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State of the Union....


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I am watching.  And the whole "applause" thing annoys the s*** out of me.  Didn't they learn in school to hold your applause to the end???

I dunno... I kinda like it... it sends shivers down my spine when people stand up after Bush says something powerful.

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Lies, Lies, Lies, only another 12 months til john edwards becomes the new president  :fyou  :fyou  :fyou  :fyou  :fyou  :fyou  :puke  :puke  :puke  :finger  :finger  :!  :whip  :chair  :chair  :chair  :chair

Nope. another 10 months till whoever the democratic nominee is gives his concession speech and goes home to play some golf.










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At what point do even republicans stop believing bush's bulls***



The partiot act is a good thing?



What the f*** the patriot act is the single worst document ever. we should just tear up the constitution.

I need to stop now because i want to think happy thoughts, happy thoughts. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :usa

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I dunno... I kinda like it... it sends shivers down my spine when people stand up after Bush says something powerful.

Which is never.


I don't even bother watching the SOTU address anymore, it's so mundane and annoying. I also try and distance myself from listening to complete morons, so I naturally avoided the TV tonight.


"No one can doubt the word of America"


I think France, Germany and Russia are laughing pretty hard at that one.

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Damn right it is.  It takes the handcuffs off of law enforcement and allows them to do their jobs.

I wrote a five page paper on everthing that is wrong with the patriot act.

Sure it does unite all the nations intelligence agencies but after that i think it would make our nations founders cry. There is no judicial supervision and i will be glad when it goes out of power in 2005

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The partiot act is a good thing?

As a republican and political science major, I've heard a lot of different views about the Patriot Act. Although personally I don't have anything against the Act, I understand the problem that many Americans have with it and their concerns are LEGITIMATE. Like it or not, the Act does violate some of the major principals that our country was founded on. It unjustly invades the privacy of our own citizens, whether our President (who I support on most things) likes it or not. Now you may argue that since we are in a time of crisis that we forfeit these rights to privacy for our protection. Some see it that way, others don't. As someone who is often forced to look at things from both sides, I can see the good things the Patriot Act could do and some of the potentially evil things it could also allow to become the norm in this country. It needs to be re-worked otherwise it's going to be a constant topic of debate and just criticism.

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I wrote a five page paper on everthing that is wrong with the patriot act.

Sure it does unite all the nations intelligence agencies but after that i think it would make our nations founders cry.  There is no judicial supervision and i will be glad when it goes out of power in 2005

Bush and the republican congress will never let that happen. The Patriot act makes our country safer and frees our law enforcement agencies to do their jobs. For far too long the government has had a leash shoved up the ass of police and the feds. Not anymore.

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I wrote a five page paper on everthing that is wrong with the patriot act.

Sure it does unite all the nations intelligence agencies but after that i think it would make our nations founders cry.  There is no judicial supervision and i will be glad when it goes out of power in 2005

In my political science senior seminar last semester, a girl in our class did a 30 page paper about the Act. Her presentation of the paper was strongly against the Act and the facts were there: there's just a lot of things wrong with the Patriot Act and the things it allows our government to do until it expires.

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Holy Crap.  Nancy Pelosi and Tom Daschle giving the rebuttal? :fyou Daschle


I can't even STAND to look at him.


I disagree with Bush on a lot of issues but Daschle is a complete freaking moron.

Pelosi isint much better. Hippie!


She misquoted Kennedy already and cant stop stu- stu- studdering. I wonder if she even believes what shes saying.

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i liked the State of the Union address. If anything is "sickening" as someone mentioned before, its Nancy Pelosi's speech. "Democrats have a better way, blah blah blah..." I just find it hilarious how when anything goes bad, its Bush and the Republicans fault, but when something goes well it is NOT because of Bush or the Republicans. At least that's the way they play it out as....

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