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State of the Union....


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"America does not need a permission slip to defend ourselves"


Quote of the year.

then why did bush also say "america and (lists a bunch of nations) acted in course with the United Nations"....



He's flat out lying in one of those statements.



So either we got permission from the UN. As he first said... Which is a lie.




"we don't need a permission slip"... we can blow up anyone we damn well please.... Voilating the Geneva convention to do so. Oh yeah and by the way, North Korea you better not have Nukes or blow you up too. Isn't that the definition of oppression?

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Oh God here we go... inspect EVERY piece of cargo coming into our country. Lemme think about that... :puke


I worked for an all cargo airline for a few years. There's NO way. I won't say that it's not a potential problem, but if the system works like it should it will stop 99% of the crap that can happen. It's that 1% we need to get better with.

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then why did bush also say "america and (lists a bunch of nations) acted in course with the United Nations"....



He's flat out lying in one of those statements.



So either we got permission from the UN. As he first said... Which is a lie.




"we don't need a permission slip"... we can blow up anyone we damn well please.... Voilating the Geneva convention to do so.  Oh yeah and by the way, North Korea you better not have Nukes or blow you up too.  Isn't that the definition of oppression?

No he's not. What he meant was that he was acting to enforce the resolutions the UN passed after the gulf war and singularly failed to enforce.

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Now I only watched part of the State of the Union, but where did Bush ask us to pay for tax cuts with Social Security?


And BTW, Daschle has a hard time reading a telepromter, doesn't he? LMAO


:fyou Daschle... trying to sound all compassionate... :puke

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Now I only watched part of the State of the Union, but where did Bush ask us to pay for tax cuts with Social Security?


And BTW, Daschle has a hard time reading a telepromter, doesn't he?  LMAO


:fyou Daschle... trying to sound all compassionate...  :puke

I seem to remember him talking about allowing people to invest their social security taxes as they'd like. I didnt hear him say he was going to cut SS to pay for anything.



BTW. Who is Daschle to talk about "invisible tax increases" when his party promises to end all the Bush tax cuts including the marriage penalty, death tax, capital gains tax cut etc etc.

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for those critisizing all the democrats, and thier speech patterns...


I'm not watching anymore so I can't say how bad it is... But the one thing I noticed was that Bush has actually become a good public speaker, he's no Clinton, but remember this guy couldn't teach a HS History class when he took office, so being able to command attention, and sound somewhat intelligent is quite an accomplishent.

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"Tax Cuts will reduce your health care coverage".  GEEMANY FRICKEN CHRISTMAS.  BULL SH*T!!!!!!!!


I can agree with some of the views that Dems have on certain issues, but have you all figured out that I think Daschle is an idiot???

If you didnt know it already you knew it when he started whining about how Bush is doing nothing about rising drug costs 2 months after he pushed through a 40 billion dollar prescription drug benefit. What a bonehead.

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I also did a report on bush and i found that he does lie to us and most of his progams are not the best choices, but i will say that when he came into office everyone thought that he would do nothing during his term. He proved me wrong.


Hopefully people will see his faults in the next election and in next january we will be inagurating a new president.

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Now listening to Kerry, he's actually making some sense. He's actually giving an intelligent rebuttal. He does have some pretty good things in mind, but we'll see what happens.


But Kerry is a lot more moderate then almost all the Dems running for president.

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Now listening to Kerry, he's actually making some sense.  He's actually giving an intelligent rebuttal.  He does have some pretty good things in mind, but we'll see what happens.


But Kerry is a lot more moderate then almost all the Dems running for president.

What a hypocrite he is. He voted for all of Bushes agenda that he criticized but says "it was implented wrong". Now hes b****ing about the Patriot act that he voted for.




Is that the best you can do Democrats?

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then why did bush also say "america and (lists a bunch of nations) acted in course with the United Nations"....



He's flat out lying in one of those statements.



So either we got permission from the UN. As he first said... Which is a lie.




"we don't need a permission slip"... we can blow up anyone we damn well please.... Voilating the Geneva convention to do so.  Oh yeah and by the way, North Korea you better not have Nukes or blow you up too.  Isn't that the definition of oppression?

Bush was making a point to many of the people that argued with him for stepping over the UN and doing something a little dirty to handle what I felt was a very important issue, Iraq.

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Daschle is cracking me up now.  He blames tax cuts for job losses.  LMFAO!!!  I guess 9-11 2 wars and a recession that started as Bush took office didnt mean a whole lot huh?

Lol, Daschle was also blaming tax cuts on the increasing health care. As far as I'm concerned those two issues have absolutely no correlation. He also said that the tax cuts are lowering the insurance coverage the middle class americans get and once again I'm left wondering what the hell do those have to do with eachother.


The Tax cuts goal is to stimulate the economy and both sides can argue that, but the Health Care issue is a seperate issue that has to be handled differently. One major issue is whether the US should open up the pharmaceutal market, which would instantly lower drug prices. Whether that will happen or not, I don't know.


And I dont' see how increasing government spending is going to make it better and having to pay higher taxes, but thats just me.


I only caught part of the State of the Union, but saw all the rebutals, right now I've been concentrating on California, which is so utterly screwed up from 5+ years of Gray Davis.

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What a hypocrite he is.  He voted for all of Bushes agenda that he criticized but says "it was implented wrong".  Now hes b****ing about the Patriot act that he voted for.




Is that the best you can do Democrats?

They will just wobble as the polls wobble, imo.

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Anyone who thinks the Democratic party, in its current state, can beat Bush in November is seriously deluded. The anti-war and pro-war democrats are currently far too divided over this pressing issue to really put anything together in terms of party solidarity in an election. I'm not the biggest Bush fan but he's currently got the wind of a strengthening economy in his sails.

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Anyone who thinks the Democratic party, in its current state, can beat Bush in November is seriously deluded.  The anti-war and pro-war democrats are currently far too divided over this pressing issue to really put anything together in terms of party solidarity in an election.  I'm not the biggest Bush fan but he's currently got the wind of a strengthening economy in his sails.

thats a good assessment of the current political scene


another thing to look at is money....right now the dem primaries are looking alot like the repubs of '96...where dole came out the winner but spent so much money , time and energy on getting the nomination he had nothing left for clinton...


at this time in '00 pretty much everyone knew bush had it in the bag...bush actually campaigned hard all of two weeks up to the SC primary where he put mccain away..after thet he coasted...


i dont see that happening to the dem candidates..lieberman and gephardt just sliced up dean in iowa...its gonna be a blood bath

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