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PETA fucking blows


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I love my SUV, so f*** the ELF. If I had the money I would by another one too. In the summer time one of my favorite activities is to run my gas mower and spray aerosol products outside while burning styrofoam on my charcoal grill.

I love my SUV. I love my 60 inch TV. I love every modern convienence and gadget I own. I eat meat because animals are tasty. I don't wear fur though, because I am not a pimp. I'm still in the pimp apprentice program, so maybe one day I will have to wear fur, but I'm really trying to get around it because Chinchilla and Rabbit make me look fat.

I will continue to live how I want and have a damn good f***ing time doing so. i have worked hard and nothing was given to me. Someday I will be dead and none of this s*** will matter anyway. Mabye I will get hit by a truck or train in my SUV and die screaming while tasting my own blood. So be it. Or maybe I will choke on a huge chunk of T-bone steak and collapse face first into my last meal. So be it. Or, maybe I will have a massive grabber while banging the living s*** out of some 25 year old co-ed when I'm 80. If that one happens, look for the end of the world to follow because I think that may be one of the signs of the apocolypse.

Or, maybe I will be like 80% of the other average Joe Americans that have come before and after me and spend my life working 40 hours a week to support a family while living in a decent home and trying to enjoy life however and wherever I can, until one day I'm dead and the rest of the world moves on. f*** it, I don't care. Maybe tonight I will get drunk, have a nice cigar, eat a big steak and beat off to some of the free porn I'm stealing off the sattelite dish. Life is good.

Thank you for the sarcasm, Zach. But even conservative pundit, Bill O'Reilly said that SUV's need to be better made and more regulated to get more gas mileage and be built more safely (did you see that part too, Baggio?...cuz for like one of the rare times, I actually agreed with him, haha)

No sarcasm, I love my SUV. I have a 2000 Olds Bravada with lots of goodies and I love it.

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Zach --


can I put a "Save the whales" bumper sticker on your SUV?  :D

No. The only time I would save some whale is for leftovers.

The dinosaurs went extinct and we got by without them, who needs a bunch of blubbery fish? If the whale wants to survive then let it adapt and toughen up like the roach or the aligator. f*** whales, they are the big fat sissies of the sea. They deserve to be pushed around.

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Why do I feel like singing, "Bless the beats and the children..." :D


I'll see you Friday night, right?

Yep, I will be there. Either coming in my SUV or huge's big giant Ram pickup. Want to meet for a whale sandwich?

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Why do I feel like singing, "Bless the beats and the children..."   :D


I'll see you Friday night, right?

Yep, I will be there. Either coming in my SUV or huge's big giant Ram pickup. Want to meet for a whale sandwich?

I don't care what you drive down in -


and I thought you only ate those deep fried fat things covered with powdered suger that they sell at Comiskey! :)

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Why do I feel like singing, "Bless the beats and the children..."   :D


I'll see you Friday night, right?

Yep, I will be there. Either coming in my SUV or huge's big giant Ram pickup. Want to meet for a whale sandwich?

I don't care what you drive down in -


and I thought you only ate those deep fried fat things covered with podwer suger that they sell at Comiskey! :)

They sell whales covered in sugar at Comiskey?

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I love my SUV, so f*** the ELF. If I had the money I would by another one too. In the summer time one of my favorite activities is to run my gas mower and spray aerosol products outside while burning styrofoam on my charcoal grill.

I love my SUV. I love my 60 inch TV. I love every modern convienence and gadget I own. I eat meat because animals are tasty. I don't wear fur though, because I am not a pimp. I'm still in the pimp apprentice program, so maybe one day I will have to wear fur, but I'm really trying to get around it because Chinchilla and Rabbit make me look fat.

I will continue to live how I want and have a damn good f***ing time doing so. i have worked hard and nothing was given to me. Someday I will be dead and none of this s*** will matter anyway. Mabye I will get hit by a truck or train in my SUV and die screaming while tasting my own blood. So be it. Or maybe I will choke on a huge chunk of T-bone steak and collapse face first into my last meal. So be it. Or, maybe I will have a massive grabber while banging the living s*** out of some 25 year old co-ed when I'm 80. If that one happens, look for the end of the world to follow because I think that may be one of the signs of the apocolypse.

Or, maybe I will be like 80% of the other average Joe Americans that have come before and after me and spend my life working 40 hours a week to support a family while living in a decent home and trying to enjoy life however and wherever I can, until one day I'm dead and the rest of the world moves on. f*** it, I don't care. Maybe tonight I will get drunk, have a nice cigar, eat a big steak and beat off to some of the free porn I'm stealing off the sattelite dish. Life is good.

or maybe you will die the way that one guy from peta...getting attacked by 100 minks while trying to set them free from a mink farm :)


whoever talked about orielly with the SUV's...whether or not we have SUV's is pretty far down on my lists of priorities...my belief on mother earth is that we as humans really are full of ourselves if we think we are gonna destroy this planet...regaurdless of what happens..in a million years after the last human has left there will be nothing to show we were even here...except maybe a few pieces of plastic (and yes i stole that last line from carlin:))

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