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kenny williams interview


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Why is Frank being such an a$$. He is the one acting like a two year old here. Its obvious Kenny doesn't want Frank here. I just hope this doesn't blow up in spring training. Frank needs to grow up and pick up the phone.


I couldn't agree with you more. The hosts of the show were exactly correct on this matter as well. They are his employers, it is part of his job to report back to his employers if called upon. If you or I or anyone else were to do this we would be fired on the spot. It is not like they can't find him. They know where he is. He just won't respond.


Actually I don't think any of you supporters of Frank actually understand what is going on here. Lets just take a step back and look what is going on. I could be way off here, but my opnion of this matter is this:


Were the White Sox hoping he found a new home last year when he was shopping around? YES! Did the White Sox pick up their part of the option on Frank? NO! Do you really think that they want him here anymore? NO! Do you think they may be airing this out to try to get Frank even more upset, hoping he will waive his 5/10 no trade and demand a trade anywhere? KW kind of hinted at this with one of his last statements. He at least hinted they were trying to trade him or shopped him around. I mean come on. We should all be able to put 2 and 2 together here guys. THEY DON'T WANT HIM HERE!


Now I am not saying this is what I want. I honestly love Frank as a person and as a player when he is good. I have met him twice and I can't name a better person in the game. I have heard great things about him. I have heard his team mates love him. For some reason he has rubbed management the wrong way and they want him out.


As far as Wally Backman goes I really hope this guys comes forward and says something else about KW. That way we can hear what really happened. KW said if Backman goes public with anymore statements that he will have no choice but to tell everyone the real story. I can't wait. I am sure there is a lot more to this.


Rock on White Sox fans! :headbang

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could you imagine frank chasing little ozzie around the clubhouse... 


I can't believe people actually want to see are biggest star chase around and beat up our manager. Do you know what that would make our organization look like? Could you imagine if TO actually hit his coach on the sidelines when he was yelling at him? Come on guys. Have a little more respect than that. I actually think that hiring Ozzie was the best thing we could have done. I think he is going to be a real good manager for our team. We will see when it is all said and done, but I really like the move. I would have hated to see Gaston, a manuel clone, with our team next year. Really guys, what did you think we were going to get? Bobby Valentine? No one in the majors would touch this guy. He is in Japan managing. Ozzie was the best choice and just because he answered a question from the media about Frank honestly does not make him a bad guy. Whatever though. People, especially White Sox fans, will always find something to complain about. I guess it is what drives us.

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"Are you mad at Frank Thomas for not returning Ozzie Guillen's phone calls?"


"No, I'm mad at him for not returning my phone calls."


At first, I thought maybe Kenny was trying to be funny - and maybe he was. Either way, did he really need to open a can of worms by saying that?


Frank Thomas potentially coming to Spring Training pissed off and surly - oh joy. I really wish people would keep more stuff in-house instead of sounding off in the media.


Oh well - so continues another chapter in the never-ending saga of "Days Of Our Sox." ;)

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True True...


KW is a moron.


Hmm, really? Ok. I agree Kenny has made a terrible move with the trade of Ritchie, even though the only thing he really gave up was Wells. Fogg doesn't look to be very good and Lowe is, well, low. The problem is that Ritchie sucks ass and wasn't even worth Lowe, let alone a couple prospects. He has also come up with some steals. Loaiza, Olivo, and Marte to name a few.


Now my question is this. If you only had a 58-63 million dollar payroll, how would you run this club any better? For what he has to deal with I believe he has done a great job. It is not easy to make deals when you have huge restrictions as Kenny does.


If you say he is a moron for his comments then I don't think you are seeing the big picture. I think he has a plan with these comments. I think he is trying to get Frank to demand a trade. I don't think he wants him here anymore. You can say he is a moron for not wanting him here, however a lot of people have wanted him out for years. Called him the clubhouse cancer. Some even point to him as the reason we haven't been able to beat the Twins even though we have superior talent on paper.


For what Kenny has to work with I really don't think he is a moron. I would actually love to see the moves you could make given these circumstances.


ROCK ON SOX FANS!!!! :headbang

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"Are you mad at Frank Thomas for not returning Ozzie Guillen's phone calls?"


"No, I'm mad at him for not returning my phone calls."


Actually the question was quoting a news paper article. The question was if Kenny was mad that Frank was not returning HIS or Ozzie's phone calls. Kenny didn't just throw that in there. He answered the question honestly. Did he have to? Of course not! However, many fans seem to appreciate the honesty.

