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PETA fucking blows


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PETA is an extreme fringe group and, like any fringe group, tend to have a lot of goddamn wackos involved within it.


I do however don't like the name of the field either. Not that it is named PETCO Field for animal rights purposes, I just don't like large conglomorate corporations owning stadiums that should be named after civil leaders or civic heroes.


I mean like PacBell Park, it should be named after the guy they designated the "Cove" to. But, we need to have our corporate giants owning every sports park.


Lambeau, Comiskey...these are the rare parks that haven't had the naming rights purchased by large corporations. Isn't it time we stood up and said something about it?


And, yes, I do agree with you about PETA being a bunch of nutjobs in this cause against PETCO Field. :ph34r:

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Actually tax payers pay for a lot of the stadium to be built. You actually think it'd be good for Comiskey to be known as Viagra Park?


Fans should not necesarily be happy if their favorite stadium is named after a notoriously evil company (i.e. Monsanto, Nike, etc.) I most definitely wouldn't want Comiskey to be named after anything else but the Comiskeys.


I mean, even the United Center. The Chicago Stadium was great and we got f***ed over with the name change because United Airlines wanted to buy the rights. I'd rather have Chicago stadiums named after civic heroes and the great city rather than stupid bulls*** corporations.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
They're still better then Jesus freaks, though.

ANYTHING is better than Jesus Freaks! :ph34r:

ha ha ha ... the stadium of the later day saints...... wouldnt that kick ass in new orleans...........

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the bombing of globalization companies? Please explain what the ELF is and whatever the bombing of globalization companies means because I sure haven't been reading anyway about any terrorist acts against multi nationals so I am unaware of what you mean here.


As for as Petco, they are assholes. Pure and simple. Not liking PETA does not excuse Petco for being tremendous assholes. It is possible to dislike PETA and hate Petco.


And why shouldn't PETA raise their issues at the Super Bowl? The whole f***ing country does. Is the Super Bowl some sort of holy thing that is worthy only for big corporations to pay $2.1 mil a minute to advertise but a non profit organization can't raise its issues? Give me a break. So far the PETA thing is the only aspect of the Super Bowl that is not about materialism and instant product graitification, and I say that as someonewho si a major football fan who has seen every Super Bowl since the first one and won't be missing tomorrow's game either.


PETA gets some things right and some things wrong. I am not a member nor will ever be. I disagree with them a good deal. But I respect their passion and the issues that they raise even though I disagree with them on strategies and methods in some areas. I prefer their values to a lot of what I see out there in the world today.

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I don't like what the ELF does either. I think they are a little too wacked out with their methods, but they do have a good cause...it's just how they go about it that can be wrong. But we've all learned from our President that constant bombings and murder/death/kill is the way to bring peace, right?

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The ELF is the Earth Liberation Front. Theyr eguarly bomb SUVs, burn down factories with something against the environment, and do other things. PETA gave the ELF money, enough said.

I can't verify that they attack factories although I know a few that should be burned down. :) As for attacking SUVs, you are right, as ELF claims credit for that.




Keeping issues separate: I could not support the violence of ELF as I am against violence. I support their cause in principal but not their tactics. And I would have to evaluate their stands on particulars on an issue by issue basis. Like of a lot of well-intentioned groups I suspect by reading their website that they offer too extreme of an argument on a lot of things by reducing complexities to simplicities without regard for the balance of reality. (However I might occupy a tree sometime to prevent/protest the cutting down of an old growth forest, if they do that sort of thing. Spiking trees, if they are ones who do that, I am against in that it results in injury to workers who should not be the targets.)


As for PETA, with whom I am more familiar, I am more aligned with in spriit but again I am not going to offer a blanket endorsement but someone needs to raise the issue of animal rights. I know I disagree with them on some things. I think they forget the balance of life on some things.


If Petco gave ELF money, I am not too concerned. I am much more worried by such things as the big money given by the multinationals and corporations (such as ENRON and the pharmaceutical industry) to those who make public policy. Given the sums of money donated in soft money in the last campaign cycle and the issue of prescriptions prices, so-called tort reform, and, to say the least, war, whatever sums PETA is giving away is negligible in impact.


As for Petco, they are assholes.

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PETA is an extreme fringe group and, like any fringe group, tend to have a lot of goddamn wackos involved within it.


I do however don't like the name of the field either.  Not that it is named PETCO Field for animal rights purposes, I just don't like large conglomorate corporations owning stadiums that should be named after civil leaders or civic heroes.


