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Tonight's Caucus


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As of right now, polls show a statistical 4 way tie between Kerry, Dean, Edwards, and Gephart.


The latest on each candidate:

Kerry: Has a bad cold, and lost his voice.

Gephart: Made one campaign stop early this morning to rally voters

Dean: Didn't answer any questions after going to a Dr. MLK Jr. memorial.

Edwards: Will recieve Kucinich supporters in caucus if Kucinich does not reach 15%

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You have to love the, once every four years, that people actually pay attention to what people in Iowa think

You also know that not a lot is going on in the world when the fate of Kucinich's doomed supporters is all over Fox News.

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When I was in Illinois I use to find it funny I had to vote for U of I trustees. I would vote for the commies, green party, what ever wack jobs were on the ballot. I figured what the hell, I didn't go there.


Years later I worried about a knock on my door inquiring why I was a communist sympathizer.

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nuke, boredom increased with each repitition of the phrase we heard before Nixon had to resign for comiting criminal acts in the oval office and setting a record for vice presidnets who had to resign for talkng bribes, attorney generals as convicted felons, and the whitew house staff, felons all.


a new slogan might be better luck than Nixon's 4 more years mantra.


Heads, your man did alright, 34% as I see it, a very solid second - it is now Kerry vs Dean vs Edwards vs Clark --- and my ultimate choice Clark is running solid in NH but lest see what the bounce is -- depending on how Clark polls in NH, we can lose a candidate going into the Carolina primary and the Michigan caucus - my guess is it turns into a three way race, Clark vs Edwards vs Kerry by the time New Hampshire is done.

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nuke, boredom increased with each repitition of the phrase we heard before Nixon had to resign for comiting criminal acts in the oval office and setting a record for vice presidnets who had to resign for talkng bribes, attorney generals as convicted felons, and the whitew house staff, felons all.


a new slogan might be better luck than Nixon's 4 more years mantra.


Heads, your man did alright, 34% as I see it, a very solid second - it is now Kerry vs Dean vs Edwards vs Clark --- and my ultimate choice Clark is running solid in NH but lest see what the bounce is -- depending on how Clark polls in NH, we can lose a candidate going into the Carolina primary and the Michigan caucus - my guess is it turns into a three way race, Clark vs Edwards vs Kerry by the time New Hampshire is done.

No Howard Dean??? :huh:

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Thats what happens when you say a bunch of bad stuff about the Iowan people.  I guess his "clarifying statement" didn't get it done this time.



Guess that means I will never win Iowa :lol: :lolhitting


IT will be interesting to see if Howie can rebound from this loss. Even as basically a conservative, Dean is the best canditate that Bush can hope to draw. Kerry, Gephart, and Edwards would provide much more of a challenge.

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