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I don't mind the honesty, I just hope that it doesn't cause Frank Thomas to come to Spring Training with a chip on his shoulder. Yes, Frank can be thin-skinned a lot of the time, but with guys like him, you just want to leave them alone and stew in their own juices. Basically, just leave him be, let him hit his HR's to help the team, and then say "Whew!" when he leaves for the offseason.


Thomas being pissed off is a distraction that this team DOESN'T need - especially with some young guys joining the mix.


I can see a fistfight breaking out between Ozzie and Frank - maybe as early as the 1st week of Spring Training. I bulls*** you not. This is getting ugly. Or should I say UGLIER.

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Miguel Olivo was not a "steal". Chad Bradford has been a major cog in the A's bullpen since the deal went down. I'm SURE Billy Beane does not regret that deal one smidgen.


As for the rest of this stuff:

Frank Thomas is an ass.

Ozzie Guillen is an ass.

Kenny Williams is an ass.

Wally Backman is an ass.


I'm sure that pissed everyone one off in one way or another, but that's the way I'm beginning to see things.

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Miguel Olivo was not a "steal". Chad Bradford has been a major cog in the A's bullpen since the deal went down. I'm SURE Billy Beane does not regret that deal one smidgen.


If you insist. However, if Olivo keeps developing the way he has then Beane will regret it. Bradford is good, I will give you that. Finding a great defensive catcher that can also run and hit is hard to find. He could be an all star for years to come. Especially in the American League where it is not full of great catchers. A middle reliever for an all-star catcher? I say that is a steal. I understand we will have to wait a while for Olivo to develop into that all star and I understand your point of view. I just think the positions they play make a difference.

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I agree. Kenny, Ozzie and Frank are asses. Hell, I'll do you one better. They are complete assholes.


However, this is the hand that has been dealt to us Sox fans. We have to go to the table with it and hope for the best.


It is pretty pathetic when all 3 parties involved have to use the media - leeches who just love sucking this stuff in - to get their points across. It seems to me that not only are Guillen, Thomas, and Williams a trio of complete assholes, they are also "pussies" to boot. Instead of using the media, girls, try meeting each other face to face.

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If you insist. However, if Olivo keeps developing the way he has then Beane will regret it. Bradford is good, I will give you that. Finding a great defensive catcher that can also run and hit is hard to find. He could be an all star for years to come. Especially in the American League where it is not full of great catchers. A middle reliever for an all-star catcher? I say that is a steal. I understand we will have to wait a while for Olivo to develop into that all star and I understand your point of view. I just think the positions they play make a difference.

Chad Bradford has been THE man in the A's bullpen and they've been to the playoffs for 3 or 4 years in a row. He wasn't the closer, but he has always been on the mound for that key out in the game. How can Bean ever regret making this deal?


I don't think this is a steal, one way or the other. And I don't think Olivo will ever be a year after year all-star. He might hit well enough to make it once or twice, but that's a great unknown, also. We got a good, solid young catcher that needed some time to develop. They got a good solid reliever that was ready when we traded him. A good trade for both teams.

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Hmm, really? Ok. I agree Kenny has made a terrible move with the trade of Ritchie, even though the only thing he really gave up was Wells. Fogg doesn't look to be very good and Lowe is, well, low. The problem is that Ritchie sucks ass and wasn't even worth Lowe, let alone a couple prospects. He has also come up with some steals. Loaiza, Olivo, and Marte to name a few.


Now my question is this. If you only had a 58-63 million dollar payroll, how would you run this club any better? For what he has to deal with I believe he has done a great job. It is not easy to make deals when you have huge restrictions as Kenny does.


If you say he is a moron for his comments then I don't think you are seeing the big picture. I think he has a plan with these comments. I think he is trying to get Frank to demand a trade. I don't think he wants him here anymore. You can say he is a moron for not wanting him here, however a lot of people have wanted him out for years. Called him the clubhouse cancer. Some even point to him as the reason we haven't been able to beat the Twins even though we have superior talent on paper.


For what Kenny has to work with I really don't think he is a moron. I would actually love to see the moves you could make given these circumstances.


