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I am sorry, should I have told you what you wanted to hear and agree with you even though I don't? 


If you're looking for total ideological/spiritual homogenuity, perhaps melgibsonisgod.com would be more suiting to your sensibilities. 


BTW,  I was raised by a couple of SUPER-AWESOME grandmothers who in their youth gave up SO MUCH (trust me) to bring up my parents and then their grandkids, and NEVER showed anything remotely resembling regret, at least not that I've seen. So I would NEVER suggest that woman-at-home thing is wrong or ineffective.... IF and only if it's a direct result of a CHOICE made with clean a conscience.

dude, I suppose it was bound to happen....clash of the titans, or what have you. I'm just not sure I know what we're even arguing about at this point. choice is good. um, live how you want to live. and...movies, literature, art, fiction/non-fiction, is just fantasy land? I shouldn't aspire to be superman, sure I understand, I'll never fly. I shouldn't aspire to be a man of honor, courage, truth and strength, like in some of the characters, because? I mean, I'm not saying I'm going to jump on the next horse or ship that comes my way to prove my manhood. but how is idealism and the search for perfection a bad thing? wtf, we spend all this time on a chatboard, how real is that? I just dont get it, brando. I certainly never said I wanted any of y'all to believe what I believe. I just get tired of always hearing people dog on the modern-traditionalists for doing things how they have been done in the past. I'm HARDLY a fundementalist and your rhetoric is boring. I believe both a traditional approach to a family and a (post)modern perspective on the world can exist together. I don't know what you're getting at. skip the sarcasm and the name calling and get to the point.


:huh: sooooo...k, bye?

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dude, I suppose it was bound to happen....clash of the titans, or what have you




choice is good. um, live how you want to live


Now you're catching up. Things in general aren't nearly as bad these days, are they now?


I shouldn't aspire to be a man of honor, courage, truth and strength, like in some of the characters, because?


[channeling my inner Steff]: Where did I say you shouldn't aspire to be a man of honor, courage, truth and conviction....liar?


but how is idealism and the search for perfection a bad thing?


My middle name IS idealism.....and that includes feminist ideals. I am scandalous like that.


wtf, we spend all this time on a chatboard, how real is that?


Very real. Unless you happen to think the keyboard is an intelligent being, with feelings and personality.


. I certainly never said I wanted any of y'all to believe what I believe


That's good because if you did, people wouldn't like it.


I just get tired of always hearing people dog on the modern-traditionalists


You should have clarified that you espoused "modern family values" then. Didn't sound like it at first. But I see that later in your posts you put qualifiers and dislaimers. Good.


for doing things how they have been done in the past.


My second middle name is "the past".....but when one inspect the "history/tradition" through self-servingly rosey prism, he/she shouldn't be surprised when someone else tries to set the record straight.


I'm HARDLY a fundementalist


No s***....and that is why I like you. I don't think I could respect a Bible-thumping, Heaven ticket-obcessing freak.


and your rhetoric is boring


Damn, I knew I should have worked the scowling-Kevin-Costner-reading-off-a-cue-card-and-praying-the-native-extras-don't-eat-him into my narrative to spice things up. Sorry.



Here's to hot feminists and traditionalists and dadaists everywhere :cheers :snr

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that's all I wanted Brando... just alittle TLC and disecting my posts :)


thanks for the in depth response.



btw, you said in a PM once you were surprised that you and I hadn't gone at it in a thread before...I was just simply stating that now we seem to be doing so.

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that's all I wanted Brando... just alittle TLC and disecting my posts :)


thanks for the in depth response.



btw, you said in a PM once you were surprised that you and I hadn't gone at it in a thread before...I was just simply stating that now we seem to be doing so.

Nah PA, it's hard to fight with someone who you know is alright and fundamentally respect.


What we have here is a harmless difference of opinion expressed perhaps in a



Hardly the People vs. Evil Trio stuff. :bang



PS Penn and Duvall OWN. Crowe I could take or leave, but his talent is undeniable.

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I have no idea what the "coded-one", mr *****, said in his post, so I'll just skip him, except for in no way, shape or form was I suggesting that you believed the bible was fiction, more of that you're a Marcus Borg Christian. You believe less in the literal historical and more in the metaphorical translation of the bible. Rather than it reading like a history book, it's like Aesop's fables. (sp?)

