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Homeland Security


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I never got that vibe.  I just think the whole role reversal that has happened is amazing.  Now we have republicans arguing for more government to fight terrorism and democrats fighting against it.

I haven't seen too many that do not want more, it's all about how we create more without overlapping and redundency and giving up any of our freedoms. It's easy to say we are only going to investigate people who are a threat, but how do you know if they pose a threat or not before investigating? So your email gets checked, apu's posts are sent to a clearing house, they start tracking how many times I leave the US and for how long. And soon we have the same problems we have repeated throughout our history.

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I never got that vibe.  I just think the whole role reversal that has happened is amazing.  Now we have republicans arguing for more government to fight terrorism and democrats fighting against it.

It is ironic, but basically along party lines if you delve into how and why. Republicans have always been for a strong defense and smaller government outside of that. Essentially they wanted to Homeland security to eliminate dual functions and money wasting because of it. And the great majority of increases in spending have been directly related to defense and homeland security.

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Project Bojinka was a predecessor to 9/11. It never went off because they arrested the guys beforehand but this shows that the US government had lots of knowledge in advance of planes hitting national landmarks.


BTW, the Memory Hole is a site that just picks up things people and politicians would not like to remember from political stuff like this to the last meals of the Texas death row inmates that they posted online.

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(see Oct. 7, 2001 speech by Osama for the references I am making about what he wants)


Nuke, Osama wanted US troops in the holy lands of Islam drastically reduced, especially Saudi Arabia. Bush did that after 9/11.


Osama wanted the sanctions lifted against Iraq. Bush did that after 9/11.


So who's the appeaser? These 2 things were precipitated on the invasion of Iraq. We did not HAVE to invade Iraq. By doing this, Bush appeased Osama and Al Qaeda.

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As someone who works for DHS (formerly INS), I have to say that DHS is a joke. I feel it is a knee-jerk reaction to an unfortunately unpreventable situation (9/11). Kind of like locking the barn door after all of the animals have left.


It reflects the republican ideal of "smaller government", but meging us with Customs has done nothing to strengthn us; if anything, it has weakened our morale, and left us with an "us vs them" mentality, rather than the "1 team, 1 fight" mantra we keep hearing.


The only way we could have prevented 9/11 (and I am in no way advocating this!) was to not allow ANY foreigners into the US. None. Foe example, no we have a sysytem in place wherein we fingerprint/photgraph all Visa holders. However, Zacarias Massoui (sp?) had a French passport, thus, he wouldn't have needed a Visa to enter the US, and would have never been regisitered. The same for the guy who had the explosives in his shoes.


As for those who do register, there is no follow-up in place, nor is there one planned. So if a registrant tells me he's here for business for 2 weeks, and he's staying at the Palme rHouse, nobody follows up to see if he's checked in/out.

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who is israel4ever, Alex?

I can't do anything with "innocents", stupid.


The last four people I deported were:


1) An Irish national who had overstayed his Visa AND had sold drugs while in the US;

2) A Mexican who has been living/working here for 4 years;

3) An Iraqi who failed to register with the NSEERS registry AND was illegally working here; and

4) An Israeli who was illegally living/working here.


Any problems with any of these "innocents" being deported???

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Are they going to merge the uniforms also? At the border they have different uniforms. Since we have our choice of going into line with an immigration or customs official, I always get in the immigration agents lines. they move faster. Immigration isn't nearly as thourough as customs.

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Are they going to merge the uniforms also? At the border they have different uniforms. Since we have our choice of going into line with an immigration or customs official, I always get in the immigration agents lines. they move faster. Immigration isn't nearly as thourough as customs.

Same uniforms...the dark blue ones!

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The problem as I see it is more along the lines of government programs never seem to die. Each party loves to spend money. As I listened to W's speech I kept hearing more money for this and more money for that. We spent record amounts of money during the Reagan years and he's probably the most popular president in the past 40 years. We put in sunset provisions in the beginning and then quietly remove them later.


How many overlapping agencies do we need?


Republicans are not without their contradictions. We can trust the government to execute citizens but not to cure their colds.


I would think small Government Republicans would also be concerned about creating these giant oversight agencies.

there are alot of conservative republicans that do not like bush..i read somewhere where i believe it was michael reagan who was calling for bush to resign....conservatives really feel like bush has let them down...that's why i keep telling you guys that if the dems were to give lieberman the nomination he could beat bush...alot of conservatives would vote for him...he could take some states that dems normally have no chance in...

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there are alot of conservative republicans that do not like bush..i read somewhere where i believe it was michael reagan who was calling for bush to resign....conservatives really feel like bush has let them down...that's why i keep telling you guys that if the dems were to give lieberman the nomination he could beat bush...alot of conservatives would vote for him...he could take some states that dems normally have no chance in...