ROCK ON SOX FANS!!!!  :headbang

kenny didnt answer that question honestly...he didnt even let jerko or whoever asked him finish the question before he could blurt out he was mad at thomas..this was a set up...he probably only agreed to do the interview if they asked a list of questions he gave them..all questions were soft tossers...and he answered them all w/o any delays..he knew what was coming...he set thomas up with that question


yasny hit on the bradford trade..i dont care how good down the road olivo becomes bradford was the A's set up man for 3 years now...and a major reason why they go to the playoffs...liken him the past three years to what flash did for us last year...olivo has done nothing much so far for the sox..A's win that trade...


his plan...get frank to agree to a trade...youre probably right on that..thats how this little punk works...always causing trouble to get his way...well imo we need frank alot more than we need KW...


kenny williams is an micro managing egomaniac...i got a feeling ozie might manage the same way...thats why they are after frank..because he is bigger than they are...


thomas did nothing to bring on these remarks...rex could probably back me up or prove me wrong on this but i heard from a friend thats in the know about these things and he said players need to check in like only 2 times during the off season..and frank has followed those rules...


as for loiaza and marte...he did a great job there...two good moves in 4 years...should i list all his screw ups???...it would be quicker to rewrite "war and peace" ..

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Chad Bradford has been THE man in the A's bullpen and they've been to the playoffs for 3 or 4 years in a row. He wasn't the closer, but he has always been on the mound for that key out in the game. How can Bean ever regret making this deal?


I don't think this is a steal, one way or the other. And I don't think Olivo will ever be a year after year all-star. He might hit well enough to make it once or twice, but that's a great unknown, also. We got a good, solid young catcher that needed some time to develop. They got a good solid reliever that was ready when we traded him. A good trade for both teams.


I respect your opinion and I will just have to agree to disagree with you. Like I said before, I think the positions they play make the trade. It would seem easier to fill middle relief than to fill and potentially real good catcher spot. That is just the way I see it. I would trade away a midle reliever any day for that.

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I respect your opinion and I will just have to agree to disagree with you. Like I said before, I think the positions they play make the trade. It would seem easier to fill middle relief than to fill and potentially real good catcher spot. That is just the way I see it. I would trade away a midle reliever any day for that.

Then we agree to disagree. :cheers

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kenny didnt answer that question honestly...he didnt even let jerko or whoever asked him finish the question before he could blurt out he was mad at thomas..this was a set up...he probably only agreed to do the interview if they asked a list of questions he gave them..all questions were soft tossers...and he answered them all w/o any delays..he knew what was coming...he set thomas up with that question


yasny hit on the bradford trade..i dont care how good down the road olivo becomes bradford was the A's set up man for 3 years now...and a major reason why they go to the playoffs...liken him the past three years to what flash did for us last year...olivo has done nothing much so far for the sox..A's win that trade...


his plan...get frank to agree to a trade...youre probably right on that..thats how this little punk works...always causing trouble to get his way...well imo we need frank alot more than we need KW...


kenny williams is an micro managing egomaniac...i got a feeling ozie might manage the same way...thats why they are after frank..because he is bigger than they are...


thomas did nothing to bring on these remarks...rex could probably back me up or prove me wrong on this but i heard from a friend thats in the know about these things and he said players need to check in like only 2 times during the off season..and frank has followed those rules...


as for loiaza and marte...he did a great job there...two good moves in 4 years...should i list all his screw ups???...it would be quicker to rewrite "war and peace" ..


I will be honest with you Baggio. I think you can find fault with just about any GM in the league. How about listing all of Cashman's bad moves. How about Beane's. It is pretty easy to do as well. Even the most respected GMs make horrible moves. I think Kenny made great moves last year to get us back into the playoff chase. Of course you will probably disagree there. As for Olivo, if he does become an all star catcher he will be better than a setup man simply because of the positions each play. Bradford is really good, I will give you that. I never questioned that. I just think a hell of a catcher is better than a hell of a setup man. I understand we have to wait for Olivo to see what we truly have, but from what I have seen it is pretty damn good. I can see from your posts that you are a KW hater. That is fine. I have no problem with that. You are entitled to that opinion. Did you like Schueler? How about Krause? Paxson? Angelo? Maybe you just hate this town's GMs. However, I think no matter what Kenny does it would upset you. Since that is the case your opinion is somewhat biased against him. I am still grateful we didn't get stuck with Danny Evans. Now that would have been bad.

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As far as Wally Backman goes I really hope this guys comes forward and says something else about KW. That way we can hear what really happened. KW said if Backman goes public with anymore statements that he will have no choice but to tell everyone the real story. I can't wait. I am sure there is a lot more to this.


No, KW will realize how stupid of a comment he made today and take the high road should anything else be said.


