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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Ruuto is the guy we drafted last year and has held out so far and won't play till next year at the earliest, right?


My question is if Ruuto is so great why didn't the Hawks just give him the money.


b/c they are idiots and something to do with the union talk that is going to happen next summer. writz is one of the hardest liner that will meet. i think nhl wants a league salary cap for incoming draftees.


and yes he is the first rounder we pick. he is the real deal, and knew he was going to be a hard sign.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Ya, thats right. NHL has some big changes that need to be made cause their salary structure is more ridiculous then baseballs.


As you can tell, I'm not a Hockey Expert.  I know 3 sports well, and then when it comes to Hockey I know it not so well.


that is kool, you will learn. its the fastest or the second fastest sports around,

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I thought hockey had a rookie max, and if they wouldn't sign him to that, that's brutal. Dipietro I think is slow and bad. He was touted in U.S. college and made waves getting picked high, but he was really poor his first two years in pro hockey, I don't think he is quick enough. Another thing to bear in mind is that unlike football where almost every team gets their #1 pick in the line up, hockey is more like baseball lots of round, lots of minor teams and lots of underacheivers. Ruutu isn't a sure fire guy, in several years in Finnish leagues he didn't do too much (though he's only 19) it's hit and miss.

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DiPietro has a lot of talent, but just remembering his stint with the Wolves, he's going to have to stop wandering from the net, and control his emotions a little better. He kind of psyched himself out sometimes, too high-strung.


I'm hoping this Leighton kid develops imto something, because the Hawks RARELY go outside the Organ-I-zation for starting goaltending, and when they do they end up with Thibault. I like Thibault, but I just don't see a team winning the Stanley Cup with him.

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