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A Very Good Article


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Guest hotsoxchick1

It doesn't matter whether Selig had a hand in the Colon trade. In the long run, it probably doesn't matter whether the deal pushes the White Sox over the top or not. What matters is that the league has put itself in a position where speculation like this even makes sense. Each day that Major League Baseball owns the Montreal Expos is a day in which baseball fans have yet another reason - another very good reason - to question the league's integrity and, by extension, their own support of the game.


Fix it, Bud.


this alone is not a good thing... your right that article was good reading and interesting... puts a warning signal up in the air though for all the other teams to wonder if the trade was on the up and up... suppose it could go challanged at some point in time huh??? doesnt make things look good for us since jr and bud are pals and kw hasnt got the brain enough to know that GOD gave man fire....if this writer can put this in perspective imagine what a gm who actually wanted in on the colon deal can do with it legaly???? definately needs to be thought about huh................

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Interesting .... I submitted this theory back on Jan 12 .... before the Colon trade:


Since Reinsdorf is on the committee... and seems to suck up to Selig, we may get Colon for that very reason. The Expos are owned by MLB. Selig is the commisioner, therefore makes all the decisions. Minaya is the Expos GM, therefore is employeed by MLB, and effectively has to answer to Selig. Reinsdorf is the only owner in baseball to have a minority GM and manager. Minority hirings is one of Seligs pet projects. Since Reinsdorf is such a suck up, Selig may very well throw him the proverbial bone... Colon.
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Guest hotsoxchick1

yes you did. i recall it...i think most of us had the same thoughts on our minds back then......now it all comes to light.. what im wondering is how long before it ends up costing us?????cause you know the finger pointing is going to start flying around before the season starts...........

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This first surfaced with the Cliff Floyd trade.  MLB has got to either sell or contract the Expos.  This just LOOKS bad... even if it turns out be on the up and up.

bud selig just doesnt there..on the committee to decide to do with the expos his daughter wendy and reisndorf are both on it...like wendy wont do whatever daddy tells her to...desp[ite the fact that she is his daughter he gave her a friggen major league baseball team...what bud wants, bud will get im afraid

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This first surfaced with the Cliff Floyd trade.  MLB has got to either sell or contract the Expos.  This just LOOKS bad... even if it turns out be on the up and up.

bud selig just doesnt there..on the committee to decide to do with the expos his daughter wendy and reisndorf are both on it...like wendy wont do whatever daddy tells her to...desp[ite the fact that she is his daughter he gave her a friggen major league baseball team...what bud wants, bud will get im afraid

The fact that this guy is in a position to sit in judgement on anyone (Pete Rose) and look out for "the integrity of the game" is pathetic.

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