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Palestinians easily scale


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From everything I've read, Muslims do not fear death, they love/embrace death.

So does my mom (she's a non-practicing Catholic who is probably has more Buddhist beliefs than Catholic beliefs), but I can guarantee she wouldn't strap a stick of dynomite to herself.

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When you have no job, a road block system makes it impossible for you to travel, your home has been destroyed, your children are dead, and you country was taken away from you in 1948, there is little to live for.


My POL teacher, who is a prominant figure in the palestinian cause,(he has spoken before the UN) told us a story today where at a roadblock the palestinians had raised their flag on a electric poll. The israelis made a child climb up the poll to take down the flag. The kid reached for the flag and on accident he grabbed the wire. He died for a flag. That is what breeds hate of israelis.



Your posting is complete bulls***, and your professor is 100% wrong. I will tell you why:


1) The land was never Palestinian land. I defy anyone to prove me wrong on that!


2) The only one's whose homes are being destroyed are the homes of known terrorists!


3) Chidren are dying becuase they are blowing themselves up.


4) "Palestinians" are brainwashed in schools/mosques to believe that Jews are the devil...that's what breeds hate!

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No people don't like you because you advocate murder and terrorism, like the Nazis, and then call it for the preservation of your race, like the nazis, and bulldoze innocent peoples houses during the middle of the night, like the nazis, and build walls, like the nazis...


Exactly what I was thinking. And it's incredible how they are doing the killing and oppressing, but are still the victims.

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Your posting is complete bulls***, and your professor is 100% wrong. I will tell you why:


1) The land was never Palestinian land. I defy anyone to prove me wrong on that!


2) The only one's whose homes are being destroyed are the homes of known terrorists!


3) Chidren are dying becuase they are blowing themselves up.


4) "Palestinians" are brainwashed in schools/mosques to believe that Jews are the devil...that's what breeds hate!

1) when israeli was granted statehood jews made up only twenty percent of the population yet non-jews are seen as noncitizens of israel


2) So when they bulldozed 40 homes after supposedly hearing some gunfire, all of the homes contained terrorists? Now thats Bulls***


3)If by "blow themselves up" you mean israel bombs their apartment building, then i guess children are guilty? WTF Prove it


4) I don't support teaching hate, But not all palestinians are Arabs. My teacher is catholic. Christianity was born out of the region.


This situation is a cycle of violence that needs to end somewhere

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Exactly what I was thinking. And it's incredible how they are doing the killing and oppressing, but are still the victims.

Who's being oppressed?


The Arabs that live in Israel are treated better than Arabs that live in any Arab country?


More "palis" have been killed than Israelis because Israel has the superior military.


I know you would love to see the Israelis/Jews roll over and die, but, it ain't gonna happen!

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From everything I've read, Muslims do not fear death, they love/embrace death.

I don't need to read anything to come up with that conclusion. Anybody who believes that killing others is a way to achieve spiritual enlightenment is a f***ing rock. Islam preaches hatred, and those who don't believe that are ignorant. Don't start with, "Every Islam doesn't support Terrorists" cause I know. But if a poll was taken, I would guarantee 80% of Muslims support terrorists.

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1) when israeli was granted statehood jews made up only twenty percent of the population yet non-jews are seen as noncitizens of israel


2) So when they bulldozed 40 homes after supposedly hearing some gunfire, all of the homes contained terrorists? Now thats Bulls***


3)If by "blow themselves up" you mean israel bombs their apartment building, then i guess children are guilty? WTF Prove it


4) I don't support teaching hate, But not all palestinians are Arabs. My teacher is catholic. Christianity was born out of the region.


This situation is a cycle of violence that needs to end somewhere

There are currently 6.5 million people living in Israel, 5 million of them are Jews.


Arabs are given the right to vote in Israel, how does this make them noncitizens?


If the terrorists want to hide amongst their people, and in the homes of other "innocent palestinians", who's fault is that?


The cycle of violence has to end...I agree. But for that to happen, the first thing is that the "Palis" have to accept Israel's right to exist. Until that happens, (and it probably never will!), you can't have peace with the "palestinians"!

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I don't need to read anything to come up with that conclusion.  Anybody who believes that killing others is a way to achieve spiritual enlightenment is a f***ing rock.  Islam preaches hatred, and those who don't believe that are ignorant.  Don't start with, "Every Islam doesn't support Terrorists" cause I know.  But if a poll was taken, I would guarantee 80% of Muslims support terrorists.

I agree with you 100%



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I know you would love to see the Israelis/Jews roll over and die, but, it ain't gonna happen!


I don't want to see anybody roll over and die. Would you be upset if American companies said they didn't want to hire someone because they were Jewish? Or what if my community didn't want Jewish people living there? Would you be ok with that? Probably not. But it's ok for you to support not letting a Muslim live in your Country because you guys have this whole Middle East situation so out of control becuase of religion, the only thing the Palestinians feel they can do is what they are doing now. You're just as much at fault for what is going on over there as the Palestinians, but you just have bigger guns to use and don't like it when the Palestinians fight back the only way they can. I got a good suggestion. The U.S. shouldn't sell you anymore weapons and you can settle it then without weapons. That way, you'll both be on an even playing field.

