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Cleveland Indians and Gay Porn


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First of all Jim, I have to say, for not being a "brother" you offer up a lot of quality examples of following the EDIT:faith, whether you know it or not. I would include humility, kindness and love as your greatest strengths. Thanks for being that way.


with the e-hand job out of the way, :lol: sorry, too graphic?


I'm curious about a word like "gay", which obviously has other origins than meaning homosexual. can a word evolve? I mean to me, it means "dumb or lame" and has no connection to homosexual behavior or individuals. I would also only use it , if I do at all, in the presence of friends only. I see you point Jim and I feel that outside of the occassionaly calling my playstation 2, a "gay freakin' game", I follow similar beliefs. I work with HS kids and I definitely have an affect on the amount of swearing they do. As soon as i let one fly, it's like a green light for them. trying to eliminate racials slurs is a noble cause.

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Webster's Definition of the word 'Gay:'


Main Entry: 1gay

Pronunciation: 'gA

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French gai

1 a : happily excited : MERRY b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits

2 a : BRIGHT, LIVELY b : brilliant in color

3 : given to social pleasures; also : LICENTIOUS

4 a : HOMOSEXUAL b : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals

synonym see LIVELY

- gay adverb

- gay·ness noun

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Webster's Definition of the word 'Gay:'


Main Entry: 1gay

Pronunciation: 'gA

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French gai

1 a : happily excited : MERRY b : keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits

2 a : BRIGHT, LIVELY b : brilliant in color

3 : given to social pleasures; also : LICENTIOUS

4 a : HOMOSEXUAL b : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals

synonym see LIVELY

- gay adverb

- gay·ness noun

like I said Fanof14, i'm not a ready user of many or any slurs like that. I just know that's the one that sticks out in my mind. I'm sure that 25 years ago, you wouldn't have seen "#4" definition in Websters, thusly my question of liguistics and semantics. can a word evolve in meaning and usage??

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like I said Fanof14, i'm not a ready user of many or any slurs like that. I just know that's the one that sticks out in my mind. I'm sure that 25 years ago, you wouldn't have seen "#4" definition in Websters, thusly my question of liguistics and semantics. can a word evolve in meaning and usage??

I was just backin' up what you said - it started out as a word meaning happy and a good time and evolved, how is a question I would liked answered as well.

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First of all Jim, I have to say, for not being a "brother" you offer up a lot of quality examples of following the EDIT:faith, whether you know it or not. I would include humility, kindness and love as your greatest strengths. Thanks for being that way.


with the e-hand job out of the way, :lol: sorry, too graphic?


I'm curious about a word like "gay", which obviously has other origins than meaning homosexual. can a word evolve? I mean to me, it means "dumb or lame" and has no connection to homosexual behavior or individuals. I would also only use it , if I do at all, in the presence of friends only. I see you point Jim and I feel that outside of the occassionaly calling my playstation 2, a "gay freakin' game", I follow similar beliefs. I work with HS kids and I definitely have an affect on the amount of swearing they do. As soon as i let one fly, it's like a green light for them. trying to eliminate racials slurs is a noble cause.

Re, the word 'gay': It certainly seems an easy transition (and yes, living languages are evolving all the time) from exuberant and happy to the stereotypical image we have of a gay man. It was probably used as a thinly veiled reference to give a recognizable nod to the "love that dared not speak its name." It ruins references like the "Gay (18)90s" (no 5th grader can keep a straight face I'm sure), and Hanna-Barberra actually changed the last line of the Flinstone's theme song from "We'll have a gay old time" to "We'll have a grea-a-at time" in rerecording the song.


As for not being a "brother" I assume you are referring to my secular grounding as opposed to a spiritual leaning. If that's the case, then yes I am pretty much that way intrinsically and purposefully. The tired argument of the religiosos that you have to believe in a divine higher authority because otherwise you will be a lost, morally barren person stuck in a life of hopelessness is a crock. Really, who better to try to make this world the best place it can be than those of us who are not banking on any next world? Christians who indoctrinate their children to behave as God intended for extrinsic reasons (the divine carrot and stick of salvation/damnation) cheat them out of learning how to find their own internal motivation for being good and loving people – because a life spent otherwise truly would be hopelessness.


I have no fear of 'putting the souls of myself or my children in jeopardy' because if there is a God, I can guarantee you God is NOT the flawed caricature that fundamentalists molded him to be (as Ian Anderson said: "He's not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays", right?). How can someone truly believe that a person who leads a good and loving life at the end is going to be damned because they didn't fawn over God and offer their life and works up to His Glory? Pettiness and the jealousy are human contrivances that only lazy-thinking fundamentalist Christians would ascribe to an omnipotent savior.


