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Palestinians easily scale


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;)    Having a big ass is a good thing!!!

But girls with big asses could just be terrorists hiding bombs in their pants to kill you. You will need to put up a wall to keep them away from you.

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In fairness you are ONLY a government employee so you couldn't figure this one out...


Daniel Pipes - Right Wing News


Joseph Farah


That wasn't hard. Now everyone has access to what are obviously the "right" views.

If you could read, you'd know that these are fair, even handed authors.


Get someone to read some of the articles to you!

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Get someone to read some of the articles to you!


Maybe you can post them. My company says Daniel Pipes is inappropriate and won't let me access it. LOL. Must be all those Jew haters running our network. And when are you going to post those US company names that you said you had that won't hire Jews? And what did you want me to back up that I said?

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I4E, All joking aside here for a second.


My thought was - and is - I can't understand why you are so set in what you believe. At first, I thought you were some college age student who found some things to latch on to. But that's not the case. And you've repeatedly claimed (not in this thread, but the other one) that you're law school educated, etc. I'm not discounting that at all, but as I stated in the other thread, for someone who prides themselves on their knowledge, I simply can't understand why you can't accept that there *could be* another angle to all of the things you say.


I'm a firm believer to let people state their opinions and don't attack them personally. I've resisted the temptation to flame you (you can and surely would hang on your own words) - but I've decided to not waste all my time (although it sure would be fun, but then again, you wouldn't take it in stride and you'd choose to just insult me).


Bottom line is this. You've taught me a lot in that there is a ton of hatred still in this world - I like to believe that pure hate is dwindling, but alas, here it is in all its blaze of glory. I for one am really sad for you because you just seethe with anger. It makes me even sadder to realize that there are just as many folks that are as passionate as you on the other side of this issue (and they're the ones blowing themselves up killing innocents which is just as if not more disgusting).


I really don't disagree with you in that Isreal's (generally) current lands are declared by God to be their own - it's written out pretty plainly in the times of Abraham that the land that Isreal currently resides in is to be THE land of the Isrealites. I won't get into the squabble about parcels of land... there's too much we don't definitively know.


I just wish you (and people like you on BOTH sides of the issue) weren't filled with so much hate. But to each his own - and why we live in such a combustible world.

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Only teasing ya cuz I know it ain't true.


If you have a big ass, then I must have the moon strapped to my hips.

Oh.. I know. I'm actually sitting here LOL. Luckily the s***head went home and I can close the door and relax the rest of the day..


Last night I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard and a stomach ache this morning..


That was some funny stuff!! :lol:

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I4E, All joking aside here for a second.


My thought was - and is - I can't understand why you are so set in what you believe.  At first, I thought you were some college age student who found some things to latch on to.  But that's not the case.  And you've repeatedly claimed (not in this thread, but the other one) that you're law school educated, etc.  I'm not discounting that at all, but as I stated in the other thread, for someone who prides themselves on their knowledge, I simply can't understand why you can't accept that there *could be* another angle to all of the things you say.


I'm a firm believer to let people state their opinions and don't attack them personally.  I've resisted the temptation to flame you (you can and surely would hang on your own words) - but I've decided to not waste all my time (although it sure would be fun, but then again, you wouldn't take it in stride and you'd choose to just insult me).


Bottom line is this.  You've taught me a lot in that there is a ton of hatred still in this world - I like to believe that pure hate is dwindling, but alas, here it is in all its blaze of glory.  I for one am really sad for you because you just seethe with anger.  It makes me even sadder to realize that there are just as many folks that are as passionate as you on the other side of this issue (and they're the ones blowing themselves up killing innocents which is just as if not more disgusting).


I really don't disagree with you in that Isreal's (generally) current lands are declared by God to be their own - it's written out pretty plainly in the times of Abraham that the land that Isreal currently resides in is to be THE land of the Isrealites.  I won't get into the squabble about parcels of land... there's too much we don't definitively know.


I just wish you (and people like you on BOTH sides of the issue) weren't filled with so much hate.  But to each his own - and why we live in such a combustible world.

I do respect your opinion, and add that it is very eloquently expressed. I hope my response is as eloquent.


Whether you believe that Israel belongs to the Jews or the "palestinians" is a matter of debate, although history is on the side of the Jews.


The point is that there are millions of people in this world that would like to see Israel eliminated and would like to see the Jews eradicated. A great number, if not the majority, of these people happen to be Muslims, and a great majority of these Muslims are Arab Muslims.


These people have been denying Israel's right to exist since it's inception. Israel makes up less than 2% of all the land in the Middle East, but even that's too much for the Arabs.


How can I be expected to like, or even empathize with people who desire to eliminate Jews and steal the homland of my ancestors?


Should we be expected to "roll over and die"? Or, should we be entiltled to defend ourselves with ALL of the means we have?


I am a "live and let live" person, but when I (or my People) are threatened, I will show no mercy on my enemies!


As a great man once said re. the Holocaust..."NEVER AGAIN".

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I believe he meant never again for all people and not just the Jews. Now how about that list of US companies you said you would give that doesn't hire Jews?

I believe he meant there would never be another Holocaust.


As for the list of companies, I am still looking.


I'm glad that you feel that there is no racism, no anti-Semitism, no sexism, etc., in the world, "your world" must be in a happy place.


