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The annual Frank drama..


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This was on my AOL board regarding Greenstein's article last Sunday.


"I often complain about the media and how they report on things. How they often attempt to make news and not just report it. Sunday's Tribune Teddy Greenstein article proves this complaint.

Teddy talked the Trib into sending him to Vegas in search of Frank Thomas in his off season home. I think to p him off. Seems Frank's not talking to any media till spring training. But that isn't good enough for Teddy. He wants to remind Frank of what Ozzie said and how he fought with Manual and Konerko. How he's not making mega bucks with a big contract. He wants to start a Frank "controversy" for spring training.

After trying to reach him thru various connections he flies to Vegas and hangs around the gym Frank works out at hoping he will come in. He doesn't.

Then he attempts to find out if he frequents any local restaurants. Finds it. But then discovers he's not been in lately, but the waiters love him because he tips well.

He reports to spending 3 days hoping to run into Frank. He even follows Frank's girlfriend thru the airport hoping he is picking her up. He does run into Arron Rowand, who defends Frank's silence. He goes home without any Frank quotes to start the controversy rolling before spring training.

Back home he hears from another Chicago reporter who saw Frank at the health club. Told him he's not talking till spring training. Well, well. Some fine detective work there. I think the Trib should make him pay for the trip himself.

I'd like to think that Frank's silence is nothing more than a lesson he should have learned a long time ago. Seems there was a stupid quote from Frank every year that the boys and girls with the press passes would turn into "THE WORLDS MOST IMPORTANT STORY !!!" This is not journalism this is attempting to make a story. A poor story as well. "



That pretty much sums it up.

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This was on my AOL board regarding Greenstein's article last Sunday.


"I often complain about the media and how they report on things. How they often attempt to make news and not just report it. Sunday's Tribune Teddy Greenstein article proves this complaint.

Teddy talked the Trib into sending him to Vegas in search of Frank Thomas in his off season home. I think to p him off. Seems Frank's not talking to any media till spring training. But that isn't good enough for Teddy. He wants to remind Frank of what Ozzie said and how he fought with Manual and Konerko. How he's not making mega bucks with a big contract. He wants to start a Frank "controversy" for spring training.

After trying to reach him thru various connections he flies to Vegas and hangs around the gym Frank works out at hoping he will come in. He doesn't.

Then he attempts to find out if he frequents any local restaurants. Finds it. But then discovers he's not been in lately, but the waiters love him because he tips well.

He reports to spending 3 days hoping to run into Frank. He even follows Frank's girlfriend thru the airport hoping he is picking her up. He does run into Arron Rowand, who defends Frank's silence. He goes home without any Frank quotes to start the controversy rolling before spring training.

Back home he hears from another Chicago reporter who saw Frank at the health club. Told him he's not talking till spring training. Well, well. Some fine detective work there. I think the Trib should make him pay for the trip himself.

I'd like to think that Frank's silence is nothing more than a lesson he should have learned a long time ago. Seems there was a stupid quote from Frank every year that the boys and girls with the press passes would turn into "THE WORLDS MOST IMPORTANT STORY !!!" This is not journalism this is attempting to make a story. A poor story as well. "



That pretty much sums it up


That is f***ed up

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Joe Cowley of the Southtown is saying Guillen called out Thomas at his press conference in his article today. Maybe southsideirish can go over to Steff's house and watch it over again on her TIVO.


Well DICK, I guess some people need a reporter to tell them what they saw and heard. I am not one of those people. I know what I saw and heard. There is nothing Ozzie said that called Frank out. He even said he loves Frank and he wants him with the team. Plus the reporter asked specifically about Frank. Ozzie answered that question honestly. There is nothing more to it. I don't even see what Ozzie said that was so bad. I think Steff is too busy trying to prepare for her next confrontation with Dan McNeil to invite me over to watch the Ozzie press conference again. I sure hope she is more prepared next time. That didn't turn out well for her at all.

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Well DICK, I guess some people need a reporter to tell them what they saw and heard. I am not one of those people. I know what I saw and heard. There is nothing Ozzie said that called Frank out. He even said he loves Frank and he wants him with the team. Plus the reporter asked specifically about Frank. Ozzie answered that question honestly. There is nothing more to it. I don't even see what Ozzie said that was so bad. I think Steff is too busy trying to prepare for her next confrontation with Dan McNeil to invite me over to watch the Ozzie press conference again. I sure hope she is more prepared next time. That didn't turn out well for her at all.

The quote about Frank supposedly not running the bases is not calling him out? Did the reporter ask Ozzie if Frank ran hard? If you go to my earlier posts, this was the one comment I remember from said press conference that really pissed me off. Most of the team didn't run the bases, in fact Ozzie didn't run the bases all the time when he played. The article didn't tell me what I saw and heard, it only confirmed it. Its amazing how people think Ozzie was a big part of Florida's success. Evidently they don't remember he was also around when they sucked. I think the White Sox can still be successful this season, but I think it will be in spite of Guillen, not because of him.

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this is what i dont get...neither maggs nor frank reurned williams calls..but magglio is consered a consumate professional who will be ready in march..thomas gets scolded for not retuning a call and they hope frank will be ready..


thats way over the line...thomas always shows up ready to play...people might not like his demeanor or whatever but you cant question the man's desire to play..that was such a cheap shot by our fearless leader

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Frank gets a bad rap from the media. Early in his career he was not friendly with them, but many players aren't. Not everyone is an Alex Rodriguez or a Ken Griffey Jr. or a Derek Jeter (regarding the media) when they come into the league and the fact that he's been trying to improve his pubblic relations don't seem to make a difference to them. It's ridiculous. Leave the poor guy alone. He's got to be in the Chicago spotlight for eight months of the year, the least they could do is wait another month until Spring Training starts before they badger him.

