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Now espn.com, espn radio 1000 and Dan Patrick are reporting that A-Rod talks will continue this weekend. I actually gave Selig credit for trying to end this one way or another, but it seems that he is being completely ignored...


Even if this doesn't happen the Red Sox are going to have to trade Nomar now, after all the patching up they tried to do, and him coming out publicly and saying everything is allright the Red Sox ignite talks again!!! This should drive the final nail between them and Nomar.


In my opinion there are no more "negotiations" that have to take place. With the players union, Rangers, and Red Sox everybody basically knows what numbers have to be agreed to to get this done, so either they are willing to do it or not....


No word on who the front runner for Nomar is now, I imagine White Sox and Dodgers will be the two teams mentioned most

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ESPN.com news services

When trade talks between the Rangers and Red Sox collapsed in mid-December, it appeared that Alex Rodriguez would remain with Texas and Manny Ramirez would stay with Boston.



However, those talks have restarted and a trade between the two teams is actively being discussed, a high-ranking baseball offical confirmed to ESPN's Dan Patrick on Tuesday.



Moreover, Bruce Levine of ESPN Radio 1000 in Chicago reports that officials from the Red Sox and Rangers plan to meet this weekend in New York to make another attempt at negotiating a deal.

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ESPN.com news services

When trade talks between the Rangers and Red Sox collapsed in mid-December, it appeared that Alex Rodriguez would remain with Texas and Manny Ramirez would stay with Boston.



However, those talks have restarted and a trade between the two teams is actively being discussed, a high-ranking baseball offical confirmed to ESPN's Dan Patrick on Tuesday.



Moreover, Bruce Levine of ESPN Radio 1000 in Chicago reports that officials from the Red Sox and Rangers plan to meet this weekend in New York to make another attempt at negotiating a deal.

By the time they figure this thing out both players will be retired.

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here is the whole article



ESPN.com news services

When trade talks between the Rangers and Red Sox collapsed in mid-December, it appeared that Alex Rodriguez would remain with Texas and Manny Ramirez would stay with Boston.



However, those talks have restarted and a trade between the two teams is actively being discussed, a high-ranking baseball offical confirmed to ESPN's Dan Patrick on Tuesday.



Moreover, Bruce Levine of ESPN Radio 1000 in Chicago reports that officials from the Red Sox and Rangers plan to meet this weekend in New York to make another attempt at negotiating a deal.



On the other hand, Scott Boras, Rodriguez's agent, termed the report "wholly unrealistic." Boras said he has "not been advised of any meetings" and such reports are "jumping the gun". According to Boras, there has been "no movement" in the possible trade.



Negotiations came to a standstill last month after the Major League Baseball Players Association rejected a proposal by the Red Sox to cut $28 million to $30 million off A-Rod's record $252 million contract.



Rodriguez was willing to give up $27 million -- $13 million in givebacks to the Red Sox and $14 million in Massachusetts state income taxes -- in order to be traded to Boston, but the players association would not allow that much reduction in the shortstop's salary.



Instead, the union said it would approve a change that would lower the contract by $12 million to $13 million in exchange for Rodriguez's getting the right to use Boston's logo and trademarks in marketing deals. In addition, he'd be able to become a free agent after the 2005 season.



But Red Sox ownership decided that, even with the $13 million concession, A-Rod was not worth the extra $4 million a year over what Ramirez is set to earn with the team, ESPN's Peter Gammons reported at the time. Rodriguez's average annual salary is approximately $6 million more than Ramirez's, and the concession would have reduced his earnings by only $2 million a year.



Following the decision by the union, Red Sox owner John Henry, chairman Tom Werner, president Larry Lucchino and general manager Theo Epstein issued a joint statement saying "no further discussions regarding this transaction are planned."



And, at that time, Rodriguez's agent agreed that the talks were finally over.



"[Rangers owner] Tom Hicks has indicated he would not consider a trade for Alex Rodriguez in the immediate future," Boras said then.



Although the details of this latest round of talks are not yet known, it is reasonable to assume that if Rodriguez did join the Red Sox, Boston would then trade longtime shortstop Nomar Garciappara. In December, it was reported that Garciaparra would be traded to the Chicago White Sox in the event Boston completed a Rodriguez-for-Ramirez deal.



That Boston continues to pursue Rodriguez could complicate an already strained relationship between Garciappara and the Red Sox.



When it appeared imminent A-Rod would make the move to Boston, the Red Sox's Kevin Millar said he looked forward to having Rodriguez at shortstop.



On Sunday, Garciaparra said he held no grudges against Millar or the team, and hadn't been hurt by the team's actions.



"I know baseball is a business. I'm not thinking about it, one way or another," he said. "I've always said there are things in baseball you can control, and things you can't. I'm focusing on what I can control, like getting ready for the upcoming season.



"A lot of [the trade talk] was unfortunate."



Since the Ramirez-Rodriguez deal has appeared dead in recent weeks, Red Sox ownership has tried to assure Garciaparra that he is part of the team's plans beyond the coming season.



However, if attempts to trade for Rodriguez fall through again, it could create a lasting rift between Garciaparra and the Red Sox.



Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.



Here we go again ladies and gents

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This story is one of the most insane things to happen lately.... Now ESPN is saying that both teams are denying this, but they still are sticking by their story that talks will go on citing hank ranking baseball officials


Only reason I could see teams denying it is to not start the furvor all over again, if it still doesn't happen Boston doesn't want to tick of Nomar anymore, not to mention the fans of both teams being sick and tired of all the commotion

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The Sox will be involved, because Boston wants Magglio. Whether we directly swing a deal with the BoSox and then keep Nomar and Williamson or swing a secondary deal of Nomar to the dodgers, thats all another question.


I could even see the Sox working out some type of 3 way where a team eats another one of the Sox bad contracts, but that could just be wishful thinking from me.

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I wonder what Magglio thinks of all of this. He is the only one out of Nomar, ARod, Manny, and Maggs that I haven't read any comments from.  I wonder if he cares.

Well Magglio is a very quiet player. i don't really think he minds at all whether he stays with the sox, or goes to the sox. :lol: the only thing he knows he will do is whatever uni he puts on, he knows he's going to get the job done, as far as playing hard, and be a professional, like he always is, in baseball.

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