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Aww s***, that's damn scary!!! Now I'm even more sorry for those who have to be anywhere overseas. It's gotta be scary knowing that at any second, you can be dead. Sure, the same can be said true about any one of us...But those soldiers are on the frontlines of a battle field. They are in my thoughts every day...They are heros.


I personally couldn't sleep very well if I was over there.

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I have a little more background on the video... I've seen a longer version...


Let me preface this by saying I'm anti-war, so my deefnse of these actions should be taken with that in mind.


War is evil. War isn't a TV show. It's not pretty. It can't be cut into a 2 minute video clip.


The video is the only violent part of longer version (about 10 minutes). In the longer version, they observe the deceased making some sort of drop-off/exchange. They continue to observe awaiting permission to open fire... There's a reference made to a curfew early in the video. After a brief exchange of something, a breifcase or something. One of the guys picks up a rifle and runs towards the field. He drops the rifle and and runs back toward the trucks. The second guy then does the same thing. That's where this video comes in.

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It was shown as part of ABC night news with peter Jennings about a week ago. erfect picture, perfect sound.


These guys were terrorists and they couldn't be torn apart with large-caliber rounds fast enough as far as I am concerned. Their killing was very matter of factly with the commander giving the gunner the order to get them or some such as though talking about potato chips during NFL game.


Would we feel differently if the 'copter was spotted, a third man jumped out of the trunk and shot it down with a shoulder missile thing leading US soldier deaths?

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It's rumored to be from Iraq, but there's not concrete confirmation. Whereever it's from, it looks pretty damn real. It's kinda graphic, so be prepared. Jason set this up so it's safe to DL.



Wherever those were taken I'd bet that thats a camera shot from an Apache attack chopper. That 30 mm chain gun is a badass weapon to say the least.

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Question here. Are military helicopters silent? I just wonder because those guys didn't appear to be that far off yet were moving around like they had no clue an attack helicopter was hovering a hundred yards away. Maybe if it was at night they thought they were pretty well concealed.


Was funny to see the camera roving and then the guy pops out from behind the truck and then see the camera zoom to the spot. Kind of like a cartoon, though I realize it is much more serious than that.

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Question here. Are military helicopters silent? I just wonder because those guys didn't appear to be that far off yet were moving around like they had no clue an attack helicopter was hovering a hundred yards away. Maybe if it was at night they thought they were pretty well concealed.


Was funny to see the camera roving and then the guy pops out from behind the truck and then see the camera zoom to the spot. Kind of like a cartoon, though I realize it is much more serious than that.

They were probably quite a distance from them...

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Question here. Are military helicopters silent? I just wonder because those guys didn't appear to be that far off yet were moving around like they had no clue an attack helicopter was hovering a hundred yards away. Maybe if it was at night they thought they were pretty well concealed.


Was funny to see the camera roving and then the guy pops out from behind the truck and then see the camera zoom to the spot. Kind of like a cartoon, though I realize it is much more serious than that.

Apache choppers are very silent. When one is attacking you wont hear it until its right on top of you and by that time its too late. If they choose to though, they can just use their missiles and rockets to waste you from a standoff distance of several kilometers.

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