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Frank gets a bad rap from the media. Early in his career he was not friendly with them, but many players aren't. Not everyone is an Alex Rodriguez or a Ken Griffey Jr. or a Derek Jeter (regarding the media) when they come into the league and the fact that he's been trying to improve his pubblic relations don't seem to make a difference to them. It's ridiculous. Leave the poor guy alone. He's got to be in the Chicago spotlight for eight months of the year, the least they could do is wait another month until Spring Training starts before they badger him.

Agree. Good post.


Unfortunately, the media being what it is in today's society, they will always look to stir the pot. Just as unfortunately, controversey sells newspapers and gets ratings for tv and radio.


I think Steff used the analogy of a train wreck getting more attention than a feel-good story.

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It does seem that the media has forgotten their role in society. Ther are there to inform and not harass. I guess baseball writers have nothing to do in the off season except hassle baseball players. During the season they do a lot of hassling also.

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Maybe we all need to realize that some people just want to be left the f*** alone. Maybe Frank just likes to chill out for the months he has off... and doesnt wanna have to deal with ANYTHING regarding the MLB. Leave the guy alone, he's only human.... as long as he's hammering the ball out of the park... he's more than ok im my book.


Just wish he'd play first a little more often.

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Frank hasn't said s*** for 3 months now - he's just living his life, and he should. This is HIS time, not the Sox time. If he doesn't want to say or do anything baseball-related and just wants to enjoy his offseason, then just leave him the f*ck alone.


If he was asking for the criticism, then he should get it. But he hasn't said s***, and he's kept to himself. Even then, he's getting ripped. Pathetic.


Hey Kenny, find another scapegoat. Try finding that in the front office - in your owner who pulls the strings in your back - Jerry Reinsdorf. Instead of ripping people who are laying in silence and quiet - rip your owner. But you don't have the balls to do so. He's 10 times the problem that Frank is. But you won't say anything negative against JR because you know better, puppet. The day you get the nuts to challenge your precious boss, he would fire you. You're a b****.

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Frank hasn't said s*** for 3 months now - he's just living his life, and he should.  This is HIS time, not the Sox time.  If he doesn't want to say or do anything baseball-related and just wants to enjoy his offseason, then just leave him the f*ck alone.


If he was asking for the criticism, then he should get it.  But he hasn't said s***, and he's kept to himself.  Even then, he's getting ripped.  Pathetic. 


Hey Kenny, find another scapegoat.  Try finding that in the front office - in your owner who pulls the strings in your back - Jerry Reinsdorf.  Instead of ripping people who are laying in silence and quiet - rip your owner.  But you don't have the balls to do so.  He's 10 times the problem that Frank is. But you won't say anything negative against JR because you know better, puppet.  The day you get the nuts to challenge your precious boss, he would fire you.  You're a b****.

the day kenny grows a pair is the day ill start supporting him

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The quote about Frank supposedly not running the bases is not calling him out?




DA... this one has tunnel vision. Accusing everyone else of being closed minded and bias, yet only able to preech his own opinion and not see the other side. :headshake

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DA... this one has tunnel vision. Accusing everyone else of being closed minded and bias, yet only able to preech his own opinion and not see the other side.  :headshake

I don't think that's true. I think he has tried to see the other side, he just doesn't agree with it.


And he feels pretty strongly about his opinion.


Nothing wrong with that.

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I don't think that's true.  I think he has tried to see the other side, he just doesn't agree with it.


And he feels pretty strongly about his opinion.


Nothing wrong with that.

Not at all...


I guess I just fail to see the value in making snide comments which only alienate other posters..


To each his own.

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Well, don't you worry. Frank is going to show up at Sox Fest just before it gets underway, just like he always does. As for putting Ozzie in his proper place, the Big Hurt will have the grace and taste to do it where there aren't any TV cameras.

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Here is another example of KW making comments that reflect negatively on Frank. Does he even know he says these things??


From the Sun-Times, Jan. 24, 2004


With their SoxFest convention a week away, Williams said he has not spoken to Frank Thomas or Magglio Ordonez, who was said to be involved in trade talks as part of the Alex Rodriguez-Nomar Garciaparra deal that never evolved.


"Mags is a consummate professional, and whether there was speculation of him being moved, I expect nothing but professionalism from him,'' Williams said.


Asked if he was concerned that he and Guillen have not spoken to Thomas, Williams shrugged.


"We'll just wait and see,'' Williams said. "Hopefully, he'll show up to spring training ready to go.''

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Not at all...


I guess I just fail to see the value in making snide comments which only alienate other posters..


To each his own.


To each his own is correct. If this at all pertains to me, then I don't believe that I made any snide comments about this to alienate anyone. However, If I did then I am certainly not alone in this Steff as I have seen many from you. You seem to be going after every single post I write to try to alienate me. Again, to each his own. I have posted on here many times as it is only my opinion. I even agree to disagree on a lot. I respect everyone's opinon. However, when someone, such as yourself, makes an attack and tells me to get Ozzie's dick out of my mouth I take offense to it. It seems like a logical response to me. Then again I wasn't supposed to be offended when you called me an ignorant dips*** and then laugh about it. Like you said to each their own. Do what you have to do, but don't expect me to just sit back and take it from you just because everyone else does.

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