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I am thinking you really didn't see or hear the press conference. If you recall, Ozzie was asked a question specifically about Frank and his attitude. Ozzie didn't bring up his name. The reporter did. Ozzie simply answered the question honestly. Did he have to? No. But that is how Ozzie is and I respect his honesty. He didn't call anyone out. This was all overblown by the media and is a bunch of crap.

Yea.. I saw it. TIVO'd it as a matter of fact.


One more time... Ozzie didn't have to say ANYTHING. He CHOSE to OPEN his YAP.


"No comment on clubhouse or personnel matters as they do not belong in the press"... that would have been the appropriate response.


Are you sure YOU saw it..


The media blew it out because Ozzie GAVE THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO.

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So you are on Frank's side about being honest, but not on Ozzie's side when it comes to being honest. Frank should have a sliver of a brain when he says most of the stupid s*** that comes out of his mouth as well. To me you are arguing Frank can be this way, but Ozzie can't. I don't understand your argument. Actually I think you are a little biased towards Frank and can't see both sides. That's right Steff.

My argument is that what happens between the players with other players and players with management STAYS IN THE LOCKEROOM!!


Biased... yes I am. What goes on in there should STAY in there.


I can clearly see where that's a flawed logic...



You're right.. "someone" can't see both sides...

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My argument is that what happens between the players with other players and players with management STAYS IN THE LOCKEROOM!!


Biased... yes I am. What goes on in there should STAY in there.


I can clearly see where that's a flawed logic...



You're right.. "someone" can't see both sides...

You are 100% right. I hate when people take stuff out of the locker room, or practices, or meetings, or any of that type of stuff.

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You are 100% right. I hate when people take stuff out of the locker room, or practices, or meetings, or any of that type of stuff.

Sometimes stuff does inappopriately come out of locker rooms, or practices, or meetings. But Guillen was on the job for minutes and hadn't had the time for locker rooms, practices or meetings. He clearly stated that Frank would have to play the way of the manager and that the same rules would apply for everyone else. Poor Frank - might as well sulk!

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Sometimes stuff does inappopriately come out of locker rooms, or practices, or meetings.  But Guillen was on the job for minutes and hadn't had the time for locker rooms, practices or meetings.  He clearly stated that Frank would have to play the way of the manager and that the same rules would apply for everyone else.  Poor Frank - might as well sulk!

Why didn't he say Konerko or Magglio would be held to the same levels as everyone else? Heck, they both get more money than Frank. The thing I didn't like was Guillen insinuated Frank didn't hustle, then said he hasn't seen him play for six years. If you watch the White Sox, not many guys hustle down to first on routine grounders, in fact, scouts were quoted on line at ESPN and the Sporting News as saying they can't get times for White Sox players running to first, because nobody busts their butts down there. It also was ironic that Ozzie would bring up hustle since he was notorious for jogging down the line on a routine grounder. Hawk even called him out on it, and it has to be really over the top for that to happen. Ozzie has a big mouth that the media will get to run in overdrive. I really think Bevington would have been a better hire than him.

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Sometimes stuff does inappopriately come out of locker rooms, or practices, or meetings.  But Guillen was on the job for minutes and hadn't had the time for locker rooms, practices or meetings.  He clearly stated that Frank would have to play the way of the manager and that the same rules would apply for everyone else.  Poor Frank - might as well sulk!

You know what I was getting at though.


Coaches should also not bad mouth a player, especially if they were just hired. I don't understand why everyone is so down on Frank.

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Ozzie had no right/reason to call Frank out like he did. Ozzie was never 1/10th of the player Frank is right now. Ozzie didn't always keep his head in the game, often threw the ball to the wrong base, was a bad baserunner. He is in NO position to have criticized Hurt.


Ozzie is the pot calling the kettle black!


Ozzie never called Frank out. DAMN! He was asked a question and answered it honestly. He didn't throw Frank's name in there. He was asked specifically about Frank. The media did it, then blew it out of proportion. That is all there is to it.

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Yea.. I saw it. TIVO'd it as a matter of fact.


One more time... Ozzie didn't have to say ANYTHING. He CHOSE to OPEN his YAP.


"No comment on clubhouse or personnel matters as they do not belong in the press"... that would have been the appropriate response.


Are you sure YOU saw it..


The media blew it out because Ozzie GAVE THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO.


WOW! TIVO'd it! Should I be impressed? Who the hell cares that you TIVO's it. I definately saw it. After watching it I turned on the radio to hear their opinions and I couldn't believe they took this one part and ran with it. It was a non issue. I don't see the big deal. Actually he complimented Frank and said he only knew him as a good teammate. I hope you can say the same thing when Frank opens up his goofy ass mouth about anything that he shouldn't say. Whatever, I could really care less about what you watch, listen to, TIVO, or have an opnion on. I just hate when people fabricate, which is what a lot of people on here are doing. People that didn't even watch or listen the damn thing and are just taking the media's opinion about the situation. It sucks that our "fans" are not more informed and can't form their own opnions.

