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Pennsylvania Hazing Incident..


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Send them to prison and let them get "hazed" by the guys there.

Even if they get tried as adults and do get convicted I bet they send them to a juvenile center versus adult prison. Although I agree they deserve adult prison.

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This is much worse then the hazing that occured at Glenbrook North High School......


"The accused players, two 16-year-olds and one 17-year-old, allegedly sodomized three younger boys with a broomstick, pine cones and golf balls. "



Throw their asses in jail and they will know what its like to be sodomized. Don't know what the charges could be against them, but it should include jail time and (as Steff said) a ban on these idiots pursuing a career in football

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I'm disturbed. But it's nothing really new. I hope the community acts with outrage...But I wouldn't be surprised at all if they just said boys will be boys--here's a link to an older story about some male athletes that acted similarly (i.e. with sexual violence). My hunch is that stuff like this happens all the time but it just goes unreported because of hte shame and stigma that goes with sexual sexual violence.



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This is much worse then the hazing that occured at Glenbrook North High School......


"The accused players, two 16-year-olds and one 17-year-old, allegedly sodomized three younger boys with a broomstick, pine cones and golf balls. "



Throw their asses in jail and they will know what its like to be sodomized.  Don't know what the charges could be against them, but it should include jail time and (as Steff said) a ban on these idiots pursuing a career in football

Unless they are tried as adults - no jail time. Minors get probation - no matter what the charge - in Pennsylvania according to the article.


They have several charges pending... involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, kidnapping, aggravated assault, unlawful restraint and false imprisonment.

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for starters..every coach on that team should resign or immediately be fired...


football season should be cancelled...as far as other kids on the team paying for the acts of a few...im sure everyone on the team knew what was going on and no one had the guts to try and stop it...so in fact the whole team is guilty and should pay...


i also think high schools everywhere that have these camps should reconsider...there is no reason to go to a camp...there is nothing you can do at a camp that you cant do on your own practice field...we never to camp in high school did all our daily doubles through the summer on our own practice field...


as for the perps..should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law..hopefully as adults....and the school district should offer any counseling for the victims as well as offer them full ride scholarship to any college they can get into...for starters

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I read this in Sports Illustrated, and apparently in the eyes of the community, the VICTIMS were the ones to blame.  Alot of people were angry at them for rocking the boat. Really upsetting to me.

not suprising. Sounds like something that our HS football coach would say.

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I read this in Sports Illustrated, and apparently in the eyes of the community, the VICTIMS were the ones to blame.  Alot of people were angry at them for rocking the boat. Really upsetting to me.

Upsetting, but not surprising at all. I think that sexual violence, of ANY type always has a victim blaming slant. There's actually been lots of research even in the court system about it--the way it's worded in juries decisions and all of that. I always hope people will be upset at the atrocities that happen--and I'm always sad when that sense of outrage is misdirected. I really suggest people take a look at the article I posted earlier. Classic example of misdirected blame...

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Notice women never do these things? I wonder what happened to the older kids when they were hazed? We had a few initiatioons when I was in college. Real minor stuff by most standards. I remember reading that Stanfords golf team had a initiation that the Freshman carried the clubs for the team. I think it was Notay Begay who was joking that Tiger was his caddy in college.


In high school some of the wrestlers had to run out of the hot tub and out into the snow. The basketball players happened to lock the doors while they were out. Looking back we probably could have been arrested for endangerment.

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are you kidding?


what was the Glenbrook North Powder Puff football thing all about?

You got me, I forgot about them. But guys were there and directed much of the action.


You have to admit guys are 1000% more likely to do something like this. And I really doubt the girls would be sodomizing each other.

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I think cw has a good point.


In that all off those sorts of incidence are about power and controll and domination. So, basically the people that are hazing are just about showing who's in control and putting people in their place. Really, that's all sexual violence is about--putting people in their "place" and humiliating them. Women are just as able to do that as men, but either they just don't do it as often or we just don't hear about it as often. But they certainly are able, and can commit violent and degrading acts.


It is certainly a sickening thing to hear about--and I hope these kids get the maximum punishment.

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I think cw has a good point.


In that all off those sorts of incidence are about power and controll and domination. So, basically the people that are hazing are just about showing who's in control and putting people in their place. Really, that's all sexual violence is about--putting people in their "place" and humiliating them. Women are just as able to do that as men, but either they just don't do it as often or we just don't hear about it as often. But they certainly are able, and can commit violent and degrading acts.


It is certainly a sickening thing to hear about--and I hope these kids get the maximum punishment.

I agree that women are capable, but compared to men how many mass murderers or seriel murderers are women? How many women rape guys? How many women are accused of sexual harrasement?


Nope guys are much more violent and messed up than women. How many women wind up hgetting fried by the State of Texas?

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