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You're basing your argument on RUMORS!! RUMORS!!


Give me a fact.. just ONE.


Until then, Ozzie, plain and simple IMO, said s*** he shouldn't have.


What are you talking about? Nothing I said, except something about your fat ass, was ever based on rumors. I said Ozzie didn't spread any rumor around. It was already known. Every single baseball writer in this town and every other major market that has written about Frank has the same thing to say about his attitude. If there is absolutely no truth to it whatsoever then there is seriously something wrong with Frank that he can't change that perception. You said Ozzie helped spread a rumor. My point was it was a well known thing, rumor or not. It didn't need any help being spread around. Ozzie didnt do anything to help spread it. IT WAS ALREADY OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No more talkie, baseball tonight is on.

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What are you talking about? Nothing I said, except something about your fat ass, was ever based on rumors. I said Ozzie didn't spread any rumor around. It was already known. Every single baseball writer in this town and every other major market that has written about Frank has the same thing to say about his attitude. If there is absolutely no truth to it whatsoever then there is seriously something wrong with Frank that he can't change that perception. You said Ozzie helped spread a rumor. My point was it was a well known thing, rumor or not. It didn't need any help being spread around. Ozzie didnt do anything to help spread it. IT WAS ALREADY OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You said Ozzie didn't spread a rumor... where is that? I can't seem to find that quote by you.


You say I said "Ozzie helped spread a rumor"... don't see that quote either. Care to share those glasses with the rest of the class..??



When did this become about a rumor..? Oh.. when YOU said Frank had a bad attitude and I asked YOU to prove it. Nothing at all to do with Ozzie there...



I know, you're confused. It's OK. Calm down, gather your thoughts.

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Of course it is... did Ozzie make disparaging comments about Frank..? Yes.. he did. IMO, he should have not said ANYTHING until at the VERY LEAST speaking to him. I don't give a crap what he heard.. ESPECIALLY playing with him for so long.


He respects Frank... yet even though he hasn't talked to him in SIX YEARS he feels it's OK to repeat RUMORS he's heard about him...


Man.. if you agree with that behavior in the business world...


DO you see the rumor part? OK , good, brilliant, thank you. This is when it became a rumor thing.

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You really should learn English. Yes I did say "somesink" about voodoo. He is very negative in eerything he writes and responds to. He thinks he knows just about everything and is actually clueless and if he doesnt know something he refers it to the bigger know it all Daver


Let me explain something to you, paisan: Voodoo is the awersomest awesome who ever awesomed...so you need to STFU, pronto.



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DO you see the rumor part?  OK , good, brilliant, thank you. This is when it became a rumor thing.

What would you call something you heard about someone that you haven't talked to in six years...?



But back to the last post... going to share where those quotes are..? Or are you gonna take the title of liar like a man..?

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What would you call something you heard about someone that you haven't talked to in six years...?



But back to the last post... going to share where those quotes are..? Or are you gonna take the title of liar like a man..?


s***, you posted it, find it yourself just like I did. It is in this thread. Maybe page 9 of this thread? I really can't remember. Who cares if they were rumors or not. He says it is what he heard. Who cares. It is not calling him out and he doesnt ever once say that he believes it to be true. He says he loves Frank and he wants him here. That should tell you he doesnt believe it to be true. Which is what I think he was trying to say. I think you owe me an apology as soon as you find your post. Maybe you should take that liar title and keep it for yourself.

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s***, you posted it, find it yourself just like I did. It is in this thread. Maybe page 9 of this thread? I really can't remember. Who cares if they were rumors or not. He says it is what he heard. Who cares. It is not calling him out and he doesnt ever once say that he believes it to be true. He says he loves Frank and he wants him here. That should tell you he doesnt believe it to be true. Which is what I think he was trying to say. I think you owe me an apology as soon as you find your post. Maybe you should take that liar title and keep it for yourself.

Who cares..? Obviously you do.


And one more time


You say I said "Ozzie helped spread a rumor"...


I did not. :nono


You... are a liar.

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Man....Irish is gonna wake up tommorow with a MAJOR asshole hang-over.


I mean, between being unable to name a SINGLE source to Wideloadgate to arrogantly quoting paper rumors about Frank back at possibly the only true insider on this site.......That's the kinda credibility hole you CAN'T just dig yourself out of by saying "I am sorry" the next day. :lol:


PS There AIN'T NOTHING wrong with big butts.

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s***, you posted it, find it yourself just like I did. It is in this thread. Maybe page 9 of this thread? I really can't remember. Who cares if they were rumors or not. He says it is what he heard. Who cares. It is not calling him out and he doesnt ever once say that he believes it to be true. He says he loves Frank and he wants him here. That should tell you he doesnt believe it to be true. Which is what I think he was trying to say. I think you owe me an apology as soon as you find your post. Maybe you should take that liar title and keep it for yourself.

