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Cleveland Indians and Gay Porn


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They still use it in Britain for a smoke. I was so shocked when I would go to the clubs and people would ask me for a one. I would say, Pardon! And then I would say, ohhhhhh, right. A CIGARETTE...Cultural confusion...

My father and his brother still use that term for a cigarette, especially when their sisters come for a visit from Ireland.

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f*g:  adj.  Word used to describe homosexual men.  Often the victims of physical and mental abuse from normal people who dont really care for their disgusting and unnatural lifestyle.


Alternate words include: Fudgepacker, ass-pirate, queer

Ahhh nuke.. you have such a way with words... :lol:

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... drop it.




Eearily similar isn't he

you were responding to the

Hate speech, no. Hate sites, yes. Alright got it.
comment -


when it was first posted, that same person refered to the site as "childish" and who could disagree with that. It only became a "hate site" when it suited his political or personal agenda. Absolutely no justification for calling it that. Had it been a site with pictures of Steve Spurrier or Monica Lewinsky or Ted Kennedy or Dennis Kucinich, he not only would have emailed it to all of his friends, but had it as his screen saver as well.

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f*g:  adj.  Word used to describe homosexual men.  Often the victims of physical and mental abuse from normal people who dont really care for their disgusting and unnatural lifestyle.


Alternate words include: Fudgepacker, ass-pirate, queer

given that I have a son in the Marines, one could list a lot of derogatory and degrading adjectives for those in the military. Or for anyone. Why does one bother to do that?

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Other than 40s Brit slang for a cigarrete, what exactly is the alternate meaning of "f*g" that I am unaware of?  I'm not saying there isn't one, I'm just not hip to the new lingo [but I'm willing to knock you my lobes while you wax true, as we old beatniks used to say].

A f***** is also an Olde English term for a small bundle of wood.


"Master William, get thee to the hearth this instant, and thou bringeth a f***** of wood as well!"

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A f***** is also an Olde English term for a small bundle of wood.


"Master William, get thee to the hearth this instant, and thou bringeth a f***** of wood as well!"

Yes, that is true, but I doubt that is the 'alternate' non-hatful use of the term as alluded to above. Similarly,'f*gged out' is used to mean weary or tired but I doubt that is how it is used today when tossed about as an insult.

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f*g:  adj.  Word used to describe homosexual men.  Often the victims of physical and mental abuse from normal people who dont really care for their disgusting and unnatural lifestyle.


Alternate words include: Fudgepacker, ass-pirate, queer

As a "normal person," I deeply resent the suggestion that gay-bashing is acceptable "normal people" behavior.

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My point was that people call each other f**s all the time when there's no hate behind it. I'll call one of my friends a f*g when I'm just messing around. That doesn't make it hate speech just because I said the word. And obviously, if he can go on denying that the site was hateful when I think it is, I can go maintain that my use of the word doesn't make it hate speech (which it isn't). But when he is talking about outlawing hate on this site, it is only the things that are hateful in his opinion (which, oddly enough, do not include eminem lyrics, those are just misunderstood and repeatedly taken out of context).

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My point was that people call each other f**s all the time when there's no hate behind it.  I'll call one of my friends a f*g when I'm just messing around.  That doesn't make it hate speech just because I said the word.  And obviously, if he can go on denying that the site was hateful when I think it is, I can go maintain that my use of the word doesn't make it hate speech (which it isn't).  But when he is talking about outlawing hate on this site, it is only the things that are hateful in his opinion (which, oddly enough, do not include eminem lyrics, those are just misunderstood and repeatedly taken out of context).

Spiff.. I get what you're saying however the reference to "hate" is specific to what happened in that situation. The word was used in a hateful manner then.. no doubt about it.

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Spiff.. I get what you're saying however the reference to "hate" is specific to what happened in that situation. The word was used in a hateful manner then.. no doubt about it.

I agree, I think there are just fuzzy definitions sometimes on what's what.

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My point was that people call each other f**s all the time when there's no hate behind it.