If one can be eternally saved, I believe (much as cw has suggested in threads here and elsewhere) it is by grace, through the things you do and the way you treat each other in life, not by drooling and fawning over God and publicly offering it up to Him so your neighbors can hear it every 90 seconds. That is not to say I think there's anyone up there running the show, just that if there is, He/She/It would have better things to do than throw my arse in the fire like a petty child.

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hmmm, I was just saying that I thought despite our religious labels, it's cool that our morals/beliefs are similar. I was also trying to compliment your character...


don't know what the paragraphs were about. you're welcome?

Then I read you right, PA, and I added the other paragraphs by way of explanation that I think morality and spirituality can be separated, and one can be pursued without the other.

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Then I read you right, PA, and I added the other paragraphs by way of explanation that I think morality and spirituality can be separated, and one can be pursued without the other.

ok, ok...I think I've got you now. spirituality removed, you're a model for morality. s'all I was saying.

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like I said Fanof14, i'm not a ready user of many or any slurs like that. I just know that's the one that sticks out in my mind. I'm sure that 25 years ago, you wouldn't have seen "#4" definition in Websters, thusly my question of liguistics and semantics. can a word evolve in meaning and usage??

I believe the word Gay, as in homosexual derives from the french word gaiol(sp?) which I think means queer or odd.




First time gay(in a homosexual way) was used in a movie?


Cary Grant, in Bringing Up Baby.

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Re, the word 'gay': It certainly seems an easy transition (and yes, living languages are evolving all the time) from exuberant and happy to the stereotypical image we have of a gay man.  It was probably used as a thinly veiled reference to give a recognizable nod to the "love that dared not speak its name."  It ruins references like the "Gay (18)90s" (no 5th grader can keep a straight face I'm sure), and Hanna-Barberra actually changed the last line of the Flinstone's theme song from "We'll have a gay old time" to "We'll have a grea-a-at time" in rerecording the song.


As for not being a "brother" I assume you are referring to my secular grounding as opposed to a spiritual leaning.  If that's the case, then yes I am pretty much that way intrinsically and purposefully.  The tired argument of the religiosos that you have to believe in a divine higher authority because otherwise you will be a lost, morally barren person stuck in a life of hopelessness is a crock.  Really, who better to try to make this world the best place it can be than those of us who are not banking on any next world?  Christians who indoctrinate their children to behave as God intended for extrinsic reasons (the divine carrot and stick of salvation/damnation) cheat them out of learning how to find their own internal motivation for being good and loving people – because a life spent otherwise truly would be hopelessness.


I have no fear of 'putting the souls of myself or my children in jeopardy' because if there is a God, I can guarantee you God is NOT the flawed caricature that fundamentalists molded him to be (as Ian Anderson said: "He's not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays", right?).  How can someone truly believe that a person who leads a good and loving life at the end is going to be damned because they didn't fawn over God and offer their life and works up to His Glory? Pettiness and the jealousy are human contrivances that only lazy-thinking fundamentalist Christians would ascribe to an omnipotent savior.


If one can be eternally saved, I believe (much as cw has suggested in threads here and elsewhere) it is by grace, through the things you do and the way you treat each other in life, not by drooling and fawning over God and publicly offering it up to Him so your neighbors can hear it every 90 seconds.  That is not to say I think there's anyone up there running the show, just that if there is, He/She/It would have better things to do than throw my arse in the fire like a petty child.

That is a very clever man (or woman). I can only marvel at those so much more elloquant than myself, yet admirably sany and resonable.

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Obviously it is.  If I say that site is offensive, you say, "Oh be quiet, it's not offensive."  You expect a level of respect that you are not willing to give.  It is hilarious to me how you can not see the irony that on one hand you are railing against "hate speech" with an eminem avatar, and on the other hand telling people to grow thicker skin.  You get so twisted up in your own double talk so often, and continually get called on it, but somehow ignore it.  I dunno, that's some kind of gift.


When you start talking about how "hate speech" will not be accepted you are basically warning people that if it's offensive you better not post it.  Or if you don't believe it is, you better at least understand when others think it is.  Of course, this doesn't apply to you, you have free reign.  You, the one who said you were too good for this site, and that it didn't deserve you, are now trying to protect it with bulls*** warnings and hypocrisy so thick that nobody can understand what's what.


I can see that even writing this much means I am too involved, and that continually dealing with a higher-level hypocrite will just serve to piss me off, and that's something I don't need.

no response???



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