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The Office dude just won the Golden Globe


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Too bad the Golden Globes are Bulls*** awards.


I was glad that Lost in Translation cleaned up even though it was just the Golden Globes. Bill Murray's speech was hilarious, I really hope he get's the Oscar for that performence.

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Too bad the Golden Globes are Bulls*** awards


You know what the funny part of the whole thing is Cali? Those oft-ridiculed

butt-kissing Foreign Press trolls have been MORE on the money with their awards lately than the ever-so-solemnly-worshipped Oscars.


Oscars: Ron Howard's Beautifully Trite Mind, Chicago, Nicole Noseman, Gwyneth Nepotism Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Kim Bessinger, Roberto Begnini, etc, etc, etc.


2004 GGs: Angels In America, Lost in Translation, Jeoffrey Wright, Tim Robbins, Charlise Theron, Sean Penn, Rickey Gervais (the office dude).....all solid choices.


The only beef I had with GG is giving it to Pacino over Tom Wilkinson who had to carry the Natural on his shoulders. Pacino wasn't even the best one in his movie-- Justin Kirk was.

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You know what the funny part of the whole thing is Cali?  Those oft-ridiculed

butt-kissing Foreign Press trolls have been MORE on the money with their awards lately than the ever-so-solemnly-worshipped Oscars.


Oscars:  Ron Howard's Beautifully Trite Mind, Chicago, Nicole Noseman, Gwyneth Nepotism Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Kim Bessinger, Roberto Begnini, etc, etc, etc. 


2004 GGs:  Angels In America, Lost in Translation,  Jeoffrey Wright,  Tim Robbins, Charlise Theron, Sean Penn, Rickey Gervais (the office dude).....all solid choices. 


The only beef I had with GG is giving it to Pacino over Tom Wilkinson who had to carry the Natural on his shoulders.  Pacino wasn't even the best one in his movie-- Justin Kirk was.

We'll have to see how the '04 Oscars matches up with the '04 Globes


The one thing that bothered me about the Oscars a couple of years ago was that hey snubbed Jim Carrey TWICE. He didn't even get NOMINATED for the 2 Golden Globes he WON. That was such Bulls***. Just cause he's a comedy actor, that's why I'm afraid that Bill Murray will get screwed.

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We'll have to see how the '04 Oscars matches up with the '04 Globes


The one thing that bothered me about the Oscars a couple of years ago was that hey snubbed Jim Carrey TWICE. He didn't even get NOMINATED for the 2 Golden Globes he WON. That was such Bulls***. Just cause he's a comedy actor, that's why I'm afraid that Bill Murray will get screwed.

Oscars routinely produce as many mind-boggling snubs as Golden Globe do, but at least GG are refreshingly UPFRONT about their glamour party/popularity contest nature.....whereas Oscars are pretentious and delusional to what they are REALLY all about.


And I don't doubt for a MOMENT that Bill Murray is gonna get shafted in March. If he had Jim Carrey's 1990's international/maintream appeal, then his excellent portrayal in LIT would have a solid chance at the statuette. BUT since we know Murray is washed-up in terms of age and box office draw, the powers that be threw him a bone in a form of a GG so they can give the much more prestigious Oscar to their younger, more promising player. The only prayer BM has winning the Oscar is by grabbing unto the sympathy/lifetime achievement angle-- they give a lot of those in the Supporting Acting Categories-- but when it comes to Best Actor, it's Russel Crowe/Tom Hanks/Jack Nicholson time! Sorry.


Last year I got all but one right in the 7 main Oscar categories, but this year it could go either way. The only shoe-in is Charlise Theron as Best Actress and The Ruturn of the Trilogy, er King as Best Picture.

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The only shoe-in is Charlise Theron as Best Actress and The Ruturn of the Trilogy, er King as Best Picture.

I don't think 'King' is a shoe in at all. The other two didn't win. It's very rare a picture will win best picture when none of the actors are even nominated which has been the case with the previous two sans a supporting actor nod for McKellen which he lost. Another reason I think it won't win is that Hollywood really looks down on you when you shoot over sea's. You're taking away work from people in the U.S. and they don't like it when you do that.


Also, and this is a quote from someone else: "You're not gonna win Best Picture if your movie has action figures"

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I don't think 'King' is a shoe in at all. The other two didn't win. It's very rare a picture will win best picture when none of the actors are even nominated which has been the case with the previous two sans a supporting actor nod for McKellen which he lost. Another reason I think it won't win is that Hollywood really looks down on you when you shoot over sea's. You're taking away work from people in the U.S. and they don't like it when you do that.


Also, and this is a quote from someone else: "You're not gonna win Best Picture if your movie has action figures"

LORT is gonna win, trust me on this one. Just trust me.


It's a Star Wars-esque money-maker that future generations will be be watching in awe. Money makes the world go 'round, rememeber? This is OSCARS afterall....not some snobby untelevised NY Critics' Circlejerk Award.