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Don't start with, "Every Islam doesn't support Terrorists" cause I know.  But if a poll was taken, I would guarantee 80% of Muslims support terrorists.

That is the most asinine statement i have ever read. Please next time before you start to make up numbers take a second and think


sure some do support terrorism, but my guess is that it is less than 5%


:bang :bang :bang :bang :bang :bang :bang

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I don't want to see anybody roll over and die. Would you be upset if American companies said they didn't want to hire someone because they were Jewish? Or what if my community didn't want Jewish people living there? Would you be ok with that? Probably not. But it's ok for you to support not letting a Muslim live in your Country because you guys have this whole Middle East situation so out of control becuase of religion, the only thing the Palestinians feel they can do is what they are doing now. You're just as much at fault for what is going on over there as the Palestinians, but you just have bigger guns to use and don't like it when the Palestinians fight back the only way they can. I got a good suggestion. The U.S. shouldn't sell you anymore weapons and you can settle it then without weapons. That way, you'll both be on an even playing field.

Israel makes up less than 2% landwise of the entire Middle East...that means more than 98% percent is Arab land.


This being the case, why can't the "palestinians" live in one of the Arab countries (i.e Jordan...their real homeland!)?


The US has given billions of dollars of aid to the "palestinians"...Arafat stole it! They could have had their own country when Clinton was in office, but they turned it down. Why? Because they want ALL of the Jews gone and/or dead!


You cannot negotiate peace with someone who wants you dead!


By the way, there are places in countries all over the world (including the US) where Jews cannot live, work, etc., just because they are Jews!

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That is the most asinine statement i have ever read. Please next time before you start to make up numbers take a second and think


sure some do support terrorism, but my guess is that it is less than 5%


:bang  :bang  :bang  :bang  :bang  :bang  :bang

There was a poll taken recently in the West Bank, wherein 60%+ of "palis" surveyed said they'd support suicide bombing against Israelis, EVEN if they ("palis") had their own country!

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Where and who are they?

France and Belgium for example are VERY anti-semitic!


Do you think a Jew could live freely and work in ANY Arab country?


There are several country clubs in the US that will not allow Jewish members.


Currently there is as much anti-semitism worldwide as there has been since 1938.


(Do a Google search on Daniel Pipes and/or Joseph Farah, and read their articles!)

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There was a poll taken recently in the West Bank, wherein 60%+ of "palis" surveyed said they'd support suicide bombing against Israelis, EVEN if they ("palis") had their own country!

I would like to see the specific language of the poll and who conducted it before i believe it.


If the poll is true and 60% of people support suicide bombings, than 60% of them are wrong


i am just glad we don't have this problem in the usa

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I would like to see the specific language of the poll and who conducted it before i believe it.


If the poll is true and 60% of people support suicide bombings, than 60% of them are wrong


i am just glad we don't have this problem in the usa

When I get home from work, I'll get you the info. re. who the pollsters were!

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Be specific with who won't let a Jew be a member and why. I don't believe you. I don't care about other countries, only the U.S. I have no problem with a private club not allowing members, but not a public place or company. So give me the names of the public places that don't allow Jews in the U.S. Again, you want to claim yourself as a victim when you're not.

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Be specific with who won't let a Jew be a member and why. I don't believe you. I don't care about other countries, only the U.S. I have no problem with a private club not allowing members, but not a public place or company.  So give me the names of the public places that don't allow Jews in the U.S. Again, you want to claim yourself as a victim when you're not.

I will do so tonight when I am at home!

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I don't need to read anything to come up with that conclusion.  Anybody who believes that killing others is a way to achieve spiritual enlightenment is a f***ing rock.  Islam preaches hatred, and those who don't believe that are ignorant.  Don't start with, "Every Islam doesn't support Terrorists" cause I know.  But if a poll was taken, I would guarantee 80% of Muslims support terrorists.



Flame on!


Man, you're 80% estimate is even more insane than right wing zionist Daniel Pipes who only thinks it's 10-15% but still advocates nuking all of them. And Flash, you really hurt your case saying "I don't need to read sources" to come to your conclusion. It's a very ignorant statement. The Army of God murders people, where is your statement that since there are violent acts, murders, etc. in the Bible that 80% of Christians must support terrorist acts like the ones perpetrated by the Army of God.

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QUOTE (sideshowapu @ Jan 21 2004, 04:30 PM)

I actually, just from memory and not going to look, posted at least 3 with lots of charts as well. 



I remember the charts...the numbers were bulls***...probably taken from Al Jazeera!!!


Gotta love it sideshow. The only things we can count on being the truth are from Israel. I wonder how Jesus feels about that.

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