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Why didn't he say Konerko or Magglio would be held to the same levels as everyone else? Heck, they both get more money than Frank. The thing I didn't like was Guillen insinuated Frank didn't hustle, then said he hasn't seen him play for six years. If you watch the White Sox, not many guys hustle down to first on routine grounders, in fact, scouts were quoted on line at ESPN and the Sporting News as saying they can't get times for White Sox players running to first, because nobody busts their butts down there. It also was ironic that Ozzie would bring up hustle since he was notorious for jogging down the line on a routine grounder. Hawk even called him out on it, and it has to be really over the top for that to happen. Ozzie has a big mouth that the media will get to run in overdrive. I really think Bevington would have been a better hire than him.


Probably because the reporter that asked the question didn't specify Magglio or Konerko. The reporter specifically mentioned Frank's name and asked specifically about him. Ozzie answered the f***ing question. It is as simple as that.

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Probably because the reporter that asked the question didn't specify Magglio or Konerko. The reporter specifically mentioned Frank's name and asked specifically about him. Ozzie answered the f***ing question. It is as simple as that.

The press conference is still available through the archives at the Sox MLB.Com site. I just listened to it again, trying to be fair to Ozzie. The reporter never mentioned Frank, Ozzie just took off.


The reporter was Les (Grobstien?) and the question was that the Sox were criticized for relying too much on the long ball, would he play more small ball, bunt etc?


Ozzie gave a rambling 3 minute answer saying if a player doesn't do the job, he doesn't care who he is, even Frank, he would bunt him the next time up. Then he said don't give me good players, give me players what want to win.


It doesn't look nearly as bad in print as it sounded, his voice was petulant and every other sentence was me, me, I, I. Not single good thing was said about any player. Really turned me off.

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I think many of the fans here DO have their own opinion.


Their opinion appears to be:


Ozzie, as a new boss, should've deflected the question about Thomas, knowing full well the media's propensity to make a big deal out of things.


It also appears to be several posters opinion that there's a time and place to be blunt, but perhaps one's very first press conference as the new team leader might not be the correct time and place.

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Absolutely valid argument Brando..


IMO, Frank is ignorant to the way his "innocent' comments will be percieved. He's quiet and he's a jag like Albert was percieved.. he talks and it's ripped apart.

Albert Belle is a riddle that I am not even going to attempt to solve. I honestly don't know if he is a sociopath or just misunderstood or what.....and I don't really care either way


But Frank is a different story: I never bought into the media bulls*** portrayal of him as a Shammy-like Grand Imperial Douchebag because, well, I chose to believe my own eyes and ears--- Hurt always did seem to me as refreshingly articulate and charming and loyal.......UNTIL conversation turned to his career-- BOOM! all sorts of annoying, self-aggrandizing (even by athlete standards) non-sequitors about not getting respect or pay or umprire conspiracies and what began to fly.......Frank can be his own worst enemy and yet I have zero animosity toward him as a person. None. Now as a player it's a different story......


Whatever the case may be, Ozzie sure made a FAUX PAS during the inauguration, er, press-conference back in November that may end up tearing this team apart.


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The press conference is still available through the archives at the Sox MLB.Com site. I just listened to it again, trying to be fair to Ozzie. The reporter never mentioned Frank, Ozzie just took off.


The reporter was Les (Grobstien?) and the question was that the Sox were criticized for relying too much on the long ball, would he play more small ball, bunt etc?


Ozzie gave a rambling 3 minute answer saying if a player doesn't do the job, he doesn't care who he is, even Frank, he would bunt him the next time up. Then he said don't give me good players, give me players what want to win.


It doesn't look nearly as bad in print as it sounded, his voice was petulant and every other sentence was me, me, I, I. Not single good thing was said about any player. Really turned me off.


This is not what people are upset about. There is another question Ozzie answers that is asked just about Frank. Grobber wouldn't ask that kind of question. He is not an asshole.

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Ozzie never called Frank out. DAMN! He was asked a question and answered it honestly. He didn't throw Frank's name in there. He was asked specifically about Frank. The media did it, then blew it out of proportion. That is all there is to it.

How was Ozzie able to answer questions about Frank when he admittedly hadn't seen him play or talked to him for 6 years? He did mention Frank alledgedly not running balls out, but Magglio doesn't run balls out, and Ozzie was bragging about how he was the one who knew Magglio would be a ballplayer. Answering questions the way he did at the press conference announcing is hiring, was inappropriate. You say he was being honest. I say he was being his usual dumbass self.