That Aesop's Fable line is incredibly in your face insulting, or a sign of real intellectual challanged person on your part, or a way to push for a fight, or stupidity, or a refusal to recognise that there are any realities other than your own.


You who cry for respect for your "culture" and your beliefs, and yet you say something so utterly wrong, so utterly insulting, to say something so insulting and totally, totally wrong - I expanded at a little bit of length on things - agree or disagree, to resort to the perjorative for that which you fail to understand because you can't or you refuse to, or you just like to challange others because you think you alone are right or want to brawl or whatever is it work, it is all right there.


You want to be a student, I suggest that your efforts should be on trying to understand and comprehend everything that you don't know and every belief system different from your own becaause respect for others and comprehension of what tohers are saying is the beginning of what you seem to want to go to school for. I gave enough context that your line about Aesop's Fables is as incredibly insulting as could be. You have no idea what you are talking about.

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oh you gone and done it now PA, you best dig in. :headshake

spiff, he has no need to dig in


the conversation would go no place - what I have said about Scriptures stands in its fullness and complexity and this is not the place to continue on parsing this word or that word on that subject - what is written is written and stands and taht it that. No more on that topic for we have placed the point of time and place and having meaning.


When I saw you post, I was looking forward to your views on God. I would them interesting I think, for your perspective would undoubtedly be something I have not heard before and I could file that away as a legitimate variation on the God question. Espeically if you disbelive. I find the think of those who doubt or reject to be interesting, educational, and stimulating.


Go for it Spiff!

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spiff, he has no need to dig in


the conversation would go no place - what I have said about Scriptures stands in its fullness and complexity and this is not the place to continue on parsing this word or that word on that subject - what is written is written and stands and taht it that.  No more on that topic for we have placed the point of time and place and having meaning.


When I saw you post, I was looking forward to your views on God.  I would them interesting I think, for your perspective would undoubtedly be something I have not heard before and I could file that away as a legitimate variation on the God question.  Espeically if you disbelive.  I find the think of those who doubt or reject to be interesting, educational, and stimulating.


Go for it Spiff!

Aww s*** another entire thread I now have to read just to find out what's going on.

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***** doesn't like me because 3 weeks ago I challenged his stance on forcing every 18-22 year old male into a draft situation simply for the sake of learning us good on the ideals, freedoms and gifts that it is to live in the US. He also wishes that I never use his name in a post, hence the *****. I think he got either jason or heads to edit my text...cos even when I try to right his name it just comes up *****..........


and as for spiff...that made me laugh a little...either if you meant it as a rip or as a joke or whatever, I just laughed cos of the subtle truth. quality, and I thank you.


and *****, if you're looking to be offended at everything I write, you're gonna get offended. I was simply saying that I feel as though your views on the bible, while maintaining it's centrality and Devine inspiration, views some of the "stories" as more truth-based, metaphorical and lesson-like, more than a traditional historical literalist.


If I'm wrong than say something along the lines "actually PA, you're mistaken, I do take a more traditional viewpoint of the bible. I believe that while somethings, such as creation, might be metaphorical, each day is a 1000 years to our Lord; almost everything else I believe is the way it happened and divinely inspired and protected. I don't think you believe that, which is why I was giving you my impression of what you believe. why does everyone have to be such asses about EVERYTHING. I try to limit my assholeness to unimportant things...like texsox's drinking problems


finally...........Aesops fables insulting? good stories that have quality moralistic lessons. forgive me for equating Jesus' parables to that...but, hello?

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I may have taken an oversimplified view (and please set me straight if I have it wrong), but from what CW took the time to share with us, it seems to me that he is merely pointing out that there is a vast difference between historical accuracy/historicity and the resonant truth that the Scriptures offer up when he reads them. The bible is not a history book, and no true academic biblical scholar (not bible-thumper) will suggest that it is. Yet, for those of faith, the words contained in the scriptures can and should resonate with the certainty and truth of God, Jesus, and the Spirit.


I'm not of the faith, but I can still see that the mere fact that the "facts" of the bible are, well, non-factual(!) doesn't diminish in any way the vastly more important Scriptural truths for members of the Church.


Even as an outsider looking in, I can see that the central Christian belief - that God so loved the world that he gave us his Son, and the Son so loved the world that he gave us His life, and in doing so made a promise to always be with us even unto eternal life if we only accept Him and strive to be like Him - is not compromised by the lack of verifiable historicity in the bible. God's Truth is more important that the bible's "facts."

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