KW contradicted himself in a big way. Think about it.... KW said it was not his decision to not bring Backman back, that he left it up to Fontaine and then Wilder after Fontaine left. Then Kenny says that if Wally doesn't shut up, he'll tell the real story and Wally will never get another job in baseball again.


My question is, if KW knows "the real story" and it is bad enough to keep Wally out of baseball, then why the hell did Kenny not get rid of him in the first place? Why did he even interview him for the Big League job? If KW turned the decision over to Fontaine and left the possibility that Backman would be offered another contract, how could there be a "real story" that is bad enough to keep Wally out of baseball?


Don't give me the theory that new information came about after KW turned it over to Fontaine. That is BS. Kenny popped off when he shouldn't have and made a stupid comment. Plain and simple.


All that said, I don't think it is doing Wally any good to keep talking either, so I wish they would both just shut up.

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KW is an ass. He always talks about the fact that he chooses to take the "high road" and may be forced to go the other way if certain things are said. Thats's BS. Taking the high road would be to just shut up about it. What he said now about the Backman situation just gets people to assume Wally deserved what he got and did something horrendous without ever saying what he did. He is a coward. He tries to play on both sides of the fence. Guillen hasn't seen Frank or talked to him in six years, but says he has heard things. I wonder from who. The high road would be to let the new manager come to his own conclusions.

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I will be honest with you Baggio. I think you can find fault with just about any GM in the league. How about listing all of Cashman's bad moves. How about Beane's. It is pretty easy to do as well. Even the most respected GMs make horrible moves. I think Kenny made great moves last year to get us back into the playoff chase. Of course you will probably disagree there. As for Olivo, if he does become an all star catcher he will be better than a setup man simply because of the positions each play. Bradford is really good, I will give you that. I never questioned that. I just think a hell of a catcher is better than a hell of a setup man. I understand we have to wait for Olivo to see what we truly have, but from what I have seen it is pretty damn good. I can see from your posts that you are a KW hater. That is fine. I have no problem with that. You are entitled to that opinion. Did you like Schueler? How about Krause? Paxson? Angelo? Maybe you just hate this town's GMs. However, I think no matter what Kenny does it would upset you. Since that is the case your opinion is somewhat biased against him. I am still grateful we didn't get stuck with Danny Evans. Now that would have been bad.

your right..you can make a case against any GM if you want to..im sure i could find fault with billy beane..but the fact is his teams go to the playoffs almost every year..i cant argue that point and thats the standard that kenny williams should be judged by..


he took over a 95 win team , with the 2nd youngest roster , a 35 million dollar payroll and the number 1 rated farm system in baseball...it was the perfect job to walk into...dont you think he has underachieved???


as for danny evans he not the greatest GM alive but he walked into a situation where the first day on the job he was told to trim payroll by 20%...who had the better deal???


ive given him credit for damaso marte and estaban loiaza...you add olivo to that list so ill even do the same...again thats 3 good moves by your standards..now how many bad moves has he made???...i just dont see how us not improving on the '00 season is not his fault...

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My question is, if KW knows "the real story" and it is bad enough to keep Wally out of baseball, then why the hell did Kenny not get rid of him in the first place? Why did he even interview him for the Big League job? If KW turned the decision over to Fontaine and left the possibility that Backman would be offered another contract, how could there be a "real story" that is bad enough to keep Wally out of baseball?


I believe he said the decisions on minor league teams are not up to him. He may have an input on the decisions but the final decisions are now left up to wilder and previously fontaine. To think that Kenny didn't have anything to say about the decision would be nieve, however he never said he didn't. He said the decision to get rid of him was up to fontaine and then wilder.

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he took over a 95 win team , with the 2nd youngest roster , a 35 million dollar payroll and the number 1 rated farm system in baseball...it was the perfect job to walk into...dont you think he has underachieved???


Lets take a look at that 95 win team that he inherited. The pitching staff was decimated by injuries when he inherited it. Sirotka, Baldwin, Parque, Eldred. Not to mention injuries to Howry and Simas as well. I would like to see even the great Billy Beane lose his entire pitching staff due to injuries and see what he is capable of. In fact Beane's pitching staff is the only reason he is in the playoffs year in and year out. I belive his starters are all home grown and yet he gets the credit for this. His scouts don't get any of the credit? I think that is something that hurts the White Sox more than anything. Our scouting system is one of the worst in the majors. We barely even touch the asian market as far as scouting goes.


