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The usual rambling of the professional windsock.

Doesn't bother me. I'd expect nothing else from him.

As usual, he takes grains of truth ( and there is a grain of truth in the gist of that column ) and blows them up into a hyperbolic hemorrhage of useless bluster.

Have you ever seen him on that horrific mess called "Around The Horn"? I've never seen anyone so visibly pleased with his own self-perceived humor. That "ain't-I-somethin'?" look on his face is really grating.


The one "joke" he should drop first? That stupid reference to USCF as "Whatever They're Calling Comiskey Park These Days". Hey, Jay, they've only changed the name ONCE.....hardly enough cause for that dumbass line you always use.

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The usual rambling of the professional windsock.

Doesn't bother me. I'd expect nothing else from him.

As usual, he takes grains of truth ( and there is a grain of truth in the gist of that column ) and blows them up into a hyperbolic hemorrhage of useless bluster.

Have you ever seen him on that horrific mess called "Around The Horn"? I've never seen anyone so visibly pleased with his own self-perceived humor. That "ain't-I-somethin'?" look on his face is really grating.


The one "joke" he should drop first? That stupid reference to USCF as "Whatever They're Calling Comiskey Park These Days". Hey, Jay, they've only changed the name ONCE.....hardly enough cause for that dumbass line you always use.

I've watched that show a few times and I love it when one of the other guests mutes his stupid ass and he just stands there with that "why me" look on his face.

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I've watched that show a few times and I love it when one of the other guests mutes his stupid ass and he just stands there with that "why me" look on his face.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe only "Mr. Excited", Max Kellerman, gets to decide who gets points and who gets muted on that show.


I could very well be wrong, I'm not able to get through very much of that show when I happen across it.


Kellerman is great as a boxing studio guy, but as a talk/game show host.....he's a great boxing studio guy.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe only "Mr. Excited", Max Kellerman, gets to decide who gets points and who gets muted on that show.


I could very well be wrong, I'm not able to get through very much of that show when I happen across it.


Kellerman is great as a boxing studio guy, but as a talk/game show host.....he's a great boxing studio guy.

I only watched the show a few times so the details behind Kotex Boy standing there showing his "huh?" face elude me.

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While I agree that JM sucks, I really can't argue with him. We are going to see an insane amount of cub fans this year, every casual baseball fan in this city is going to be a cub fan.

The few, the proud, the sox fan.

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Not to sugar-coat this or anything, but there's a hell of a lot of posters on this board that have been saying the exact same thing.


Not being from Chi-town, I can't say that I'm familiar with the guy that wrote the article. But purely from an out-of-towner, this rings more true then not.

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Here's the snyopsis. Last August, Chi-town was buzzing because both teams were playing well. Since then, the Sox have done nothing but hire Ozzie and sign Zero - and oh, by the way, marketed Mags to Boston which ended up being a huge SNAFU. The Cubs keep signing and trying to make themselves better. So, therefore, the Cubs are the toast of the town, until the Sox deem it necessary to do something to upgrade.


Hmmmm, remarkably like what most people here have been saying.

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It isn't just Chicago that is all things Cubs, it is pretty much all of Northern Illinois. You get away from the St. Louis area, and it is all Cubs.


And that is fine with me.


My favorite bands never hit Top 10, my favorite movies are never blockbuster faves. Why should my favorite team be any different?


Ach, if we are going to get upset about the Cubs being the faves, we might choose to find a new team to like. Even if the Sox win the World Series, this will always be a Cubs town. Even when the Cubs are pathetic and the Sox are really good (which until the past year was the majority of the time), the Cubs still are the local faves.


But one thing, the season has yet to start. We don't know how the Sox will come out playing. They might be very good. NOBODY on the Sox actually sucks. We have a team of solid players that fell apart last year. The picthing was there all season (except for Koch), it was our hitting that needed work. We still have most of the same bats, and if they prove to being what we had hoped they were, we will have a very good team.


The Cubs look great on paper, but all it will take is a misstep, and they could be the letdown the Sox were last year. Lets not forget, the Sox were projected to take it all last year, and things just fell apart. It can happen again this year, but on the other side.

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Here's the snyopsis.  Last August, Chi-town was buzzing because both teams were playing well.  Since then, the Sox have done nothing but hire Ozzie and sign Zero - and oh, by the way, marketed Mags to Boston which ended up being a huge SNAFU.  The Cubs keep signing and trying to make themselves better.  So, therefore, the Cubs are the toast of the town, until the Sox deem it necessary to do something to upgrade. 


Hmmmm, remarkably like what most people here have been saying.

By not having read this guy before, let me give you this scenario


By some miracle of God, the Sox get off to this huge start, and get a big early division lead. Guys like Person, Dransfelt, Uribe, and Shingo make big contributions... Cubs stumble out of the gate, and have some of their new aquisions stuggle.


Kotex-Boy will write an article talking about how astute the Sox are for spending their money smartly and how stupid the Cubs are for wasting all of their money...


This is how this clown writes. He contradicts himself all of the time. That is why people can't stand this guy.

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It is not all that bad. We are already pissed that we havent made any moves. We didn't need Boobarotti to tell us that. He is basically regurgitating what every sox fan talks about on radio and the message boards. The bad thing is he is not very respected so it does nothing for us in terms of Sox management actually doing anything about it. The only way we would have a chance in hell of Sox management changing because of the media is if we get could more writers who are more respected to write about the shortcomings of our team.

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this guy is a tool


unfortantely even broken clocks are right twice a day and it looks like this is one of those times...


eventhough he is blinded by hatred for reinsdorf he is right..we could be looking at the worst possible scenario this summer...sox losing 90 while the cubs go to the playoffs again..


btw..he didnt give the cubs a total pass..he scolded them for farting around with maddux..


of course what someelse said is true too...if by some miracle the sox start out hot and the cubs falter...he'll be screaming what fools the cubs were for spending all that money on has beens and use the sox and their 55 million dollar payroll as a comparision...

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I think this guy really pulls for the Sox. The Sox are a Chicago team. The cub is a national team. The sports scene in this town is pathetic and has been for years, except for Jordan. This is why all of his stuff always negative. I do not like him and think he is a dolt but he is right a majority of the time. We have the worst Hockey and Basketball teams, have made the NFL playoffs once in the last ten years. Have the longest running streak without a championship in Hockey, and Baseball TWICE over. When we have a dynasty we blow it up and run the guy out of town. we live on teh '85 Bears, why should there ever be a positive article? Bartolo Colon, Jeremy Roenick, Elton Brand, and Greg Maddux. When a team fleeces another (Sammy Sosa) it was at another's expense. Gotta love smalltown Chicago.


I am waiting for the day when Daley makes them take Chicago off of the team name due to the embarassment of the association.

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