

There is not a chance in hell the White Sox could get contracted. You'd have a major fight between the city and baseball, way to much money in play.

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That post at WSI isn't credible. If this respected retired Chicago Police Officer knew so much, he would know there is a lot more expense to running a team than its 25 man payroll. There are payroll taxes, minor league costs, costs for travel , contribution to the greatest pension plan in the world, insurance, etc. MLB was afraid of the legal costs to contract the Twins when they had 1 year on their lease. JR just extended his 20 years, for park that was built for him. The White Sox aren't going to be contracted, and they will not move. There is no place for them to move, if there was, Montreal would be there already.

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espn did a list of the ten franchises in mlb that were losing money last year..the sox wernt on that list...it wouldnt surprise if the sox were in the top ten in net revenue...the have a great cable deal and reinsey is making out like a bandit on the stadium deal..great parking deal..vendor deals..sox merchandise is still in the top 3rd ( i think 10th ) in baseball....this franchise is a gold mine despite all the cries of being poor...

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The Sox wont be contracted, it just does not make sense.


Why would Reinsdorf be making Comiskey Park better if he thought he was not going to be getting his return on the investment.


Maybe he just wanted to give Comiskey a $50million dollar face lift as a present to the City of Chicago before he contracted the Sox.


Yeah right, Sox wont be contracted, they probably are not even in the top 10 of teams that are thought of.


The Sox are the staple of the AL Central, with out Chicago it would have only midsize cities, just not a good formula.



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This is from WSI, but it's believeable. Just to add to the chaos I also heard that JR could be preparing for contraction so he can pocket $250 Million, sad but possibly true. I'd burn down Reinsdorf's house if the White Sox were giving up and contracting a 100+ year old franchise. I'm sure you'd all be with me...


Here is the post:



Whats up everyone. I heard something interesting the other day. I kind of knew it all along but wasn't exactly sure. At this point however I am pretty sure though. I was speaking to another die hard Sox fan and he was telling me all about the organization and its problems. He said he did some research into this and that he was damn sure of what he was talking about. What he said was that the only reason why the Sox payroll is only 60 or so million was because ownership is just plain cheap.


He said that just from TV deals alone, Reinsdork and his co-owners could pay the salary. Then all of the other money they bring in, i.e. ticket sales, food sales, merchandise, is just extra for them to stick into their pockets. Plain and simple. Reinsdork may care about baseball, but the other investors do not really give a damn. They are screwed businessmen who only want more and more money. Another way that they reap in even more money is by the low attendance. Believe it or not, if the Sox do not get a certain amount of fans a year, they do not have to pay rent for U.S. Cellular field. Rent is a huge amount to pay and if they don't have to pay it, the more money they get. So the only assumption is that they are teetering along the brink of that attendance figure. If they actually put a winner on the field, the increase of attendance would put that figure over the top. Sad but true.


If the people that own a team only care about the money aspect of ownership, then the fans and team suffers. This is the case with the Sox. But there is something that may make you people happy. I mentioned to this fan that it would be a miracle for someone like Donald Trump to buy the team. What he said in return made me smile. Donald Trump has expressed interest to own a sports team from Chicago, preferably a baseball team. So that would either be the Scrubs or the Sox. He also hates Georgie boy over in New York. That would make him lean toward the Sox because they are natural American League rivals. So who knows? Maybe one day Trump will own the Sox and we could have a payroll of close to 200 million bucks. Wouldn't that be nice. But in the meantime keep on being White Sox fans. I know that I will because no matter what, the players want to win. And as long as that desire is there, they could possibly go far.


P.S. My source is a highly respected retired Chicago Police Officer who really does know what he is talking about.

Oh come on now. I bet the "highly respected retired police officer" was really a fat ass drunk yakking away and ranting because it was last call. WSI is full of tools and I dont believe anything they have to say.

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Oh come on now.  I bet the "highly respected retired police officer" was really a fat ass drunk yakking away and ranting because it was last call.  WSI is full of tools and I dont believe anything they have to say.

Yeah, I agree...but wouldn't it be AWESOME if Trump bought the Sox?


MLB would probably deny him ownership becuase he owns casinos!

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I heard some jamoke call the Score earlier this morning about the same thing. It is a bunch of crap and this jamoke really didnt make sense at all. It sounds like a cubbie prayer to me. First of all he would make just as much or more selling the team at 250 million as he would contracting the team. That right there tells me it is a bunch of bunk. 2nd of all he would most likely not get any of the money as he does not hold 100% of the team. Actually he doesn't even hold 50% of the team. He just holds more than anyone else. We will also never be contracted, and if we were we would be like the Cleveland Browns and pop up again in another couple years. You just can't contract an original team. Sorry Cubbie fans, but this will never happen.

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Go read the rest of that thread......... The thread is called "Reinsdorf Has the Money".


I personally tore that guys whole premise to pieces. It is crap and totally baseless. I'd be happy to explain to all of you that don't believe once again, why NO ONE knows how much the Sox make, if anything. There is no way we can even make a decent educated guess. If you want me to post my arguments, just say the word. You can read it on WSI, however.

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That post reminds me of all the stupid email virus warning hoaxes spread over the internet daily.


You know, the one were AOL and IBM announced yesterday this huge virus being spread around and no one should forward it. But then again, they should forward it to everyone they know because Bill Gates is going to give everyone who forwards this email $100 because he is testing a beta email tracking program.

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That post reminds me of all the stupid email virus warning hoaxes spread over the internet daily. 


You know, the one were AOL and IBM announced yesterday this huge virus being spread around and no one should forward it.  But then again, they should forward it to everyone they know because Bill Gates is going to give everyone who forwards this email $100 because he is testing a beta email tracking program.

Wait, does this mean I won't get my $100? But I already spent my rent money at the riverboat?!?!?

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There's no way they can be contracted, when the Twins were talking about being contracted there was a ton of difficulty because they had like 2 years left on their stadium deal and the state threatned to sue MLB... Sox have a lot longer on their deal, and I know we complain about the payroll, but the players association would not want a nearly 60m dollar payroll to go away, also THE SOX JUST STARTED A NEW CABLE STATION WITH THE OTHER TEAMS. If the Sox were found to be negotiating long term contracts with the intention to fold-up that could easily be labeled as fraud and Reinsdorf would have a lot of problems

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