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OK. So Ozzie planted his foot firmly along side of his molars. However, he has made repeated attempts, apparently, to contact Frank and talk to him about this. Frank should be man enough to at least hear what Ozzie has to say instead of hiding in Vegas and pouting about it like a petulant child.


What purpose is served by letting this fester over 3 months and then deal with in spring training. Talk it out, settle it and move on.

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How was Ozzie able to answer questions about Frank when he admittedly hadn't seen him play or talked to him for 6 years? He did mention Frank alledgedly not running balls out, but Magglio doesn't run balls out, and Ozzie was bragging about how he was the one who knew Magglio would be a ballplayer. Answering questions the way he did at the press conference announcing is hiring, was inappropriate. You say he was being honest. I say he was being his usual dumbass self.


He can answer a question of how Frank's attitude will fit into his clubhouse, which is what the question was. I don't ever remember him mentioning Frank and running out ground balls. Let me see a quote from a legitimate source and then I will believe you. I don't ever remember him saying that about Frank during the press conference.

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He can answer a question of how Frank's attitude will fit into his clubhouse, which is what the question was.

And how the hell was he supposed to answer that question since he ADMITTED not talking to him for SIX f***ING YEARS??


Are you really this thick on this matter of just being an ass on purpose?


Did you read the posts by TLAK, Jim, Brando, Dick, and Yas... or are you so wrapped up in YOUR assesment of the situation that you can't get Ozzie's dick out of your mouth long enough to at least TRY to comprehend that a new boss should keep their mouth shut UNTIL they at the very least get the opportunity to talk to their new empolyees...!




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This is not what people are upset about. There is another question Ozzie answers that is asked just about Frank. Grobber wouldn't ask that kind of question. He is not an asshole.

LOL... you're a Grobber fan. Grobber has special knee pads just for his visits with Sammy... interesting coincidence.

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And how the hell was he supposed to answer that question since he ADMITTED not talking to him for SIX f***ING YEARS??


Are you really this thick on this matter of just being an ass on purpose?


Did you read the posts by TLAK, Jim, Brando, Dick, and Yas... or are you so wrapped up in YOUR assesment of the situation that you can't get Ozzie's dick out of your mouth long enough to at least TRY to comprehend that a new boss should keep their mouth shut UNTIL they at the very least get the opportunity to talk to their new empolyees...!



Wow. I have a whole new opnion on you Steff. Now I know for sure you are definately not a lady. This is some of the most obsene stuff I have ever seen written by a female. You disgust me.

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Wow. I have a whole new opnion on you Steff. Now I know for sure you are definately not a lady. This is some of the most obsene stuff I have ever seen written by a female. You disgust me.

It's a shame you've obviously missed out on Heather's b****ass passionless sox thread.. To bad. it's good stuff.


As for me disgusting you... LOL... get in line. :lol:

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LOL... you're a Grobber fan. Grobber has special knee pads just for his visits with Sammy... interesting coincidence.


You really need to get a life. My point was Grobber doesnt ask that type of question. He is more professional about things and doesn't instigate something that doesn't matter. I think you have to get dick off your mind. Your last 2 posts have a lot to do with it. You should do something about that. Maybe it's Frank's dick you have in mind? LOL!! You must not be getting enough at home.


And Ozzie can answer how someone will be able to fit in HIS clubhouse. It's just that simple. I have read all the posts and have replied to them as necessary.


Ozzie answered the question honestly. He was asked a question about a specific person. He didn't bring this specific person's name up, the reporter did. If you can't blame Frank for being honest and saying stupid s*** then you shouldn't be a hypocrite and blame Ozzie for the same exact thing.

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You really need to get a life. My point was Grobber doesnt ask that type of question. He is more professional about things and doesn't instigate something that doesn't matter.


And Ozzie can answer how someone will be able to fit in HIS clubhouse. It's just that simple. I have read all the posts and have replied to them as necessary.


Ozzie answered the question honestly. He was asked a question about a specific person. He didn't bring this specific person's name up, the reporter did. If you can't blame Frank for being honest and saying stupid s*** then you shouldn't be a hypocrite and blame Ozzie for the same exact thing.

Grobber professional...? Grobber NOT an instigator..? Yea.. ok. Go read some of his literary works of art on WSI. He's a real professional guy.. :rolleyes:


Yep.. Ozzie can answer however he wants. And I can have an opinion to those responses.. you don't like my opinion? Too bad. Get over it. Move on. Waaa, waaa, waaa...


And again.. perhaps you should listen to the PC again.. the comment was quoted for you regarding the long ball comment and Ozzie's rant. Frank was NOT singled out. Selective reading...?


And I'm not touching your dick questions... there is plenty of porn on the internet and I will not contribute to your fantasies. Talk about classy... :rolleyes:

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