It's also a critical/undustry dahrling-- which you couldn't say for Titanic or Armaggedon or Jurassic Park or some other mindless FX fare that people have in mind when they talk about Academy not recognizing the genre's credibility---which further boosts its chances....Hell, even it's director is well respected if only because he accomplished a technical feat that NOONE thought was possible under the current studio system.


As far as performances.....Cate Blanchett is one of the best actresses of her generation.....Serena (Gay Sir Ian McKellen) is an AWESOME actor.....Cristopher Lee who uncannily played Saruman will be a textbook on how to play fantasy villains....Viggo Mortensen makes the ladies go wild lol.....and of course Elaja Wood and that Aerosmith chick have the teen demographic covered. So if you're worried about the trilogy's chances being hurt because of lack of good acting and/or internationally marketable stars, you needn't be-- it's represented on both fronts pretty well. And them not getting acting hype/awards before will actually ADD the voters' sympathy element-- everyone loves the underdog.


Finally, the fact that it didn't win in Best Picture the first two time outs is PRECISELY why it's gonna win this time--- as a Trilogy Achivement.

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Finally, the fact that it didn't win in Best Picture the first two time outs is PRECISELY why it's gonna win this time--- as a Trilogy Achivement.

That's a stupid reason to give an award to a movie. If the first two can't beat A Beautiful Mind and Chicago, I don't know how the third one can beat a Cold Mountain, Mystic River, Master and Commander etc.


I wouldn't be surprised if they gave them all the Visual, Cinematography and Director Awards and not give them Best Picture.


But MY opinion is that it shouldn't win Best Picture, mainly because I've only seen one of the nominated movies (Lost In Translation) and I want that to win :D


The GG's did do good on the TV awards though. Bout time 24 got some recognition. The damn Emmy's nominated the same stuff for Best Comedy and Drama 2 years in a row, and the god damned West Wing won for Best Drama for like the fifth time, when even the Creator/Writer Aaron Sorkin left the show because he thought it sucked. As far as Comedy goes, I do like 'Raymond' I don't watch it that much, but with the amount of pure hilarious moments on Curb Your Enthusiasm's 3rd Season, it should not have one. And Will & Grace, Sex and the City, and Friends shouldn't even be nominated at this point. Thankfully Friends Sex and possible Raymond are all gone after this season so they can get some real deserving (Scrubs anyone?) nominee's in there. It will take 2 years though since the last seasons of all of the shows will be eligable for nominations for the '04 Emmy's. I want to see shows like Scrubs and Arrested Developement getting the recognition they deserve.

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That's a stupid reason to give an award to a movie.


Wow....of all the snubs and injustices and stupidities that Academy Awards has perpetrated on the gullible public in the last 75 years......you're indignant about a towering achievement such as LOTR rightfully getting recognition?! Common....Where were you when wooden Julia Roberts won over Ellen Burstyn? :bang


And why are you so perplexed by the peculiar way the award mechanism works? Don't tell me you aren't familiar with the Process, whereby different studios campaign and make under the table deals with each other and the Academy for who should get what and when and why; when noms cancel each other out and are traded off; when actors get awards as consolation for past snubs (ie Lifetime Achivement award, see: Pacino and Denzel); and finally when hugely profitable and technically ground-breaking Trilogies get recognized as ONE.....


Lost in Translation is quirky and poignant and all, but common, this indie flick has no chance of winning as Bill Murray getting an unlikely nom will be in itself a.......Cold Mountain would have TOTALLY sucked if not for Jude Law's charisma. It's remarkably soul-less and cliched-- wanted to fuse the best of English Patient and Gone with the Wind and ended up as forgettable dreck..... Mystic River should net acting noms for a couple of vociferous left-leaners in Penn and Robbins, with Penn winning Best Actor, and that as far as Academy is concerned is more than enough. Perhaps old Clint Eastwood will be thrown a bone in a Non-Best Picture category, but then again Martin Scorsese is still waiting for his big moment, lol.......Master and Commander has TWO very marketable stars in Russel Crowe and up-and-commer Brit Paul Bettany (his wife Jen Connely is gorgeous and an Oscar winner herself; might be nominated this year again, too) who will get acting noms in Best and Supporting, plus it should get special effects props-- no way, no how it wins Best Picture in any other year let alone The Year of the Rings.


As I see it, since there is no Godfather or even Schindler's List competing against it , Rings Trilogy which was shot as ONE film btw, should justly win it all. Simple as that. It's 3 times the movie Titanic ever was and it won....


And sitcom Emmy? I remember the late 90s when it was between two hilarious masters of scenery chewing, John Lithgow and Kelsey Grammer....Who do we have now? Talentless Matt LeBlanc and a one-note Annoyer Extraordinaire Ray Romano? Kill. me. now.


If you're Kiefer Sutherland fan (I prefer his old man myself), I suggest picking up Freeway? It's very dark though, but funny too. Very good. Amanda Plummer and very young Reese Witherspoon's in excellent performance in it too.

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