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Palestinians easily scale


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It's interesting, though, that I've never really thought about people being Christian by ethnicity. Or Buddhist. Or atheist or really anything else. But I guess that sort of is probably because of God's setting the Jews apart from from the rest the world


You could say God has earmarked the Jews....like the large bills they hold so dear.



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I wouldn't expect you to care, cuz you're an ass.


I didn't know ethic "jokes" were cool on this website!

I am an ass? That's two counts of slander right there! See you in People's court, buddy...


And since when do I speak for the entire site? I am the lone ray of dissent.



As for the rest of your insensitive diatribe, anon. once remarked

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Brando thats libel not slander and if you need a lawyer i am pre law.


Nan Hastings

Choreographer "A wall of steel and concrete may stop the Palestinians from entering certain areas, but it cannot stop the Palestinian heart from soaring. That's what the soldiers are for."

Classic :david

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Brando thats libel not slander and if you need a lawyer i am pre law.


Don't spray your shorts, 'twas a play on slender-slandar...Ah forget it.


BTW, it's nice that an upstanding polit-sci major such as yourself didn't speak up when people were comparing Israelis to Nazis a few pages back. I am glad I never went to college.

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(If you encountered a schoolyard bully, and he kept kicking your ass everyday. If you never defended yourself, he'd never stop kicking your ass, until there was none left to kick...OR you could defend yourself, put the bully down, and never have to face the threat again. Which of these is the better alternative?)

The analogy doesn't end there, because the victim of bullying (Isreal), became best friends with Robocop (the U.S.) and got the weapons from Robocop to kill anybody they thought were bullies. Blew up the houses and schools in case bullies were hiding in them and put a big cement wall into the bullies back yard. The bully has responded by getting bully friends to beat up some of your friends and sisters for revenge and bully malice.

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thank you i4e. keep telling apu that wherever he gets his charts from they're wrong. peace.

You can say they're wrong all you want but until you can prove them wrong then you're up s***'s creek without a paddle. And Ish, I think things like Sabra and Shatila might just have a little something to do with making people willing to blow themselves up. Even I4E has condemned Shatila in this thread (or the other Israel/Palestine thread, I can't remember which)

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