Explanation has been used for years that white people sure didn't mean hate when they used the word "n*****." If you or anyone have such a strong need to call friends by sexual terms that carry connotations of hate speech, then the issue has nothing to do with soxtalk. Out of original decisions reinforced by experience some things are jsut as they are here and that is just one of them. There are so few things that soxtalk asks of people and yet the same tired old issue gets repeated again and again. Must be another agenda at work. Respect for others - is it so difficult to live with. There are so many words out there that can be used to insult others - why the constant refrain to use a few particular words that experience has verified we are best not to have here?

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Respect for others - is it so difficult to live with.

Obviously it is. If I say that site is offensive, you say, "Oh be quiet, it's not offensive." You expect a level of respect that you are not willing to give. It is hilarious to me how you can not see the irony that on one hand you are railing against "hate speech" with an eminem avatar, and on the other hand telling people to grow thicker skin. You get so twisted up in your own double talk so often, and continually get called on it, but somehow ignore it. I dunno, that's some kind of gift.


When you start talking about how "hate speech" will not be accepted you are basically warning people that if it's offensive you better not post it. Or if you don't believe it is, you better at least understand when others think it is. Of course, this doesn't apply to you, you have free reign. You, the one who said you were too good for this site, and that it didn't deserve you, are now trying to protect it with bulls*** warnings and hypocrisy so thick that nobody can understand what's what.


I can see that even writing this much means I am too involved, and that continually dealing with a higher-level hypocrite will just serve to piss me off, and that's something I don't need.

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Explanation has been used for years that white people sure didn't mean hate when they used the word "n*****." If you or anyone have such a strong need to call friends by sexual terms that carry connotations of hate speech, then the issue has nothing to do with soxtalk.  Out of original decisions reinforced by experience some things are jsut as they are here and that is just one of them.  There are so few things that soxtalk asks of people and yet the same tired old issue gets repeated again and again.  Must be another agenda at work.  Respect for others - is it so difficult to live with.  There are so many words out there that can be used to insult others - why the constant refrain to use a few particular words that experience has verified we are best not to have here?

interesting *****.....so when I quickly defended you back on black saturday and called me friend for it, you now disavow me...claim to be "the patron saint of soxtalk", equal rights guru, and over all know-it-all in anything and everything...


how does treatment of me qualify as respect? something just doesn't line up somewhere.

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The 'hate' (maybe it is too strong a word) in these cases is not directed at the friend you casually insult, but toward the group from which or for which the derogatory term was coined. Yes, terms like that are used casually, in much the same way you would call someone a douchebag or an a$$hole. But the difference is that there is not a real, thinking and feeling and discriminated against group of Douchebag People or A$$holians, etc., that continue to be derided by the nonchalant tossing about of the words.


Like a lot of you, I grew up on the south side with an extended family that, while very loving and generally decent people, were by and large quick to offer up the latest ethnic jokes or racial epithets at holiday gatherings, family celebrations etc. They were very casual about it and might insist that they meant no harm in it. But it is still damaging because they facilitate passing the prejudices (however large or small) and preconceived/caricaturized notions about various ethnic groups from generation to generation. From the earliest time I could remember, I would quietly grit my teeth through each year's round of ni**er jokes told by cousins, uncles, grandmothers (!), etc. Now that I have my own kids, though, enough is enough, and if family starts to go down that path on our all-too rare visits back home, I get in their face about it.


This stuff is intergenerational, and until vertical transmission of "harmless" bigoted viewpoints is aggressively cut off, the cycle continues. And I don't necessarily think much of what is passed off as "harmless" joking around really is. In my experience growing up, working high school jobs, etc., closet bigots would sort of test the water with a casual joke or two. If I raised some protest, he discovered I wasn't in the club and the conversation would turn elsewhere. But if I'd let remarks or slurs ride (which happened because I was a pretty soft-spoken kid), it was often taken as an implied acceptance of the stereotypes as truth or valid viewpoint, and then some of the less veiled or "less harmless" poison would spew forth until I objected.

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