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Palestinians easily scale


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Tuesday, January 20, 2004


TEL AVIV — Palestinian infiltrators have succeeded in breaching Israel's new security fence and barrier system.


Israeli security sources said Palestinian infiltrators have scaled the four-meter high concrete fence by using a simple ladder.


The Israeli project calls for the establishing of a 730-kilometer fence at a cost of $1.9 billion. Most of the project consists of a concrete wall or chain-link fence with sensors, cameras and military patrols.


In one case, the sources said, Arab infiltrators brought a ladder to the fence in the northeastern West Bank. They quickly scaled the fence and entered a waiting car that took them to Israeli Arab villages. The infiltrators were deemed as Palestinians looking for work.


The sources said an Israeli command center spotted the infiltrators but could not respond quickly enough to capture them. They said this constitutes a breach in security that must be resolved.

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Nuke, read the article...it clearly says it is a CONCRETE fence.  :bang  :bang

The Israeli project calls for the establishing of a 730-kilometer fence at a cost of $1.9 billion. Most of the project consists of a concrete wall or chain-link fence with sensors, cameras and military patrols.
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And just yesterday the genious israelis responded by tearing down a mosque and in another place they just drove bulldozers thru 4o homes for the fun of it.


f*** you, Sharon. the middle east will be better off when you die :fyou  :fyou

1. If you're gonna call someone a genius (sarcastically), learn how to spell it, genius!


2. The bulldozing of the homes/mosque was in retaliation for (yet) another terrorist attack.


3. It's nice that you only hear half the story, it makes it work so much better for you!

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Like we have at the Mexican border!!!

Most of the Mexican border has no fence. You are correct, in some of the cities we have fences. However, we do not have gun turrets or automatic weapons. People are free to travel within 20-25 miles of either border without any special permits or restrictions. I worked in Mexico for a couple years and all I needed to do was fill out some paper work for a FM3 (green card).


I think a gun turrret on every corner in Chicago would be nice. Chicago is the murder capitol of the US and soldiers with automatic weapons patrolling every street would make everyone feel safer.

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Are you aware that Sharon was relieved of his military command because he Massacred 69 women and children. The israel makes him prime minister. Just imagine if bush had commited crimes like that.


Why can't we all just get along, in peace

I do not condone this...however, do you know that Israel has been under a constant state of attack since it gained it's Independence in 1948?


This doesn't make what Sharon "did" 100% right, but it wasn't 100% wrong either.

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Spiff, it's only 6% fence.

The Security Wall is a lot like the fence/wall that the US has at the US/Mexico border, except that fence for the purpose of keeping out illegal workers, whereas the fence in Israel is meant to keep out terrorists who's sole purpose is to kill Israelis.


(Apu...I have some links to some excellant articles of the fence, but they are at home...I'll post them later if you are interested.)

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The Security Wall is a lot like the fence/wall that the US has at the US/Mexico border, except that fence for the purpose of keeping out illegal workers, whereas the fence in Israel is meant to keep out terrorists who's sole purpose is to kill Israelis.


(Apu...I have some links to some excellant articles of the fence, but they are at home...I'll post them later if you are interested.)

I'd be interested to see the Zionist slant on the fence.

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I guess I aint up with Current events because, all of these curret evemt threads I have never heard of these topics before.

This is honest advice right now. Find a nationally respected newspaper and read it everyday. Part of the problem with the US's general apathy in the 18-24 crowd is that they have no idea what is going on in the world around them. You live in NY, read the NY Times national and world sections (I have no idea how the paper breaks it sections down, so it could be all together) from beginning to end. It might be boring and dry, but I really believe if the younger generation had any idea what goes on in the world, they would make themselves more a part of the political process.


I have read the Tribune daily for most of my life now, and I really think the habit of doing it makes me much more informed than the average 30 year old.

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This is honest advice right now.  Find a nationally respected newspaper and read it everyday.  Part of the problem with the US's general apathy in the 18-24 crowd is that they have no idea what is going on in the world around them.  You live in NY, read the NY Times national and world sections (I have no idea how the paper breaks it sections down, so it could be all together) from beginning to end.  It might be boring and dry, but I really believe if the younger generation had any idea what goes on in the world, they would make themselves more a part of the political process.


I have read the Tribune daily for most of my life now, and I really think the habit of doing it makes me much more informed than the average 30 year old.

Reading the Trib also gives you the ultra-liberal side to the news!

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