I mean like PacBell Park, it should be named after the guy they designated the "Cove" to.  But, we need to have our corporate giants owning every sports park.


Lambeau, Comiskey...these are the rare parks that haven't had the naming rights purchased by large corporations.  Isn't it time we stood up and said something about it?


And, yes, I do agree with you about PETA being a bunch of nutjobs in this cause against PETCO Field.  :ph34r:



Well it's a good thing that you're not a typical complaining Liberal, isn't it! I think you're the guy that made that stereotype a cliche. Have you ever considered the fact that it takes many millions of dollars to pay for these new parks and sponsors are one of the major reasons these parks are able to exist!? Instead of always complaining in a typical Liberal fashion, offer solutions not just complaints. :nono

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I can't verify that they attack factories although I know a few that should be burned down. :) As for attacking SUVs, you are right, as ELF claims credit for that.




Keeping issues separate: I could not support the violence of ELF as I am against violence.  I support their cause in principal but not their tactics.  And I would have to evaluate their stands on particulars on an issue by issue basis.  Like of a lot of well-intentioned groups I suspect by reading their website that they offer too extreme of an argument on a lot of things by reducing complexities to simplicities without regard for the balance of reality.  (However I might occupy a tree sometime to prevent/protest the cutting down of an old growth forest, if they do that sort of thing.  Spiking trees, if they are ones who do that, I am against in that it results in injury to workers who should not be the targets.)


As for PETA, with whom I am more familiar, I am more aligned with in spriit but again I am not going to offer a blanket endorsement but someone needs to raise the issue of animal rights.  I know I disagree with them on some things.  I think they forget the balance of life on some things.


If Petco gave ELF money, I am not too concerned.  I am much more worried by such things as the big money given by the multinationals and corporations (such as ENRON and the pharmaceutical industry) to those who make public policy.  Given the sums of money donated in soft money in the last campaign cycle and the issue of prescriptions prices, so-called tort reform, and, to say the least, war, whatever sums PETA is giving away is negligible in impact.   


As for Petco, they are assholes.

Right on, man. Earth First is a big protest group with Darryl Cherney ( www.darrylcherney.com) and the late Judi Bari who were the leaders of the environmentalist movement where they'd chain themselves to trees, etc. to stop the bulldozing of old forests, etc.


The ELF is a radical extension of what should be common knowledge. People should not drive huge, lanky, gas guzzling sack of s*** SUV's and then wonder why the environment is so entirely s***ty when we even have a President who doesn't believe that global warming is a problem.


:fyou large corporations that create SUV's

:fyou George W. Bush

:fyou Dick Cheney

:fyou Donald Rumsfeld




And the picture is a little food for thought.


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Well it's a good thing that you're not a typical complaining Liberal, isn't it! I think you're the guy that made that stereotype a cliche. Have you ever considered the fact that it takes many millions of dollars to pay for these new parks and sponsors are one of the major reasons these parks are able to exist!? Instead of always complaining in a typical Liberal fashion, offer solutions not just complaints. :nono

First f***ing post and you are calling others out?


What does WIU stand for, Way Ignorant University?


I don't normally call out other posters, and try to present my thoughts without attacking others - for you to make your first post attacking someone is the mark of real asshole.


A real asshole.


So f*** you.


(And by the way, I for one am damn proud to be a liberal. All of what we consider great about this country comes from liberal democratic (small d) thinking and compassion for others. ANd when you want to scream anbd whine and reply as to how can I be a liberal and call you an asshole? Because you have introduced yourself as one.)

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Sideshow, great post back to you. Normally I am a bit more diplomatic but given the provacation you had. go for it.


Who cares about corporate evil as long as it gets naming rights for stadiums for sports and games, right! :D


I want you to know this: my son is a Marine and will be in the first wave of any ground action that comes. Every week when my Sox-loving and I go out, I think about will happen if anything happens to that child's father, how it will affect us all.


And I think about all the children and families in Iraq who are thinking the same things.


Which is why I have the peace flag in my window attached to my son's Marine banner, and why I have the "Fight Iraq? No" bumper sticker on the jeep.


And thus I love your poster. I for one am not willing that any child, or any child's family, be killed in a fight of macho men over oil.


(I prefer my competitions to be on playing fields, not where people's lives will be discarded as casually as confetti.)