Enjoy Fantasyland!

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I believe he meant there would never be another Holocaust.


As for the list of companies, I am still looking.


I'm glad that you feel that there is no racism, no anti-Semitism, no sexism, etc., in the world, "your world" must be in a happy place.


Enjoy Fantasyland!


There is a lot of racism, and you are part of it whether you want to admit to it or not. You are just as racist towards the Muslims as you claim they are against you. And as far as fantasyland, you are the one there. You said you already knew of US companies that didn't hire Jews, and now you say you are looking. What happened to the proof you had before? And to continue to throw anti-semitism around because someone doesn't agree with what you believe shows how shallow and narrow minded you are. But I guess it's easier to call someone an anti-semite than have to look in the mirror and admit you might be wrong about some things and try to compromise.

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Please read my response to Kapkomet towards the bottom of page 18...hopefully this will be my last posting re. this subject.


That is my stance on the subject.



Well, there is his 3rd retirement from this thread.

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I do respect your opinion, and add that it is very eloquently expressed. I hope my response is as eloquent.


Whether you believe that Israel belongs to the Jews or the "palestinians" is a matter of debate, although history is on the side of the Jews.


The point is that there are millions of people in this world that would like to see Israel eliminated and would like to see the Jews eradicated. A great number, if not the majority, of these people happen to be Muslims, and a great majority of these Muslims are Arab Muslims.


These people have been denying Israel's right to exist since it's inception. Israel makes up less than 2% of all the land in the Middle East, but even that's too much for the Arabs.


How can I be expected to like, or even empathize with people who desire to eliminate Jews and steal the homland of my ancestors?


Should we be expected to "roll over and die"? Or, should we be entiltled to defend ourselves with ALL of the means we have?


I am a "live and let live" person, but when I (or my People) are threatened, I will show no mercy on my enemies!


As a great man once said re. the Holocaust..."NEVER AGAIN".

I guess that it's my belief that Isreal will be given what is due her in God's time. If the Arabs take it tomorrow, you should have faith that God will give you back what is rightfully yours. And that's in God's time, not in your time. To kill everyone who may threaten you, and brand people who disagree with you, shows an error in your judgement IMO.


I'm certainly in agreement that methodologies in getting rid of Jewish folks are wrong - go all the way back to Moses' time... the Egyptians used Isrealites as slaves - but God delivered them back to their homeland. The halocaust, IMO, was another issue in God's timing that allowed them to be returned to their homeland. If you believe Revelation (this applies to Christians mostly), then this potentially sets up the stage for Armegeddon. In the end, we as Christians are offshoots of Judiasm, and ultimately believe in God. If you believe that, then you shouldn't have so much hate for those that hate you because in the end, God will take care of you and your people, if you have faith.


That's what folks like ss2k and a couple of others are trying to tell you. They're certainly NOT trying to be anti-Jewish, or anti-anything. You have raw emotions on this issue, and that's ok, but there's always another way out then just branding people and hating others, whether they seek to destroy you or not.

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Please read my response to Kapkomet towards the bottom of page 18...hopefully this will be my last posting re. this subject.


That is my stance on the subject.




You can't leave until you give the list of US companies that you said won't hire Jews. Oh, the anti-semitsm just never ends even though the proof isn't there.

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I believe he meant there would never be another Holocaust.


As for the list of companies, I am still looking.


I'm glad that you feel that there is no racism, no anti-Semitism, no sexism, etc., in the world, "your world" must be in a happy place.


Enjoy Fantasyland!

I worked for a company that 53 out of 57 employees were Jewish. It was mighty lonely on the Jewish holidays. A couple years after I left, I heard a co worker say he wanted to apply at that company but he knew he wouldn't be hired because he wasn't Jewish. I learned a couple of things that day.


1. Everyone in the office assumed I was Jewish because I had worked there, or at the minimum my wife was Jewish. They also noticed most of my buddies that called had names like Goldman and Bernstein.

2. They didn't bother to apply because they "knew" the company had racist hiring practices.


The fact that less than 10% of the employees was explained by the local population, the ties to a community group that helped Russian Jews who immigrated, and the fact that gentiles would not apply. Was that company racist? I never experienced it first hand. One of the other "non Jews" (I dislike that phrase) was named Nagma and I believe she was Hindu.


It is hard to take your cries of racism when you've made statements like all Palistinians are liars. I have friends with children in Israel and they hate the Muslims and Arabs less than you, by a wide margin.


There is racism around the world. For every group there is another who hates them. How many made in China, US Flags get burned every year? How many US Presidents get burned in effigy each year? Now start looking at individual races, religions, nationalities, etc. and you will see a ton more. Are Jews hated more than others? I honestly do not believe it. A Palistinian only has to link to your posts to prove that racism exists against them and that is why they are fearfull.

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You can't leave until you give the list of US companies that you said won't hire Jews.  Oh, the anti-semitsm just never ends even though the proof isn't there.

he's obviously gathering up a collection of stories for you... there's clearly thousands of companies wh discriminate against jews... That's a big list to put together.

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he's obviously gathering up a collection of stories for you... there's clearly thousands of companies wh discriminate against jews... That's a big list to put together.


Yeah, like Von Ryans Express Mart, or Saddams Super Save Grocery. Or maybe it's one of the obvious ones like Heil Truck Lines.

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