Ok dude. This is getting sad. You guys have to stop this little bickering that's going on now. How does this sound....your both right?! If that dosen't sound too convincing, then Steff, you prove your point. You are the "double one" now just back off of every LITTLE minor thing that's being said on posts. Southsideirish, just be a man and back off on trying to prove your point cause you haven't been on this board long enough to be considered "legit." That's not going to cut it here. (esp. telling people who should get banned and who shouldn't cause they can bann your ass just like that ;)) Now can we ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?! :) :rolleyes: :headbang :bang :usa

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s***, got me on a technicality. If that was not your point then who cares if he said it or not? Who cares that he repeated the rumor? Who the hell cares? It was well known. He wasn't saying something that wasnt well known. Plus he must no think it was true if he wants him there. Whatever. This is a foolish argument if this is considered calling someone out. Plus if Frank was such a team player he would have answered Ozzie's call by now. Suck it up and be a man. He has to understand Ozzie as much as Ozzie should understand him. This is a 2 way street here. This is something I believe Frank has never understood. It is not always all about him. Sometimes it is about his team. Sometimes, as the team's best player, he has to take one for the team. Suck it up and move forward. Don't sulk. Don't be an overgrown baby. Just move on with your life. Nothing was said that was that bad or offensive. MOVE ON!!!!

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Man....Irish is gonna wake up tommorow with a MAJOR asshole hang-over.


I mean, between being unable to name a SINGLE source to Wideloadgate to arrogantly quoting paper rumors about Frank back at possibly the only true insider on this site.......That's the kinda credibility hole you CAN'T just dig yourself out of by saying "I am sorry" the next day. 


PS There AIN'T NOTHING wrong with big butts.


If anyone knows a thing or two about asshole hangovers I am sure it is you. What the hell rumors about Frank are you talking about quoting you f***ing idiot? It was never about that. It was about quoting Steff. PLease stay out of this, you have never had a clue to begin with.


I glad you love big butts. I am sure you have one of your own to fall in love with. I am sure you model your physique after your monicker.

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Hey, maybe you like big butts, too each their own. I am telling you more than one person has told me this. I highly doubt I sound like an idiot saying it as many people think it who know her. Obviously I didn't just make up that she has a fat ass.

:rolleyes: Wow. You are pathetic. No wonder they didn't want you at WSI. Heck I don't think anyone wants you here, and pretty much anyone gets accepted here, by at least someone. Gosh even the racists had people defending them. :bang


You can't admit you're wrong, even when you blatantly are. You bring nothing to the message board. It shows when you actually go somewhere, were people have well formed opinions and intelligent arguements, and you can't handle that.

Go back to ESPN and play with the rest of the trolls. You fit right in there. :huh: :rolleyes:

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Either your half a f*g or your voodoo himslef. Either way your a very sad man.

Whoa, watch out with that s***. Seems certain words get people pissed off on this board......and f*g is probably one of them.


Big brother has seemed to of filtered the word f.a.g. but words such as f***, pussy, s*** remain. :rolleyes:

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Maybe I'm being paranoid in the aftermath of Willie Stokes, but someone should check SouthSideIrish's IP address. He seems to have a bit of Clu in him.....



Willie Stokes? Clu? What the hell are you talking about? How would you like to be ganged up on? This all started getting nasty when Brano's dumb ass started to jump in and insulting and when Steff brought some profanity to the thread. Before that it was a pleasant discussion. Loko back at it if you want.

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Whoa, watch out with that s***.  Seems certain words get people pissed off on this board......and f*g is probably one of them.


Big brother has seemed to of filtered the word f.a.g. but words such as f***, pussy, s*** remain.    :rolleyes:

I know, I thought the same thing, I really don't say f*g alot, but aslong as I still can say f***, b****, and ass.

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Maybe I'm being paranoid in the aftermath of Willie Stokes, but someone should check SouthSideIrish's IP address.  He seems to have a bit of Clu in him.....

Naaah....Clu had that unmistakeable Nazi-officer-in-training air about him, a real misanthrope smugster. Bret Easton Ellis fodder.


Whereas Irish is just a misguided low-down dirrrty punk. I like him.

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Wow. You are pathetic. No wonder they didn't want you at WSI. Heck I don't think anyone wants you here, and pretty much anyone gets accepted here, by at least someone. Gosh even the racists had people defending them. 


You can't admit you're wrong, even when you blatantly are. You bring nothing to the message board. It shows when you actually go somewhere, were people have well formed opinions and intelligent arguements, and you can't handle that.

Go back to ESPN and play with the rest of the trolls. You fit right in there.  


First of all I can go to WSI and post if I wanted. I choose not to. I consider it a waste of time. I can't stand the negativity that flows from that board. I think I already stated that, but you must have missed it. Alright go back to when this all started to get mean before you take one instance. Check out who started the insults. It wasn't me. Check out who brought in the profanity. It wasn't me. I handled the discussion just fine. you really need help if you think you can come in at the middle or end of this and pick one person to be the bad guy. I highly doubt your more intelligent than I or have anything more to offer anything or anyone more than I do. Go back to weening on your mama's titty you little baby.

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Naaah....Clu had that unmistakeable Nazi-officer-in-training air about him, a real blue-blooded smugster.


Whereas Irish is just a misguided low-down dirrrty punk. I like him.


Thank you Brando. Right now I will take a compliment any way I can get it. Although I can't be too misguided. I am a White Sox fan.

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It was never about that. It was about quoting Steff. PLease stay out of this, you have never had a clue to begin with.

For the record.. this mess was started when you couldn't leave others opinions regarding Ozzie's comments alone.

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