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For those thinking Trump would buy the Nets


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I suggest that whether it means anything to you whether the Sox move or not, a sense of compassion for those 16-1.9  million who go every year to whom going to see their team is a part of their life more so than it is yours, that compassion for how they would feel would be commendable.

In all honesty why would he care if the team moves? He doesn't live in Chicago, and never has. He doesn't like the Sox based on the city they are in. The Sox aren't the hometown team to him so it doesn't matter what city they are in. I'm sure he'd like the Sox to be right in Massachusetts because that would be convenient to him. I don't think that's being overly selfish on his part. Of course I am basically speaking on his behalf here so don't go criticizing him for what I say.

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The discrepancies are A) I was kidding around when I said move them to Boston (the Expos to Vegas? that would never happen) but that somehow meant I only think about myself, and B) when I said moving might not be the worst thing for them, you took that to mean I thought it was the best thing, and now all of a sudden I don't care about anything but the bottom line.


I am being honest when I say I'd like it if the Sox were closer to me. I can't lie about that, and I won't. I don't think I'm alone in that. But if given the chance, if someone handed me the keys to the White Sox camper, would I pull the trigger? Who knows, I certainly don't. There a ton of things an owner must consider in a decision like that (including both history and the bottom line, but past events have shown us which matters more), but I wouldn't rule it out completely, and that is something else I can't lie about. I find myself believing any businessman of Trump's ilk would consider it too.

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Danman, I remember you taking shots at me for a long time.  Ain't no thing.  Spiff and I have been exchanging views at length and that shows a mutual respect for each other to keep talking and listening which perhaps you don't understand - no invective, no insults, no f*** yous, just the frank exchange of opinions where we disagree.  Were I to think I am always right, I would not be on a message board.  I have been in dialogue with Spiff to learn from him.  I think Spiff writes well and with passion, too.  The board should be more like that.  You want to take shots at my writing style or me personally?  Go to it. 


And indeed, I do know a great deal.  So do many others here.  Many know things that I do not know.  I know a few things others do not know.  That is what makes a community.  To say more would be to return your insults in kind so I won't.  Have a pleasant evening.

I didn't insult you either. Basically, and honestly, you annoy me. Sorry to say it, but it's true. On some fronts though I do respect your opinion more than others. When you are talking college football you tend to be very insightful and mostly unbiased. Regardless, sometimes you say things that come off like you think you know you are right. I think when you are simply speaking opinions, that should not be inflected. Granted, it is online and we aren't actually talking so things can be misunderstood.


To get back on topic, if the Sox move that sucks for Chicago Sox fans. I'll still be a fan. As Jas said, most of us here will be too. It would suck for various reasons, but it won't be the end of the world.

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