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Dean is dead meat politically!


Late show curse?  I didn't realize Gephardt was on last week!  How can we get Bush on next week?



Oh that was evil and this thread is devoted to attacking Dean, sorry.

I think Gephardt's thing was top 10 reasons u know ur campaign is in trouble, and I remember no. 2 was "Appearin on late nite talk show to boost ur profile or campaign." :lol:

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oh but patron saints do.


Your definition of right is not the one that encompasses all the world.


And to have someone with a cartoon figure in their avatar knock someone who made a humorous website for devoting time to whatever... 


as Sundance Kid said to Butch Cassidy, "just keep thinking kid, that's what you're good at."

I'm not the only one with a cartoon figure in their avatar. ;)


And Nuke is right in what he says. There's no way you can dispute that example.

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No he's not, hes dead on.  Let someone try calling Al Sharpton a gorrilla and watch the charges of racism flow.



overblown. nuke, overblown


all human beings look like our primate kin.


Consider all the things that have been said about all American presidents in their time.


Consider what you have said, and posted, about presidents you do not/did not like.


Are you of such tender sensibilities that Bush or Chimp is the most shocking thing you have ever seen?


Full of s***.


If that is the most shocking thing that Bush and his fans ever hear, consider yours the luckiest of people.


Of course the academic examples that primate images have been used historically to support racism against African Americans but not against Caucasians so therfore there is a difference in the use of that imagry is beyond the ability of some to deal with.


However, if you wanted to put up a bunch of people who hold high church positions who title themselves primates in all of their regalia against the same chimp pictures, I would probably find that gently humorous too.


Perhaps I should find a site that says Bush or cokehead - Bush vs drunk driver - Bush vs AWOL -


oh ye of tender, naive experience that you are so shocked, shocked --


hypocrite back at yeah and raise you a bunch - I could pull out a whole bunch of things said about Clinton - Carter - who's the f***ing hypocrites


hell, all the way back to Jackson, to J Adams, and then forward again to Madison, Monroe, Lincoln, Grant, Cleveland, Wilson, either Roosevelt, either Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, and find things of all kinds - American satire, political cartoons - if Bush v Chimp is the worst you ever see in your lives - and worse than anything you ever say about a president you are not fond of - I will be very surprised

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It's not only what's being said, but who's saying it. You are the one who goes on a rampage if someone says the word f*g. Now you are telling everyone to grow thicker skin.


Quote me some bible verses about love thy neighbor.

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It's not only what's being said, but who's saying it.  You are the one who goes on a rampage if someone says the word f*g.  Now you are telling everyone to grow thicker skin.


Quote me some bible verses about love thy neighbor.

Spiff, get a f***ing grip on f***ing reality.


Name one f***ing time I have ever f***ing said a f***ing word about anyone f***ing saying or posting the word f***ing other than to f***ing say that I was f***ing tired of seeing the f***ing dip s*** passionless thread title f***ing over and over again - f***ing emphasis on the word "title" and not the f***ing thread itself.





as for your other request:


Matthew 5.43-47

43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

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Spiff, get a f***ing grip on f***ing reality.


Name one f***ing time I have ever f***ing said a f***ing word about anyone f***ing saying or posting the word f***ing other than to f***ing say that I was f***ing tired of seeing the f***ing dip s*** passionless thread title f***ing over and over again - f***ing emphasis on the word "title" and not the f***ing thread itself.





as for your other request:


Matthew 5.43-47

43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

I was talking about the word "f*g", not the word "f***ing". But way to overreact! :cheers

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I was talking about the word "f*g", not the word "f***ing".  But way to overreact! :cheers

if you wish to say f*g, say f*g


I don't recall that word being used here much if ever


but you wish to miss the point and go on and on and on


Bush or Chimp


that offends you


to be honest, it is perhaps offensive to the chimp because the chimp doesn't lie to enable war


remembering you thought the thread should only be about bashing Dean, and you jumped when Apu posted some dumb Bush and Republican comments (and granted Dean has said some dumb things, especially after the Iowa caucus), your real point is very clear

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Oh yeah, I really jumped apu. I don't see how he could ever recover from that vicious attack.


If you seriously do not recall yourself ever flipping out on people for saying f*g and calling stuff gay, then one of us is sure losing their grip on reality and it sure as hell isn't me.

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There is no difference between this and the Shaq example I gave.  And you know damn well anyone who posted a link to a site like that would be chastised mercilessly.

I'm not generalizing an entire race of people here, I just noticed this similarity. :lol: Am I a racist? No. But in the context of humor this will probably be overblown (as Spiff was touching on) and I will be labeled as one.


cromagnum.gif 50-cent.jpg

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Oooh, I see I am late to the party.....


that motherf***er on the left is hardcore


got speared 9 times


PLEASE.......there is NOTHING even remotely hardcore about getting shot, whether once or nince....Wake up to some facts:


--Had one of the medium caliber bullets been more centered, it would have severed his spine, instantly and irrepairably paralyzing Fee'ty. Limp dick time!


--Had it one of the bullets pieced his heart, he would be DEAD.


--Had one of them been a few inches higher, it would have destoyed vital structures in Fee'ty's brain, making him a poster child for DOA.



Fee'ty simply won the lottery of survival, that's al it wasl. Had NOTHING to do with him and everything to do with fantastic LUCK. The only "cred" it should net him is something to pay the 5 bodyguards with, wink-wink.


And I love it when Shug Knight and Co. act as though they are somehow more-than-mortal......Yeah, sure Suge, when a few years from now multiple close-range bullets are simulteneously burning through your fat flesh, you be sure to tell them, the deeper the voice the better, that you're real hard-core and as such they should cease at once, or at the very least not do as much damage.....Good luck with that.

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Brando, I respect your opinion (not that I don't respect other people's, but we've both clashed and agreed on several occassions, so it would seem fair), am I making up a double standard that doesn't exist? Am I reading too much into this? Is there justification in thinking there is a bit of hypocrisy going on?


You know from the Iowa thread the other night that I am no white guy apologist, I just like to point out inconsistencies that I see, whether or not they seem that way to other people.

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Brando, I respect your opinion (not that I don't respect other people's, but we've both clashed and agreed on several occassions, so it would seem fair), am I making up a double standard that doesn't exist?  Am I reading too much into this?  Is there justification in thinking there is a bit of hypocrisy going on?


You know from the Iowa thread the other night that I am no white guy apologist, I just like to point out inconsistencies that I see, whether or not they seem that way to other people.

Spiff, I just returned from the club, it's 2:30 am CT.....tired and sleepy and sore as hell.....but even if I wasn't, I'd still take a coward's way out and refrain from getting involved in something as potentially combustible as what you guys appear to have going here. Sorry no opinion.


I am more about dissing 50-ty anyway.

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Of course the academic examples that primate images have been used historically to support racism against African Americans but not against Caucasians so therfore there is a difference in the use of that imagry is beyond the ability of some to deal with.


In other words, because of the fact "that primate images have been used historically to support racism against African Americans ", it is innappropriate to use said images in such a manner.


But, Bush is white, so it's cool.


No double standard here.

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