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Well it's a good thing that you're not a typical complaining Liberal, isn't it! I think you're the guy that made that stereotype a cliche. Have you ever considered the fact that it takes many millions of dollars to pay for these new parks and sponsors are one of the major reasons these parks are able to exist!? Instead of always complaining in a typical Liberal fashion, offer solutions not just complaints. :nono

First f***ing post and you are calling others out?


What does WIU stand for, Way Ignorant University?


I don't normally call out other posters, and try to present my thoughts without attacking others - for you to make your first post attacking someone is the mark of real asshole.


A real asshole.


So f*** you.


(And by the way, I for one am damn proud to be a liberal. All of what we consider great about this country comes from liberal democratic (small d) thinking and compassion for others. ANd when you want to scream anbd whine and reply as to how can I be a liberal and call you an asshole? Because you have introduced yourself as one.)


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Well it's a good thing that you're not a typical complaining Liberal, isn't it! I think you're the guy that made that stereotype a cliche. Have you ever considered the fact that it takes many millions of dollars to pay for these new parks and sponsors are one of the major reasons these parks are able to exist!? Instead of always complaining in a typical Liberal fashion, offer solutions not just complaints. :nono

Ah, OK everyone. Get ready to take a bold step backwards into the future. Come one, come all on a vast trip through history!


In the late 1800s and early 1900s, which group fought for & achieved a 5 day work week, greatly improved labor conditions for workers and helped to officially end child labor?


::If you said Eugene V. Debs, Socialists, the World Workers Organization, the AFL-CIO, and other liberal organizations, you would be correct::


In the post WW II period, what group came out to fight against the growing arms race caused after the U.S. created the atomic bomb?


::If you said liberal peace movements, you would be correct.::


In the 1960s, what group actively fought for civil rights for African Americans?


::If you said groups like SNCC and other liberal pro-integration movements you would be correct. However, if you said people like Republican George Wallace or Republican Strom Thurmond, you would be incorrect...because "segregation now. segregation forever" isn't really a rallying cry for integration, now is it?::


In the 1980s, which President gave money to the Contras who were killing their own people and giving the CIA cocaine in exchange for guns so the CIA could sell it to finance the war?


::If you said Ronald Reagan, you would be correct::


In 1991, which President waged an oil war on Iraq despite our own U.S. Ambassador to the region, April Glaspie telling Saddam's army that "The U.S. has no interest in your border dispute with Kuwait." Also, why did Iraq invade Kuwait?


::If you said George Bush, Sr. and that the Kuwaitis slant drilled into Iraqi oil supplies, you would be correct::


In the 1980s, which corporations sold Saddam and Co. weapons of mass destruction, technological/mechanical aid and biological weapons in his war against Iran and in the 1990s during the first Gulf War?


::if you said Alcolac International, Nu Kraft Mercantile Corp. of Brooklyn (affiliated with the United Steel and Strip Corporation), Celery Corp. Matrix-Churchill Corp., Cleveland, OH, Mouse Master, Sullaire Corp., Pure Aire,

Posi Seal, Inc. Union Carbide, Evapco, Gorman-Rupp, Fisher Controls International, Inc., Rhone-Poulenc, Inc., Bechtel Group, Inc., Lummus Crest, Inc., Kennametal, Hewlett Packard, International Computer Systems, Perkins-Elmer, BDM Corp, Leybold Vacuum Systems, Spectra Physics, Unisys Corp., Finnigan MAT, Scientific Atlanta, Spectral Data Corp., Tektronix, Veeco Instruments, Inc., and Wiltron Company, you would be correct::


In 2000, who won the election due to Catherine Harris using Database Inc. to disallow over 20,000 African Americans from voting because she used their network to deem them "felons" despite their never committing a criminal felony?


::If you said Al Gore, you would be correct::


Now, onto your question about baseball stadiums. The Staples Center was recently built and over half the money that went into building the stadium was tax payer cash. That happens everywhere with nearly every stadium, the owner will ask for tax payer subsidies. So, don't give me any bulls*** lie about the corporation needing to buy the rights to the stadium for building purposes because the taxpayers flip nearly the entire bill.


And this is your first goddamn post, who in the rotten motherf*** are you to call anybody out? So, do me one favor and pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts. I know you probably relish in the Rush Limbaugh mentality (although you do know that he has stated on air and in his monthly reports that "styrofoam is biodegradible" and that "cigarettes don't cause cancer" ;) ), but do me one favor and actually look at the data and the facts for once. Maybe then you won't spit in the liberals face when you know we're right.


K thx. K thx in-f***ing-deed.

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