This country would never elect a Jew as President. All you have to do is look at some of the other threads to see how much anti-Jew sentiment there is.

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there are alot of conservative republicans that do not like bush..i read somewhere where i believe it was michael reagan who was calling for bush to resign....conservatives really feel like bush has let them down...that's why i keep telling you guys that if the dems were to give lieberman the nomination he could beat bush...alot of conservatives would vote for him...he could take some states that dems normally have no chance in...

I am a republician, and I do not like GW. Looking in retrospect, John McCain would have been a much better President.


And as for Lieberman, he would have had zero chance at winning a national election. There are waaaaaaaaaay to many people in this country who couldn't vote for a Jewish President. Think about places like Klan country and imagine them voting for Lieberman... No matter how good of a canditate he is, it won't happen.

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there are alot of conservative republicans that do not like bush..i read somewhere where i believe it was michael reagan who was calling for bush to resign....conservatives really feel like bush has let them down...that's why i keep telling you guys that if the dems were to give lieberman the nomination he could beat bush...alot of conservatives would vote for him...he could take some states that dems normally have no chance in...

I watched Lieberman on the dabates and I liked him. I dismissed him early because I didn't think he was going to get any traction. Perhaps the front runners may bloody themselves and Joe can get the nomination. In a small way he reminds me of Sen. Simon. Not the politics as much as the presentation. He scores high on my integrity scale. My son dislikes him because of his anti-video game stance.


I try not to pay too much attention until we get closer to my primary. No use wasting time and energy reviewing some candidate that will bow out before Texas.

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This country would never elect a Jew as President. All you have to do is look at some of the other threads to see how much anti-Jew sentiment there is.

Review your history, they said the same thing about Kennedy and being Catholic. Don't let the Pope in the White House.

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And let me add, without seeming to spam post. The best possibility for a Jewish, Black, Woman, or any other group who has not joined the Rich White Male club called the Presidency, is under the Republican umbrella. The GOP diehards will continue to punch their straight tickets (and they do mean straight don't they) and many Dems would applaud the opening up of the system to all candidates. Almost a lock.

Edited by Texsox
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And let me add, without seeming to spam post. The best possibility for a Jewish, Black, Woman, or any other group who has not joined the Rich White Male club called the Presidency, is under the Republican umbrella. The GOP diehards will continue to punch their straight tickets (and they do mean straight don't they) and many Dems would not applaud the opening up of the system to all candidates. Almost a lock.

Democrats think black Republicans are "Uncle Toms" and Hispanic Republicans are "House Mexicans". These are actual quotes not something I just said for kicks.


Democrats are all for minorities running for office, just so long as they toe the party line and spout off about how racist America is and other assorted liberal whining.

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There are a lot more Catholics in the US than there are Jews.


I don't think the US will ever elect an African-American either, not in the near future!

That is insulting to every thinking Jew or Catholic. Are you saying you would vote for a candidate strictly because he is Jewish? That you would select a Jewish candidate ahead of someone who you may agree with more? That people just vote for the candidate from their religion?

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There are a lot more Catholics in the US than there are Jews.


I don't think the US will ever elect an African-American either, not in the near future!

Although Africian Americans and Latinos for that matter, control their own fates a lot more than a lot of minorities do. If they would get out and vote en masse, they could overwhealm the split white vote, for whoever they wanted to elect.

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Isint that why we passed the Patriot Act?


Oh, wait,  that was just an evil plot by John Ashcroft to snap pictures of ChiSoxyGirl whle she's changing into her PJ's.  How silly of me.

Come on Nuke, do they really need access to my Library Card? Let's see she's checked out all of Margeret Atwood books twice! She's a dissadent! She's planning something! There has to be a place where the line is drawn, and I'm really sorry, but I think that is it.


I'm saying take some of the Homeland security budget and put it into VAWA or education. Put it into something where it will benefit the MOST people. That's all I'm saying. Put it into the development of the FUTURE--not into something that generates fear and hatred of others. And really that's all that I've seen most of this stuff do.

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Democrats think black Republicans are "Uncle Toms" and Hispanic Republicans are "House Mexicans".  These are actual quotes not something I just said for kicks.


Democrats are all for minorities running for office, just so long as they toe the party line and spout off about how racist America is and other assorted liberal whining.

Nuke, that just isn't fair. Way too broad a brush. The KKK votes GOP, should I gather up their propaganda and attribute them to all Republicans? The GOP has extreemists as well as the Dems. The majority of Americans are not as polar opposite as the marketing by both parties would have us believe.


Coke and Pepsi see the world as either one or the other. Most Americans will favor one or the other but will drink either. Same thing with politics. The Dems are way over there and the GOP is way over there. Most Americans are closer to the middle.

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