Our farm system? Oh yeah that really produced a bunch of studs. Kenny had a lot to work with there. McKay Christensen, Brian Simmons, Jeff Leifer, Jeff Abbott, Lorenzo Barcelo, Kip Wells, Jesus Pena, and Aaron Myette. Yeah looks great. People that rate farm systems usually don't have a clue to what they are talking about.


What else did we have that year? Oh yeah Herbert Perry, Chris Singleton, and Jose Valentin all had career years. Frank Thomas was hurt in the first month of 2001.


If anything that team 2000 overachieved. Then take away your 4 starters and your the top hitter out of the middle of your lineup and how do you continue to win? I would like to see any GM deal with what KW has had to deal with since that 95 win season. I guarantee you it would not be pretty.

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he took over a 95 win team , with the 2nd youngest roster , a 35 million dollar payroll and the number 1 rated farm system in baseball...it was the perfect job to walk into...dont you think he has underachieved???

OK ... Even though this has been discussed ad nauseum:


On that #1 farm system issue, exactly who was traded away, from the farm, that has contributed to a major league team?


I doubt we can count five guys. In fact, I doubt we can count three guys.


Second, what happened to that starting staff from 2000? At least three of those guys arms fell off ... Sirotka, Baldwin, Eldred.


That 2000 team was not a dynasty in the making, I don't know if you think it was or not, but that was a "chemistry" team as much as anything.


KW can likely be faulted for flunking the chemistry part of his responsibilities. There is way too much "chatter" for him not to be responsible at least in part for the poor chemistry of this team.


Over the last 15 years though, I can only recall 3 teams with what I'd consider really good chemistry: 1990, 1993, and 2000.


In my opinon, flunking chemistry is not a phenomenon solely Kenny Williams.

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ive given him credit for damaso marte and estaban loiaza...you add olivo to that list so ill even do the same...again thats 3 good moves by your standards..now how many bad moves has he made???...i just dont see how us not improving on the '00 season is not his fault...


I am sure there are more if I sat and thought about it.


Willie Harris for Chris SIngleton may not turn out to be too shabby. Singleton has sucked. If Harris can be what Kenny thinks he can then there is another steal.


We basically received Alomar, Sullivan, and Everett for nothing last year, plus those teams basically paid for those players. The only player I have seen that could really be something is Ring. We will have to wait until that deal matures and see what happens. We have nothing to show for it this year, but those players did help us get back into it last year.


David Wells for Sirotka should have worked out. Too bad Wells is such a fat ass that his back blew out on him that year. I don't remember one fan saying that was a bad trade when it happened.


Royce Clayton was a bad move? We didn't give up anything for him, so I don't see how that is a bad move. It is a wash as far as I am concerned. If you want to say he was a clubhouse cancer then I would have to see proof of that as we didn't win anything with him or without him. I will say he was an asshole though.


Keith Foulke had to go. Manuel killed his confidence here. I still think he is not a big game closer. He consistently got hit hard against the Twins and Yankees in big games for us. I even think his numbers were helped by Oakland's stadium last year. I can't wait to see how he does in Boston. Koch was awful last year, just awful. Lets see how he does this year. If he turns things around and becomes the closer he used to be then I think we may just have a wash there as well. Plus it was a salary move. Foulke wouldn't be with us now. Everyone knew that. We signed Koch for a year longer at a cheaper price than Foulke. There were a couple reasons that trade was made.


Ok any others?

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OK ... Even though this has been discussed ad nauseum:


On that #1 farm system issue, exactly who was traded away, from the farm, that has contributed to a major league team?


I doubt we can count five guys. In fact, I doubt we can count three guys.


Second, what happened to that starting staff from 2000? At least three of those guys arms fell off ... Sirotka, Baldwin, Eldred.


That 2000 team was not a dynasty in the making, I don't know if you think it was or not, but that was a "chemistry" team as much as anything.


Right on JIM!!!!!

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as for danny evans he not the greatest GM alive but he walked into a situation where the first day on the job he was told to trim payroll by 20%...who had the better deal???


Yes I know this has happened, however who has more payroll to work with? Danny Evans has done nothing to improve that team. Why would you have traded Grudz and Karros for Hundley? You say KW has done nothing to improve our team? What the hell has Evans done to improve that? WIth more payroll to use?

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David Wells for Sirotka should have worked out. Too bad Wells is such a fat ass that his back blew out on him that year. I don't remember one fan saying that was a bad trade when it happened.

You never asked me.....


Though Sirotka got hurt at the time, so Toronto didn't benefit either. However, I never thought bringing in Wells was the answer.

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